Hi All, Looking at buying an IPOD, have narrowed it down to the Ipod classic 80GB or the 8GB touch $199. My main goal is to make it easy to control, my wifes nano is a pain to control and drive. Does anyone know of any vent mounts or mounts that work good with the Ipod, I plan on using the aux cable in the console. I was thinking the touch model would be easier to use while driving than the classic, also do they make remotes for these that can be used, I'd like to mount the unit right beside the MFD on the left vent if possible. I'm also wondering if I can run a cable out the aux somehow under the carpet to the back of the MFD and bring it up to plug into the unit. Any advice or tips are appreciated, I simply can't afford the DICE or VAIS units. THanks, Greg
I just wanna throw my 2¢ in here... I know you said you didn't want to get the Dice or Vais but think about it for a second first... You just bought a $25-30k car, you're going to buy a very nice iPod, and then you're going to skimp on how you connect the two? You are probably going to spend $50+ on a dock... why not save that money, buy a $5 cable for the aux port for the time being... make some good play lists so you can set it and forget it and save up the $150-$250 for the dice or vais unit? One you have it you'll be able plug in the iPod... possibly hidden from site, and use the steering wheel to control the iPod. On top of that you wont have to worry about fidgeting with the volume on the iPod vs the Car stereo, and you'll get better audio quality.
Actually as the owner of both an iPhone and a 160gb iPod classic, I can say it's definitely much easier to use the classic while driving. Since everything is controlled via the click wheel and the click wheel is always there, you don't have to look at the iPod to skip an unwanted song on shuffle. Also, since the headphone port is on top, you can use the cheapest and easiest iPod mounting solution--your front cupholder--while keeping the iPod vertical and right side up. Keep the iPod volume around 90% for optimal sound. I'd choose a classic over a touch because I can't stand not to have all my music on my iPod, but the touch does have a lot of excellent features and applications not available on the classic. But for use in the car, in my opinion, the classic is the way to go.