Is the Prius losing its focus because of focus groups? Who exactly asked for a bigger Prius? It's already a decent size car, bigger inside than many European products. I am 6'1" and I fit just fine inside my 2006, even if someone sits in the back. Also, why the bigger engine? Because of the size, I guess, since 10.1 secs 0-60 is still not going to challenge a Porche. The current Prius is not amazingly responsive, but it's perfectly adequate for most purposes. We bought the Prius because of its advanced technology and its fuel efficiency. These are the core areas where it needs further development, not size and speed. It almost looks like Toyota has lost the Eiji Toyoda vision, and adopted a Big 3 attitude regarding size. All the current Prius needs is ironing out some of the glitches, refine the materials, update the technology, update the styling, get better batteries, plug-in capability and further improved fuel economy. But size?!
Actually, I've had two people tell me while in my Prius they had been looking at one, but it was just a bit too small for them. And I wouldn't mind it being a bit larger as well. I'm a touch under 6'3" and I fit in my Prius, but I have a longer torso vs long legs, and my knees don't miss the dash by much. Being a little bigger (not talking SUV sized or anything) would make me happier, and it sounds like that's what they're doing.
I too have had people tell me the Prius isn't for them due to size... however, most people don't know how big the Prius is. They assume it's small. I believe the overall shape is what suggests that. When I park my Prius next to my Grand Cherokee they appear about the same size but most would think my Grand Cherokee is at least mid size. I then let people get in the back seat and they immediately notice that it's much larger than it looks.
I'd trade some MPG for performance and handling. A 15% drop in mileage wouldn't kill me. Bring on the Prius Sport Edition .
said it a million times and i will say it a few more times for anyone (Toyota??!!) who might be listening... market 3 price points. get a Pri that might be a pinch slower, less bells, (keep the whistles). $20-23,000 have one larger, maybe faster (that would be on the bottom of my wishlist) with laundry list of options (heated, adj seats, etc) $25-30,000 and finally, PHEV which in itself should have a minimum 2 range options (once again 3 is TOP of the wishlist) running 25,000 to oh say $40,000 for max range and all options... with unparalleled sight and name recognition, the Pri should be spun off into its own line....where is the mini van??? i have people at work (i guess they think after 2 Pri's and an EV, i am the resident expert on future Toyota marketing) who ask me that almost daily!! gotta be a market for a 6 passenger PHEV or hybrid mini-van... i talk to potential uuyers nearly every day.
I'll take the Prius Sport Edition PHEV. 70 miles on a charge and capable of 65 mph on electric to cover my typical work day. And maybe a "Prius Rover" for offroaders.
How about a Prius pick-up? I'm holding onto my four-door F-150 because of those times I need a truck. I can't sell it for much anyway.
This may be positioning for the three tiered Prius line. The current Prius being the mid-sized version, then the release of a micro-sized version, and then a larger version possibly in a van configuration. (or large wagon???) Pure speculation of course.
lol!! ya i know what you mean... i got a 1191 F-150...5th wheel towing package, dual tanks (one tank hasnt seen a drop of gas in almost 10 years!!) fuel injection...stereo (worth probably twice as much as the truck) nowadays, its a toss up as to paying for tabs or the cost of having someone tow it away... cant even give it away!!
But you won't have to because in addition to being bigger, faster, and more powerful, Toyota claims 71 MPG which is a 47% increase over the current model, not a 15% decrease.
The point being that Toyota has stated on several occasions that the Gen III will get a "significant" or "substantial" boost in fuel economy over the Gen II despite the increase in both vehicle and engine size.
I am still of the opinion that a fatter, faster Prius is betraying its primary focus and mission. Prior to coming to market, the Prius "focus-group-ed" really badly, both in Japan and in the US, but their management pushed it through to the success it's now become. It appears now they are playing it safe, and going after the Camry/Oldsmobil crowd. Let's look at a quick rundown of the EPA interior passenger volume of the Prius, compared to some of the better European sedans: Prius: 96 cf Audi A4: 90cf Audi 6: 98 cf BMW 328i: 93 cf Mercedes C350: 88 cf Here is a link to the Mercedes specs, search for others in Yahoo's "New Cars." Specifications — 2009 Mercedes-Benz C-Class C350 Sport Sedan — Yahoo! Autos The idea that the Prius is too small, is simply not true. Too small for what? If I wanted a Winnebago, I'll get a Winnebago.
Black...."I am still of the opinion that a fatter, faster Prius is betraying its primary focus and mission" What is it's primary mission and focus? If it's to reduce aggregate fuel consumption and pollution building versions that appeal to more people are effective. Well, once they start to build enough of them. I'd like to hear more about the focus groups and how the Prius made it to market. It's a hell of an innovation
I am sure that Toyota knows what they are doing with the next generation prius. They are way ahead of the curve on hybrid technology and can produce a car that is more useful and more efficient. Remember the Honda Insight where is that today. Smaller with good milage does not equal better. Useful, practical and efficient equals better.
The primary focus is and should be getting as many consumers to make the switch over to using less fuel. The Gen III is getting slightly bigger, a lot more powerful(primarily due to a larger electric drive), and a lot quicker all while getting much better better fuel economy. I don't know about you, but this is damn appealing to me. If the Gen III was available now and delivered on it's promises, I'd pony up $35K for one right now.
Ah Ha! It was Clinton. I'm looking at a Prius history website. History 1993 The Partnership for the Next Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) was founded. It was a 10-year project setup in America by the Clinton administration to help fund research into developing family-sized vehicles that could deliver 80 MPG efficiency