It's that time of year when many of us are going on vacation or wishing we were on vacation. I have a sailing trip coming up in a few weeks, so I'm starting to daydream about it. This started me thinking about all of my friends on PC, so here is my request: Tell us your idea of a really good vacation. Tom
Well, I have a vacation coming up on Sept. 1st. My wife and I along with our 18mo. old daugter will be going to The "Beaches Sandy Bay" resort in Negril Jamaica. It will be our first vacation as a family so we are pretty excited. My wife and I have been to Jamaica before on a cruise 2 years ago, but we were only there for about 8 hours. The resort has a "Sesame Street" theme which our daughter will love. She can go cook cookies w/ cookie monster, go on scavanger hunts with other characters or eat breakfast with them also. And for the wife and I there are white sand beaches, glass bottom boats, free food and drink, beautiful scenery, etc. I don't know if this will be the best vacation, (our hawaiin honeymoon was pretty good) but it will be right up there.
I just arrived home from my vacation last night. Hybridfest '08. Hopefully a separate thread will be/has been started for everyone to share their photos. But right now I'm exhausted from the drive home - 1100+ miles in 48 hours is a lot for me. Not to mention 5,941 new posts since I left. Next year I need to get a laptop to bring.
I went to Corsica in May, and plan to go to Jordan in October. Just a few pics from beautiful Corsica:
The Corsica pix are outstanding vtie...and you'll find I rarely hand out compliments on photos. I can't really answer the OPs question...a great vacation for me could be just about anything...ranging from a luxury trip at a resort on the ocean to a mountaineering adventure where I go weeks without a bath or real bed. A good vacation could simply be a novel cultural experience domestically or internationally. Importanly it would NOT include my inlaws!
Well, we already took our big vacation this year. Here is a link to just some of the 670 photos I took on our trip to Ireland in March Flickr: Secuencia de fotos de freshmtt I only put up about 30 pics on flicker, well 29 of them are mine, there is 1 photo of the cliffs of moher that is not mine but all the other ones are mine. I took about 670 some photos in the 10 days we were in Ireland. Had never been there before, WOW!!, beautiful country and so Green, and it made me go GREEN when I came home, traded in my SUV and bought my Prius only 19 days after coming back from Ireland, it was my deciding factor.
Thank you! Taking pictures is one of the things I really enjoy. But I realised that I did not answer the OP's question. So here I go: my two favourites are either As high in the mountains as possible Or scuba diving during the day and enjoying the beach of a tropical island in the evening:
vtie, I have a sudden urge to see ALL your pictures. I don't care what the subject matter is, they're bound to be excellent.
i'm heading home for a friend's wedding next month... my college friends are getting together again for this one and i really can't wait to hang out with my girls again for a couple days. we haven't gotten us all together since 2004! probably going to rent a car and drive up to see a couple friends and family members too, since i'm right there. since true friendship is such a scarcity where i am, hanging out with my friends back home is a wonderful and exciting vacation. the only downside is that DH isn't coming.
Hiking in British Columbia. Swimming with free, wild dolphins off Bimini Island. Scuba diving on Long Caye wall, Glover's Reef, Belize. Safari in Kenya.
I went to Disney, Florida a few weeks ago and none of my pics look like these. It had been 30 years since I had been and wow it was bitter/sweet.
Good Lord! Those are gorgeous photo's! Well done. :nod: The wife and I will be leaving town in ten days for a one week roadtrip starting with Las Vegas (overnight), Canyonlands in southern Utah, Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park. A short stay in the Ol' home town of Bozeman, MT and then back to Reno for Hot August Nights. Planned this just the other day have no reservations, no route picked out yet just a general idea of what we want to do, a true roadtrip! Hope I can get those Volvo seats installed in time. Wildkow p.s. wish I could take pics like vtie or efusco!
We take our vacation usually in the winter in our favorite tropical location, that would be the Philippines. Great place to visit, great beaches, beer P18 (about $0.40) a bottle, what more could you ask for.
Well, sometime next week I'm taking 3 weeks off. Here is my ideal vacation: 1. At the hobby farm, with the gate at the driveway closed and padlocked 2. Nice weather, not too bloody hot or freezing cold 3. Immediate family and the two cats with me 4. BlackBerry turned off and stuffed into the sock drawer for the duration 5. Phone ringer turned off 6. Cell phone turned off and stuffed into sock drawer to keep CrackBerry company 7. Internet satellite terminal turned off 8. No boob tube either
Enough time and money and energy to get all of my projects done at home. Probably won't happen until I retire. (Goal was to finish BEFORE I retire.) I'd love to see Japan, Egypt, Australia, Canada, England, Greece, you get the picture. I doubt I will. So I'll have to be content with making my home my vacation.
A vacation is not working, not worrying about work and doing whatever you want to. A hammock under a big shade tree is a pretty good start.
In order for me not to worry, home projects must be done. It's no use going on a vacation when all I think about is...I could be home doing.......