That's right, somebody shot my baby! Early Thursday the 10th I heard what I thought was a loud thump or clank. I had fallen asleep watching the TV. It was around 2:30 AM. Anyway the BC's started barking so I got the spotlight out to investigate. I thought maybe someone had run off into the ditch, or dropped a cat off or something. All I could hear was the 'lump-lump' sound of a loud V-8 up the road. I thought "It must have back-fired", and went to bed. The next morning I went to open my hatch to run some packages to the post office when I saw the damage! Some jack@ss shot my damn car! I immediately called the State Police and my insurance company. When the Trooper inspected the damage he said, "Yup, you've been shot." He couldn't find any shell casing and suspected it to be some kids driving around shooting at road signs and such, probably trying to hit the rear window. He went around to the neighbors, finished his report, and that was that. My Prius spent the following week in the body shop. They had to replace the entire hatch. The total bill was $2,016! They did an excellent job refinishing and blending in the paint, but failed miserably everywhere else. The gaps are not to spec. and the hatch closes with a thump (latch mis-aligned). The wiper was not working, so I removed the interior plastics to investigate. Let me say by removing, the side trims just about fell off- they had only 2 of the 6 clips installed. Also, the wiper cover was glued to the hatch, again because of missing or broken clips. I had to carefully pry that off to 'break' the glue bond. I was pissed! On top of all this, they didn't install the clips that hold the outer edges of the spoiler down, only bolted it in the middle. Anyways, the wiper was just unplugged. I called my adjuster to voice my concerns, then ordered all the clips I need to make it right, myself.
Why not take it back to the body shop until it's done right? BTW, interesting trajectory on the shot... Sorry to hear about your bad fortune.
I own my own small shop and can do the 'fix' myself. That way I know it is done properly. I couldn't do the entire repair because the hatch alone would have cost me $1500, plus shipping. It was more feasible to have one of the big-boys do the work with their volume discounts and such. Yeah it seams the bullet hit the hinge bolt and bolt boss, then deflected outward, otherwise it would have gone thru the rear quarter panel.
Wow, I hope this is not a common act in your neighborhood. I am sorry to hear about all the trouble. Hope all will get fixed and your baby will be as good as new.
Sorry to hear about what happened. Sounds like a case of random vandalism. Did you hear any other incident from your neighbors or around town? I hope they just did not target a Prius for the fun of it... I saw the pic and it looked like one large hole and a smaller (entry point) one. +1 on taking it back to the body shop that did the work. Your car should be repaired right and to your liking. Good Luck.
WOW! Sorry to hear it. Glad I don't live where you do. You didn't find the casing because who ever did this knew what they where doing, a) either a pistol, b) rifle that they kept inside far enough to eject into the vehicle.
Might not be random. Might have said some thing to some one and they have Prius envy! What next, HWY shootings?
When schools out for the summer or on weekends kids get thrills by doing damage. Around here they use pellet guns, there have been instances of hundreds of cars having windows shot out on a single evening. They shot at my pickup truck window and missed and hit the sheet metal, would have been easier to fix if they hit the window Doubt if it had anything to do with your type of car, they were probably far enough away in the dark they couldn't tell.
Quite possible. That is why I don't park my Prius out on the road. It always stays in the garage or out in the driveway.
Some kids do get involved with this type of dangerous game. They just don't realize that people may respond the same way and make it appear to be self-defense....then tragedy strikes.
No slug has been found. My Prius wasn't parked on the road, just toward the end of the drive. I usually park in near the house, but it was stormy with high winds that night and I have an old ash tree in the yard that I don't trust. In retrospect, it probably would have been safer. I live in the country where stuff like this usually doesn't happen. Could have been Prius haters, or kids, or rowdy drunks -only they know. I laugh about it now and it makes for a good story, but if I had known that night my car was shot, I probably would be in trouble right now!
Wow Berkshire, I can't believe that happened! Sorry about your car, but I'm glad that you are all right. I don't live that far away from you. I hope it's not a growing anti-Prius sentiment that fueled this act of violence.
Yeah, but you have got GREAT Autobahns!!! I have driven them, WOW!!! I guess the Prius always stays in the Right lane!!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
A interesting shell trajectory for sure. How about entry through the upper hole, then the slug deforms and exits through the lower. Is that even possible? Hope we don't need a new Prius Forensics Forum.