From my understanding, the scarcity of Prius batteries is the reason Toyota can't crank 'em out as fast as it could other models. The battery is not made by Toyota, and these cannot be quickly produced. I posted earlier about a similar situation with a Mazda MX-5 we bought in October. It's a rare model (PRHT) that has a hard roof that retracts. Mazda doesn't make the motor that allows the roof to retract and that's what slows down production Also, because this car was so hard to find/order, we contacted a Mazda dealership on the other side of Pennsylvania that does a huge volume of Mazda sales, figuring it could find one for us faster than the local ones in Pittsburgh that just sell Mazdas in addition to all sorts of other cars. This dealer -- Falkner, in Philadelphia -- was wonderful. We contacted online sales to do this. It worked out great; they are allotted far more PRHTs than the local places, and it was fun going out there (we took the train) and driving it back.
all of a sudden I could build a touring in my NJ zip again, the packages are a little different too. I wonder if I'll be hearing from my dealer soon as I left my deposit early May......
My opinion, not worth much, but here it is anyway. With 2009 Prius not released yet and 2010 rumored coming in April 2009. Toyota is obiously having problems. From rumors I've heard, it's problem's are related to the battery packs. I believe that Toyota thought that the 2009 Prius would have been released by now and using a Lithium battery. However, because of problems with Lithium batteries, they have had to continue using NiMH's. With the explosion in demand for hybrids, the demand for batteries has far exceeded the supply. Toyota got caught with their pants down since their Lithium battery developement, for what ever reason, isn't ready for manufacturing Prius'. Toyota's being secretive about mssing 2009 delivery projections. Totally my speculation, based on rumor and NOT to be taken to the bank.
I'm officially over my expected 6-8 week wait for my Prius. Team Toyota in Langhorne says I'm next in line, but I get this feeling that they're telling everyone this. I checked with other dealerships and they were telling me that if I got on their waiting lists today I would be expecting a 12 week wait. What really stinks is that I believed Team Toyota that they would get my car to me in 8 weeks and I sold my car. Now I'm carless and Team Toyota has no idea when the next shipment is coming in. Could be mid-August they say.
^^^^ Hang in there, gbot, and those of you who were promised "6-8 weeks"... It will be more like 10-12, but TOTALLY WORTH THE WAIT, especially when you're only at the gas station every 2 weeks !!!!!
Four weeks ago today, I joined the waiting list, put down my deposit. I have bought a few things for my new car; cleaned out the garage, made more room (so it doesn't get bumped on day 1). I haven't heard a word from the dealer; but seems I won't hear until they have my car. I'm 4 weeks closer!
if you're curious about how your progress on the list is going, the best time to ask your dealer about it is after they get their allocations. This is usually on the 1st and 3rd thursdays of every month IIRC.
What have you heard. Are you going to get an 08 or 09? And any time frame to receive it? We ordered on June 9 and they told us that it would be 4-6 months at least!!!!!!!!!!!
Um, what do you mean that don't know when their next shipment is coming? They get their allocation semi monthly(twice a month) just like every other dealer. Their allocations are preferenced and go to status A about a month before they actually get to the lot, so they should be able to give you a VIN a month before you actually get the car.
I am happy for you! Hope my Magnetic Gray Pkg. 6 to be in the end of this week or first of next week. Ordered it May 25th. Wish me luck! Has there been anyone who was sorry afterwards that they got theirs?
Here I am still waiting. Got a certified letter last week saying vehicle would be delivered anytime between the 17th and the 22nd. I spoke to my salesperson today. She says it's not here yet. Some vehicles have been delayed due to flooding around the country. She said for sure by the end of the week. I want it NOW!!!! Is there a way to track the location by Vin #??
I'm with you a call last week, I'm told my car should be in between the 23-28. Every time the phone rings I'm thinking it's my buddy Pat (the salesman)'s not and I'm disappointed. I feel like a teenager waiting for an invite to the prom!!
Maybe where you are, but out east there is exactly one Prius within 500 miles of my zip code, and at $30,948 it's more than $2k over the MSRP for a new Package 6.
I was trying to find a 2008, but my dealer told me they are no longer taking 2008 orders, and are about to start taking orders for 2009, and those should be out late sept/early oct. has anyone else heard this?
Sorka thanks for the info. I'm going to give the dealership a call and ask them about the allocations. I actually called yesterday and left a V-Mail with my salesperson and he hasn't called my back yet. I sensing that he doesn't have a positive answer for me. I really feal compromised because I've called around and if I jump onto another wait list I'll be waiting 12+ weeks. I just wish Team Toyota would've been honest with me from the get go and told me that my wait would be 12 + weeks, not 6-8 weeks. I'm wondering if I should go and talk to the sales manager. I have a contract and a deposit down on the car. I don't know if it will do much for me, but I feel if I become a real annoyance to them maybe they'll get me the car that I've been waiting for.
i'm not at all sure how i missed this post, friend .... perhaps i simply overlooked it / didn't actually read it because i knew you had a Prius already, and simply assumed you were congratulating someone else about having gotten theirs. anywhooo ... how does 'hubby' like it? what color and package did he get? and ... have you already joined the "Two Prius Family" group? i'll probably be providing / posting an up-date regarding our "Prius Ownership" status a bit later this evening or tomorrow ....
that's GREAT news, beckaloulou ... especially since you had to endure one of the more lengthy waiting periods as compared to others posting here ... and, since it will be eight-weeks-tomorrow for us; may i "hold" you to that promise??? only 3 weeks? there was one on the lot? no lists? wife driving it first? sshheeeesshh ... we must be living in the wrong part of the country!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! CONGRATS TO YOU PREUS!!! it seems you got EXACTLY what you wanted; am i right? quite the package, i'd say ... esp. since you didn't have to go over MSRP ... AND you got a "Costco discount" to boot! looks like your wait started just four days before ours, so perhaps we'll be hearing something definitive soon .... ?????????? and that means, perhaps ... i'm supposed to ride a bike? ... take a hike? ... STEAL one???
The dealer called me last week and said it would be another 2 weeks - I already waited 7 weeks, had sold my 05 Matrix 4 weeks ago and was using hubby's Tundra....OY!!! So I couldn't wait any longer and I took one that I didn't want but I sure needed. It's a 1220 with 'package' 1.... at least I got one - - a great car that I saved about 3k on by not getting package 3. I think an upgraded stereo SHOULD be less than patient - it's worth the wait....(almost )
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