What would be the best product to use to clean the large dark plastic area that I would best describe as above the dashboard. Is this material delicate. Thanks
. Absolute best product is 303 Aerospace. This stuff works SO good on the dash plastic as well as all interior/exterior trim. Bonus, it's developed with anti dust properties. A swiffer and this, your dash will look day 1 brand new at all times! I have some. Love it.
Hmm, this stuff looks good. And they'll even send you 3 samples of 3 products of theirs for $5 to cover S&H. Hoping I can find it in a store and not just online.
I ordered the samples and they arrived quickly. It is good stuff but I have used plain water on a microfiber towel for 4 years with very good results.
Thee best product to use on that black plastic ring on the mfd area is Mother's Back to Black plastic conditioner.Comes in a red bottle. Found at my dealers parts/accessories area. Its this stuff: Mothers Back To Black Reviews. Buying guides & consumer product reviews at Epinions.com But only on that black plastic area. The other product thats excellent for all the rubber trim & dash is this stuff: Black Magic Protectant :yo:
I agree, 303 Aerospace Protectant is best, and you can use it on all your plastic, inside and out. The anti-static really helps.
would that stuff get rid of all the dust and lint or whatever on the top of my dash? the top of the dashboard is some kind of weird granular texture which makes it difficult to get looking clean
Like I said earlier, the combo of a swiffer and 303 will keep your dash practically lint free and definitely less likely to collect new dust/lint. 303 also has UV protectant (forgot to mention this earlier). One of their tag lines is "SPF 40 for your stuff" Can black do that? NO! 303 info: 303 is THE LEADER in UV screening technology and 303 Protectant really is like "SPF 40 Sunscreen ... For Your Stuff." Regular use of 303 Aerospace Protectant can reduce UV caused slow-fade by up to 100%. No other protectant beautifies as intensely, protects as powerfully or lasts as long. The World's Most Manufacturer-Recommended product: Because of its enduring cosmetic properties, resistance to dust, soiling, and staining, water repellency and unparalleled protective abilities, manufacturers worldwide recommend 303 Aerospace Protectant for countless uses: Use on Rubber: Latex, Neoprene, EPDM Seals, weather-stripping, Wet/dry suits, rubber roofs, Vinyl, Hypalon, Urethane Vinyl awnings, clear vinyl, convertible tops, tonneaus, car bras, spa covers, pool covers, inflatable boats and so much more !
You should wipe the dash clean before you use the 303 though, right? Because it's a protectant, not a cleaner.
I too have used just plane ol' FREE water for (as of next month) four years. I fail to see the logic behind paying for a product which is essentially just more chemicals, and then spreading it around in a confined compartment where you spend many hours . . . when a slightly damp cloth is what Toyota recommends. Yes, the MSDS for this product shows it only being a slight health hazard . . . but that is still more than water . . and just how many of you actually use gloves when applying the stuff? I'll stick to using water only.
That is a valid point about the chemicals But just water = dash fading I hope since I only use 303 once a few months that I'll be OK from any chemical harm. Can't be worse than that new car smell