Sooo.. I went in yesterday evening, and after what felt like an eternity and a few hiccups I am now the proud (extremely; I have taken several people I work with down to the parking lot to talk about my car) owner of an amazing, super white 2008 Prius. I shopped around for a bit in the beginning and then settled on Priority Toyota, (the largest toyota dealership on the east coast) the dealership I purchased my trade in from (2006 Scion TC.. great car but I'm moving up!). I placed an order around the beginning of June and alas but a mere month and some change later I have my car. My experience with dealership was good, and they stayed until the very last part of the puzzle was in place, just short of my plates. I'll get those today. It was after all almost 11 before I left the dealer. Anywho, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Good luck, all!
I just placed an last week for a 2008 Prius. I was told that it is scheduled to be built in August and they do not show an ETA. Anyone have a guess as to when I will have my car?
4-6 months. (more likely 6) I think that's the average wait if you signed up last wk. Alot of dealers are saying december/january from what I've read and heard. Of course it all depends on the region you're in, what package and model you want, how big your dealership is and how many people are already ahead of you in line. But yeah, the short answer would be "It's going to be a loooong wait". *grabs a chair for ecofriendly* Welcome to the waiting list support group!
Welcome new WLers!! I've had mine now for almost 2 weeks and it's still on the original tank from the hang in there !! WTW (worth the wait !!)
My wife and I ordered a bisque 09 with pkg. #2 on June 9 and they told us it would be close to 6 months if we were lucky. Are you getting a 09 or 08? I put a call into the dealer today to see if there is anything on the horizon....and grain of hope that it could come in earlier!!!!!!!!!
Are you expecting a 08 or 09 model? My wife and I put a deposit down on June the 9th for a 09 model and they told us it could be as much as 6 months!!!
I am supposed to get and '08. I was told my original wait time was now longer due to the battery shortage. The sales manager said it looked promising that I would get allocated tomorrow the 17th of July. I sure hope so since allocations come the first and third Thursdays of the month the next one will be awhile. Good luck to us all with the allocation!
*although thankful to acidburn517 for giving me a seat*... I think you just made me cry a little! I spoke to the salesguy again yesterday and he is estimating end of September as a time of arrival. I wonder if he's just telling me this to try to keep me happy....
September is when Toyota starts delivering the 2009s. You may get it then if you are at the top of the list and they get allocated a car that meets your criteria. However, you're out of luck if there are a number of people ahead of you in the list and I'm thinking there probably would be as you can see from the people on this list who are still waiting even if they signed up months ago. Technically, toyota opened up for new orders on the 2009s in June.
First of all...Aaaargh. I feel like I'm ruining this thread...sigh. Feels terrible. All apologies. :fear: Secondly, I'm doing some research and so far, I have figured roughly it would cost $1,108.34 to upgrade a Standard Prius to a Semi-Touring Prius (semi because the spoiler is not listed as a separate part anywhere). That rough estimate includes the Front and Back Stabilizer bars and Struts, and 16" Touring wheels. I have emailed David Maus Toyota Parts requesting them to send me an estimate on what parts and how much money it would be to upgrade a Standard Prius to a Touring Prius, and am awaiting a response... Dave
Since the Touring isn't offered everywhere (if I enter my zip code on it doesn't come up as an option when I "Build My Car") it's good to see what the alternatives are to get some of that into a Base.
Someone posted on here that Toyota does not build custom orders. Some dealers may not order that way but it is hard to explain some of the offerings listed if they are not custom orders (#3 with leather or #5 with leather). My chosen dealer is talking custom orders although mine (ordered May 24) was not in this mornings allocation for the Southeastern region. Eight hundred new listings went up for availability through August 12. This included 125 new listings for Touring vehicles. I'm guessing that these clear up the waiting list from April and start making headway on the early May folks. I guess August 6 will be the next allocation and with any luck my requested #3 Touring with Leather will be on the list. If not I will at least be one of the senior WLs here in the Support Group by that time.
Yaay for 125 new tourings. Here's hoping one of them is mine (although I doubt it since I have not heard from my dealer today.) Seriously considering just getting the base. 11 wks and counting...
Try 2008 Toyota Prius Pricing and Information However, I can do a "build your own" at Not sure why you can't
There are a few options that you cannot select that way but can select at the dealer. We wanted Option 3 because we want a portable GPS, not a built in. We also wanted leather seats (only with option 6). We couldn't get this combination till we got to the dealer.
These numbers are for the 5 state Southeastern Region only. Hopefully a few went to other regions. The other regions are not as upfront about their allocations and it is harder to tract them as near as I can tell.
I spoke with a Toyota rep before getting on the list to clarify just this subject. Toyota does not build to custom orders. They make what they decide to make, put them up on the allocation list for the dealers. Not sure how that works, but I don't think it's anything like a sports draft. The Pkg#3 & Pkg#5 leathers I covered in a privious post. post #61 I just saw that there are other good post in the thread covering the subject. Check them out.
I too missed out in todays South East allocation. I was told 1.5 months more to go. I am currently 6th on the waiting list now. I ordered on May 20th and was told 6-8 weeks then. Hope this latest wait time is wrong in a good way.
It's all SWAG's. The dealers don't know either. It's just a guess based on what they've received in the past. There is no ordering. It's more like opening up baseball cards. They see what they get on allocation day and deside how they're going to distribute the VIN#'s to the anxiouly awaiting Prius owners to-be on the waiting list. Hopefully, they are honest and honor the list. That wasn't the case here in metro Atlanta, Ga. That's why I on a list at a dealer in Tampa, FL. Still no guarantees. I went through the Auto Adviser affiliated with The IBM Federal Employees' Credit Union. Found me a dealer in the Southeast Toyota Region that offered to sell me one at MSRP. Won't know for sure til it comes in. It would be nice if we had a way to check references to see if the our specific dealer was honoring the list and or quotes, or was tacking additional charges on like I've heard of here on PC. Anyway! Good luck!