I'm looking into buying a portable gps and it looks like the nuvi 660 is the best choice. However I'm seeing in some of the reviews on amazon.com that the 660 is being discontinued. Does anyone know the ramifications of that? My main concern is something that would make the unit obsolete in a short time frame, like software upgrades not being available. I realize the 700 series are an option but I don't want to spend that much right now. The 360 also is a consideration but I don't know if the smaller screen makes that much of a difference. Any input or advice is much appreciated.
I've had the Nuvi 360 for about 14 months and I think it's excellent. Yes, it's a bit small, but it calls out the streets by name (unlike the Prius NAV) so the screen size is less important. The 360 also has BT function. If you decide on a Garmin, be sure to get the beanbag mount. It's a lot better than sticking it on the windshield. Because the Nuvi is so much easier to program than the Prius NAV, I'm frequently tempted to take it out of our Honda and use it in the Prius. I used the Prius NAV in an unfamiliar city a couple of days ago and it was (as usual) a mess.
I just bought a nuvi 660 a few weeks ago. I hope they are not being discontinued for a quality problem. So far I am very happy with my unit and it works like intended.
Several Garmin models are being discontinued to make way for comparable models that are "compatible with MSN's system" - at least that's what I was told at Best Buy. So the nuvi 200 is replaced by the nuvi 205, etc. etc.
It's not a quality problem - as Judy said, they're replacing them with new models. I would hope with so many 660s sold, they would continue to support them for a reasonable amount of time.
For simple routing and voice command the 360 is great for the price. It was a consumer's report best buy recently. The 760 has the bigger screen and I think a little clearer fonts. With the 760 you do get multi-point routing which I need for my compulsive trip planning. Without this you mark selected way-points and go to them one at a time. With the routing you put them all in and ether let the Nuvi order them or do it manually. Garmin supports even there older products so don't worry about buying a closeout. Garmin's customer support is some of the best to be found.
I think the 680 replaces the 660 ... I got the 680 from Costco a few weeks ago for a little over $300. As far as I can tell, the only change was MSN Direct (car charger also serves as the MSND receiver). Which is next to worthless AFAIC! I got a generic bean bag mount for $12 on Amazon (lots cheaper than the Garmin bean bag!)
Cool, thanks. I knew I'd find answers here! Having had a chance to sleep on it, I realize I really don't need a bluetooth gps. Although my car already has bluetooth, I was figuring it would be useful to have it with the gps when I'm driving a different car. But that really doesn't happen very often, so I think I can go with an "x50" model instead of the bluetooth "x60". It looks like the 350 will probably meet my needs, although of course part of me wants to get something more advanced. Right now on amazon a 750 costs about $130 more than the 350. For the higher price you get a wider screen, the option to get traffic information, audio through car stereo and multi-point routing. Also the 700 series has the "where am I" feature which could come in handy in an emergency. Of course I'm also hoping to buy a new laptop and new hdtv in the next few months, so it might make sense to get a less expensive gps and save the money for future electronics purchases. Decisions, decisions...