our dealer[we've dealt with two guys, the "internet team"] both seem like pretty stand-up dudes. the dealership is the highest in customer satisfaction [in western pa, or maybe all of pa, i forget] so it's pretty chill. of course, some distress: my mother [who teaches part-time at two community colleges] may have lost a class for this semester... which would mean that she couldn't get the prius! D: so now instead of fingers crossed for the car, everyone keep your fingers crossed for my mom to get another class!
please consider it read ... now ... and i'm truly sorry that you traveled such a long way only to have a visit that was such a disappointing one. still, there's nothing in that post to suggest that you spoke / visited specifically with Max Hopper. you MIGHT re-consider, give Andy Mohr a call and ask for him by name. so, just in case you change your mind, here's some additional info: Max Hopper Internet Sales Manager Andy Mohr Toyota/Scion 317.713.8181 OFFICE 317.529.0130 INTERNET CELL <[email protected]> ( for the "moderators": i'm still fairly new here, so IF posting the specific information above is "taboo" please excuse-n-forgive and delete if deemed necessary .... )
as i'm in Indiana, i'm afraid i have no specific suggestions that might benefit you ... but is there anyone visiting this thread in the Fairfield County / Connecticut area with dealership / sales reps suggestions for dlaing??? as far as going "back to the bottom of any list" is concerned ... we were driving a Prius less than four weeks after we went to a second dealership so, much like "truth" ... hope is out there ........ best of luck to you ... and have a safe trip to Ohio ....
Per phone call this morning, my Red package #3 will be in the dealer lot between Aug 28th and Sept 9th. Getting closer . . . .
Let's see... your August 8th "OMG" post said one month with a partial VIN (some concern at the time) BUT now....one month was about right Got to be a 1/2 full person...
I was on two waiting list for just over two months after I'd been told it could take four months. Call around and get yourself on multiple lists. They'll give you your deposits back. It's not like they'll ever get stuck with a Prius if you say "I want off the waitin list". Don't pay more than MSRP, either! There are dealerships out there that are selling them at MSRP...those are the ones I put a deposit down with. I probably called oe emailed every dealership in SC, NC, and Georgia. Of course, they will probably get you on the USELESS ToyoGuard and the mats that are marked up about 100% of their true value...but at that point, you're so happy to have your prius...what can you do, knowing the next buyer is just a phone call away! Good Luck!:yo:
Glad for those of you who got your Prii, sad for us that we couldn't. Just shy of three months we had one too many attempts (doubtless well-meaning and purely altruistic) by Toyota of Stamford to offer us a Camry, Corolla or Matrix since they couldn't tell when our car would get here, and they knew we needed a car now. We gave up on Toyota. WIth one car in death throes, we scoured local dealers for other high mileage cars we could fit 5 and a dog into plus kiddie crud, etc. ALmost by accident, saw a Volkswagen TDI Diesel Jetta sedan at Riverbank Volkswagen dealer. A demo. Tried it. 32 mpg city, 41 highway. Huge trunk, sunroof, satellite radio, etc. What a concept: See cool car the entire family loves. Negotiate with friendly dealer. Drive away with car with some cool options thrown in. No fuss, no muss. They told us we are the first TDI sale in CT. Who knows? I guess the next car might be a Prius, but only if we can walk in, pick color and options, and walk out in two hours.
Dlaing, PM me. I'm not too far from you. I couldn't put myself on a waiting list & refused to pay $3,000 over MSRP at local dealers. I think I spoke with one of the dealers you went to - the one who adds window etching, moldings, etc., to raise the price Hate to post this, especially with all those waiting for months, but my waiting time - 1 week! (I did start visiting dealers in June, but when they told me they wanted $3000 over MSRP, I decided to wait & read all the great posts here on Prius Chat to learn all I could). Called dealers last weekend, got a call today that my car is here! Pick up will probably be Wednesday. I found a couple of dealers last weekend who sell at MSRP & had cars coming in, but they may be gone by now. You will have to be willing to drive about 2.5 hours from your house to at least one of them. The other dealer, who I'm not using, is farther (5 hour drive) but I read he delivered a car to another CT prius owner in CT & they were very happy (posted here in the "good dealers" thread). PS - I have to drive my daughter to college next week too, but don't want to take the new car because I'm afraid it will get scratched if I valet park it at the hotel!! - Isn't that crazy!! I know it will eventually get scratched, but not the first week! Edited: ==OH, just saw your last post & it looks like I'm too late. It looks like you bought another car. Sorry, I'm sure my post is really going to annoy you now!!
