$3.99 at Shell in Azusa on Foothill. I paid $4.05 two days ago. Sub $4 is here again, for what its worth.
made me happy to see 3.59 here in east texas. i can't believe that i'm "happy" about 3.59. bleh. wasn't it three years ago that gas first went over $2/gal?
Here in Montana it's 3.99, was 4.08 until just a couple of days ago. For months in the winter and spring we were 10-15 cents below the national average. Now we're about 15 cents over. Guess they're wanting to milk the tourists. I get pretty tired of retailers whining about how they are only making two cents per gallon. Bull.
Still $3.85 a gallon in Denver but 20 cents lower than the highest price I saw. Will we see $4 a gallon again this year? It depends. If Israel attacks Iran's nuclear weapons (or power, hard to know who to believe nowadays) facilities, I would guess $6 or 7 maybe higher. If McCain is elected, Israel might wait until next year, but I'm planning on it happening. If Obama is elected, the attack will occur in November or December.
Monday the 4th, I drove from deep south Texas to Dallas. Cheapest I saw was $3.55 here: Riviera, Texas
I know this is off topic but could you explain your Iran timetable? Why do you think Israel will attack Iran according to which candidate is President?
3.45 in Wichita, KS 3.50 in Augusta, KS Hope it keeps going down and is around 2.90 or so in late October for my road trip from Kansas to Vegas!!!!!