On my recent camping trip, I sprayed a DEET-based insect repellant and got some on the black vinyl doorposts. The stuff will not come off with any ordinary cleaner, including 303. It looks like lacquer was sprayed on it, and it seems tightly bonded to the vinyl. Attempts to scrape a bit off leave a mess, maybe pitting the vinyl. Any suggestions on how to get this stuff off. Should I resort to the orbital buffer?
Try a clay bar made by Meguiar's or another manufacturer. That should take it off for you. Put a coat of wax on it following the clay bar use since it will strip everything off of your finish. Let me know if this works. Clay bars should run about $15-$20 for a twin pack at your local store. Good luck!
I have some old 95% DEET I haven't used in years, after deciding a few itchy spots were better than poisoning myself. A few drops leaked out and ate right through the plastic bag. I suspect it's acted as a solvent on your door frames. Instead of clay bars and an orbital buffer, you might have better luck spraying the other side to match. :brick:
Unfortunately, DEET is a fairly effective solvent for some plastics and synthetic fabrics. Vinyl is certainly one of them, but DEET's ability to dissolve plastic isn't limited to just vinyl. Not knowing exactly what the door posts are made of or how the parts are finished, I'd hazard a guess that the overspray caused one or more of the following to bubble: a clear-coat finish or the actual plastic of the doorpost. Either way, if the parts are as cheap as jelloslug suggests, you're probably better off just replacing them. I doubt that you're going to be able to "clean" this off. The DEET itself should have just wiped up and/or been washed away. Whatever you're seeing on the doorposts is likely damage to the plastic caused by the DEET itself or potentially by whatever vehicle it was being carried in.
Damn. I expected as much. I suspect that replacement is in the works. How hard is it to remove the door post panels? Do they just snap off like everything else on this car?
As said above the damage appears to have been directly to the plastic. An attempt to dig it off left a pit in the plastic. So I went after it (nothing to lose!!) with 600 and 1000 grit sandpaper, then polishing compound. That got 90% of it off. Still not perfect, but better than before, and gave me enough confidence to go after it later with the orbital buffer to get the last 10 %. DEET nasty stuff. DEET bad for car. BAD DEET! No bugs for you tonight!
I suppose that you can claim that your transporter has bio-filtration capabilities and can prevent foreign biological agents from entering the shuttlecraft.
I have a few stains from the Zaino stuff on mine. Over time it has faded but its still there. I have not found a good way to get it off yet besides scrubbing it really good each washing. Doc I know you really like your shuttle craft but I don't think you need to spray bug repellent on it to keep the bugs away. I doubt the prius can feel a misquote bite through its metal skin. One layer is shielding is good enough as long as your not battling the Borg.
Sorry the news wasn't better. I'm glad that the polishing compound and fine sandpaper appear to be working. I don't know exactly how to take those panels off, but it seems like you've got a work-around. In very bright light, can you see the area that you sanded? That would be my only concern would be getting that sanding even.
Any tips for cleaning wear and tear scratches from hard plastic trim? I have held off up to now for fear of making it look worse, but a good clean up is over due as Management (my wife) keeps telling me. Regard Jon the Chief
I use the Mr Clean "magic eraser" on the interior panels. Unless they are actually scratched, it will remove scuffs and dirt without marking the panel. As far as the outside door black panels, Doc, you have to replace them with translucent clear ones, with blue LEDs behind, so your Warp Drive looks real.
What do you mean "look" real? I know I have a special sealed Dilithium Crystal Chamber under the hood in mine, don't you? ;D Related query tho' -- recently we used some evil SPF 50 sunscreen that left whitish streaks and spots on the plastic parts of the center console and side door panels that remained after I washed with soap and water. I've banned said sunscreen (from Neutrogena) from the household, but is there anything I can use to fix the problem rather than making it worse?
I know Doc Willie pretty much got his answer, but thought I would throw in my 2cents. Many years ago while on field training exercise's, Army, I was getting eaten alive by the bugs. I put on some of the US Army issued green bottle insect repellent. After a while I noticed that my hands were getting all sticky and blackened. I then noticed that the plastic handgrips, pistol grip, and butt stock on my M-16 rifle had a strange "melty" look to them. Mind you, this plastic never gave in to any substance, including harsh cleaning products. But sure as he double hockey sticks, it was the US Army issued insect repleant that was melting the plastic. Haven't used much insect repellent since then. Long sleeves, long pants and minimal bug spray directly on my skin. Sorry Doc. Tony
Yeah. In addition to the DEET damage, there are blue patches on my door frame and bumper guard. I could not figure out how they got there. I suspect sunscreen. I was also using Neutragena. Camping is hell on cars.