My dealer said the 2009 price may increase anywhere from $500 to $900, but has confirmed twice that my $500 deposit as of last Sunday locks me in at the 08 price. My salesman did say fairly soon they will stop taking deposits for 08 models. At that time the price increase will apply. So, might want to call around and buy or deposit quite soon. beyond that, I'll bet supply and demand will change for our favor in January ... folks spent from Christmas, taxes due fairly soon, cold Winter, fewer driving, the 2010 model unveiled. 09's might be selling under MSRP by then.
There's no "may" about. The price *is* $500 more for MY 2009. The dealer already knows this. The $500 - $900 comment seems to me to be designed to see if you're reaction is too negative to the $900 range. i.e. They're going to try and charge you $900 more even though the price only went up $500.
Hi waiters! I feel your pain. I got mine last October before everything heated up, but I was on the waiting list last year for a 2008. I wanted the nav/leather package and they were hard to come by. The broker finally found me one - it was still crossing the ocean - it was just what I wanted...I waited...and waited...I got the long awaited phone call that it was here...then a follow up call - uh oh! "My" car had been crunched on the boat - badly. Whaaa!!! More waiting...they finally got me another one, not in my first 3 color choices, but in the end I'm happy with my red Prius - I can't imagine why I wanted a blue one anyway LOL.
Well, 108 days after getting on the list it's finally here! Nearly, had a wreck on the way home when some b-hole pulled right out in front of me but everything is ok. Since I got to test drive one for about 5 minutes I'm still getting use to it. It's very different but I think that I'm going to love it. I'll try & send a picture later but I'm not real great at that so we will see how that works. Oh yeah, I was finally able to get the back up beep disabled today! Thank God. That was driving me insane!
White Touring Pkg 5 Available in San Marcos Texas congrats KKat. We should compare Silver Prii sometime. Also for others in the Texas Hill Country area: My salesman at San Marcos Toyota says they have a new White Touring Pkg 5 with leather for $31,155. Probably a markup, but its there. Ask for Peter Molinda.
No matter the price of gas today or the future, Prius dealers nation-wide set some benchmark prices. The Prius is thought of as the wave of the future for future cars. You might hear about inflated claims about more efficent diesel engines but as long as they pollute the environment diesel engines are more fluff than substance or should I say a smoke and mirrors act for perspective buyers. Prius dealers know the car will be sold in transit or off the arriving truck. The proverbial 'Cat is out of the Bag with the dealerships. BTW, they are trying to buy Prius with from each other . My salesman encouraged me to sell my Prius package 6 on EBAY for $4k over what I purchased it for if I was not satisfied with the car for any reason (and return to Toyota for another model). Toyota Dealerships are on their own, discretion-wise, but they are not going to be naive. Buyers should atttempt to get the best deal as possible and shop around everywhere (nation-wide) if necessary for the best deal. I would just get it out of your head if you think you negotiate with 'power' on these cars. The Prius is facing some challenges from Honda but the Prius is the flagship of the hybrid breed..
My dealer called yesterday and said it is going to be one month possibly 2 before I get my Prius Touring pkg 5 or 6. He did say that it is definately going to be a 2009. I ask about the price difference he said maby $300.00 more. He also said there is no change in the 2009's the will be the same as 2008's. He said there are going to be some big changes in the 2010. I have been on the wait list since 06/07/08
Here is a new one to me. I have been watching the ebay adds for Prii and noticed several new ones added to the list by a Toyota dealer. Assuming these are marked up cars I called just to check it out. Seems this dealer automaticely places his "sold" incomming inventory on ebay just like the ones you see on some auto websites. Seems kinda strange and misleading to me to place it there when it is NOT even available. Can anyone say fraud?