CNN has this article on their website today: 10 ways to avoid a speeding ticket - Call me simple, but I know one sure-fire way to avoid speeding tickets. Tom
Not in any of the titles, but under the first one it states " definitely won't be you if you don't speed in the first place."
The # 1 Way to avoid a speeding ticket=== Drive a Prius....... Even though I speed up to P&G but most of us all obey the speed limits
I drive faster than most, I'll admit it. I have found that I can drive pretty darn fast in the Prius and a cop doesn't EVEN LOOK at me. I've even flew past cops with their laser hanging out the window and the cop is attempting to shoot OVER me at the car behind me. The Prius saves tickets. The same thing happened in my dually about 6 months ago. I was driving probably 65 in a 45. There was a kid in a s-10 that was probably doing 10mph less than I was. I was passing him. I made eye contact with the cop, and the kid was pulled over. Ooops. I think he saw my dually and figured I was some rancher, farmer, or otherwise "old man" and probably figured he'd go after the kid. Now my other vehicle, I was pulled over a couple of months ago because I "sounded" like I was going too fast. It has the stock exhaust but when you put it to the floor you can probably hear it from a half mile away. It practically rips dinosaurs directly out of the ground when you stab the throttle.
An aftermarket GPS (like a Garmin Nuvi) can load red-light camera databases from various subscription services such as Garmin or While I love my Nuvi 760 I'm enough of a turtle driving that I have not had to download these database. I remember 30 years ago a car following me on by bicycle as I sped down a steep hill at probably 15 miles over the speed limit. No way he was going to write up a bike for speeding and I hope they have similar disinterest in running in tame looking Prius.
In my experience, wearing a tank top and shorts is enough for the cop to give a verbal warning ("the speed limit is 25, so going 35 is okay but 40 is too fast") instead of a ticket. Although this probably won't work too well if you're a guy.
It worked on a female cop a few days ago. :nerd: I found the best way (besides driving the limit) is to be aware of your surroundings and watch for police cars. If you see one waiting to catch speeders, slow down immediately while they're still clocking you... if you're not going too fast in the first place, they usually let you go. I've seen them radar me 10+ mph over posted and physically react like they were going to set chase, then see that I'd seen them and slowed down. Maybe they just like drivers that pay attention, or maybe they just like that you slowed down and were able to instill you fear... do not know.
I've had the same experience. I got on the brakes pretty hard one time and was pulled over. The officer said he only gave me a warning because I saw him immediately and was obviously paying attention to my surroundings.... Mike
I know a Vietnam vet who got a dui riding down the street in his electric wheel chair. He was a double amputee.
and that report failed to mention a couple more obvious things if you do get pulled over. #1 Roll down window before cop arrives to your door. (makes you more visible) #2 Turn off Vehicle before cop approaches your car. (knows you are not going to try to run off) #3 Turn on your Dome light so cop can see inside vehicle easily (if its dark) #4 put both hands on steering wheel so they can see that you do not have any weapons in your hands. It makes sense to ease the officers mind that you aren't up to anything.
#5 Very slowly drop the bag of weed on the floor and use the back of your foot to slide it under the seat. :heh:
A girl I dated a few years ago said that if they asked for her phone number, she wouldn't give it to them if they had already given her a ticket. LOL She was like a ride at the amusement park but a lot more fun.