My aunt's silver Prius package 6 arrived last week and is ready for pickup. Looks like this coming Wednesday is the big day,
Anniversary - 13 weeks.. I signed up on May 20th. I haven't heard from dealer in over a month. I'm going to give it untill September 20th and then I'll go and get anything other than a Toyota. Heck maybe I'll just bite the bullet and get big honken F350 diesel. I bet I can get it cheaper then the prius are selling for right now. Wedge
Visited a local dealer today and said I wanted to order the Touring model with Option A. Salesman said, no problem if you don't mind waiting 5-8 months. He said I could likely get a fully loaded one sooner as the dealership has been ordering some without a customer order but it would still be a long wait. So I asked if the difference between standard and Touring was all that great, especially ride wise. He said not really, especially for your normal driving. He said if you're looking for a great ride, don't buy a Prius. Basically he talked me out of the Touring. So I think I'll go with the basic model and package 2. Probably a 3-4 month wait. Salesman said deliveries have improved. They've gone from 50 on the list to 25. Most of the delay had been around battery supply but that is all worked out and now the '09s will be coming. The dealer sells at MSRP. No plus, no add-ons, etc. Seemed pretty legit. Put in your order, wait, pay MSRP and get your car.
we got the call! we got on the list may 13, and were told today that it would be here at "the end of the month." can anyone shed some more insight as to when that might be? 2 weeks? the dealer couldn't give us an exact day... i'm hoping it's next week, personally.
On July 29th - 7 weeks after we signed a contract and put down a deposit - I was the very happy owner of a Pkg#6, Spectra Blue Mica. The sad news is that we left for a day 12 vacation on the 30th...So my new car stayed home in the garage. I've now had 2 days to drive and get to know the car more...I love it!! It was worth the wait. I'm so glad to be out of the this thread
Batman CAN'T help you, contrary to what many may believe ... mostly those who assume that Elvis still lives ... ... but MANY here would be MOST willing to help you if you would ONLY let us know where you live!!! you don't need to give the "city" if you don't want to ... but, at the very least, the "region" of a particular state would greatly help us to potentially help you ........
oh, my ... you MUST be getting anxious! we started waiting "officially" on the 28th of May, and have had ours about a week already. at any rate: when we first got OUR "call" about the 20th of July, we were told "one to three weeks" ... about a week LATER, we were given a "five day window"; specifically, that the car was expected between the 1st and 6th of August. we actually got it on the 4th. assuming - yeah ... i know ... i know - that YOUR dealership / sales rep is at least as trustworthy as the one we got ours through, then i'd say there's probably at least an 80% chance that you'll have it no later than the 5th of September ....
^^^ wedge, don't bail on us now.... you've put in the time, just be persistent with the dealer...they need to know that you're STILL INTERESTED ( i hope!) !!!!
i notice you're near Bloomington .... you MIGHT consider contacting Andy Mohr Toyota in Avon ... on the far west side of Indy and asking for Max Hopper. here's why .... we had been on a waiting list in Kokomo since the 28th of May. after nearly 7 weeks of ONLY being offered Pkgs #1 or #2 - we REALLY wanted a Pkg #3 - we went to Avon and placed a SECOND deposit there on the 11th of July. we had our preferred Pkg #3 in our second choice of color on the 4th of August .... you can find Andy Mohr Toyota on the web easily enough i'm sure, so i'll not bother with phone numbers and such here. but if you DO contact him, just tell him you got his name from Ed in Lafayette .... ( and ... no ... i'm NOT working on a partial commission here ... snicker .... ) PS FOR dlaing ... see how that works???
Thanks Son of Gloin, Fairfield County, CT. Spent several hours today grumpily looking at the Corollas and Matrixes at the other nearby Toyota Dealer (the one who, three months ago, wanted to charge us 1000 over MSRP and force us to pay 1000 for those trim things to go on their list with a non refundable 1000 deposit. THat was why our current dealer seemed good at 250 under MSRP with a 500 deposit. But what good if no car every shows up!). However, since we've got so cranked at the misleading one we went on the list with, figured that if we have to get another car it will be from another dealer...ONly to see a luscious shiny black Prius with leather seats waiting for someone else. I don't want black, because of pollen, but it looks nice new. Lost interest in the corollas and Matrixes after that. Spent time today dutifullly visiting the VOlkswagen Jetta Wagon DH liked (it was nice with a giganto moonroof), and a SUbaru Impreza Sport and a HOnda Fit. Trying to find one that sang to me, but none really did it.... If I ever do get my Prius, I will be like one of those sickening doting parents perpetually admiring their child....I really do like it better than anything else I've seen. I'll just have to hope the price of oil keeps going down temporarily and that the frenzy will die down in my area, and my dealer will eventually sell me a Prius... There have been a series of deadlines we have had this summer where the lack of the Prius has been a royal pain. THe temptation each time has been to quickly buy something we don'[t really want to get by...Next week,I have to drive my kid to college in OHIO, and it would have been nice....HO-HUM. THe trouble with switching dealers is you go back to the bottom of any list.
oh man, that's way disappointing to hear. D: my momma and i have to move me back to school [from pittsburgh, pa to brooklyn, ny] next weekend! so i won't even get to drive it!!! D: not to mention, there's an extra $50 in gas on our suv... sadface! oh, well. they've got like a week and a half, we'll see what happens... keep your fingers crossed, everybody!
Please read the post titled Walmart, Kmart, Sears, Target. I did stop by there.. Not impressed AT ALL.. Wedge
Hi - We put a small deposit down on June 12th. The dealer has called to suggest that the '08 should be here next week, or so. I suppose I should consider myself lucky for having such a "short" wait.
I suspect it is very possible to aggrevate a dealer/salesman enough where they would conveniently skip you for a more appreciative customer. At least some buyers might fall into this category when supply and demand favors the seller so strongly.
I just had a thought that may have something to do with oprhan Prius' appearing at a dealer when the wait list is so long. What if some dealers are seedind or interspursing the wait list with their own orders. Could this account for some of the posts that we are reading, where Prius' seem to become available , that are at the dealers discretion, when there is still a long wait list? :noidea: Just a thought!
This is based only on my own experience: I received word of a VIN a couple of days ago. When I called today to discuss PIOs, the dealer told me that my vehicle is leaving the port on the 19th and will be here within 72 hours after that. So I assume that once they have a VIN, they can tell you when it will ship from port. Then again, I found a very nice, very honest dealer... I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this guy. Rob