Just an observation now, but perhaps you guys can contribute... Pre-amble: I'm 5'7" (but apparently have the legs of a 5' 9" person) and like to have the seat set a bit forward. One day I had a jacket slip down behind me and bunch up, which forced me to sit up straighter, thus forcing my leg to straighten out. I noticed that my fuel economy was way better on that particular trip. So I decided to push my seat 2 clicks back (which is the penultimate position), and now my fuel economy (for this tank) is 54 (I'm at 260 miles now). It's usually around 45-48 for city, up to 54 on the highway. Now keep in mind I live in L.A., I've been using A/C intermittently, and most of my trips are under 20 minutes. I did make 2 highway trips during this tank (both were around 60 miles long/RT). I have the same tire psi (42/40) and the same gas (Shell). I think that pushing the seat back prevents me from putting too much pressure on either gas/brake pedal. Obviously this probably won't work for most tall people, since the seat is limited on far it goes, but it might help everyone else. Thoughts? I'll report back when I finish my tank.
I really don't get to use cruise control at all-when I'm on the highway, usually it's in primetime traffic. Maybe on a road trip. What happens?
I dont think anything would happen Kittie. I think Jammin was surmising that it might provide data on wether you were indeed just pushing the go peddle too much. I know that if I sit too close forward in any car I push harder on the peddle. You may be doing the same and using more gas to go the same relative speeds. It doesnt sound natural to do the same speed with less peddle but the Scan Gauge has shown me that it does happen. Sit back, relax a bit, and enjoy the better mpg!
I am 5' 9" and I have my seat all the way back. I have found - like you - that with my feat almost barely able to reach the pedal I apply less pressure. So to answer your question: I concur!
To maximize mpg and be one with your Prius, take off your right shoe when you drive. You will be surprised. And don't respond with how illegal that is... Bulloney
I'm 5'9" and my wife is 5'1" and I always get better FE than she does so the seat position must be the reason.
It's not illegal. Most states have some sort of catch-all law about safe driving that could apply if your shoeless state actually caused an accident, but other than that it's one of those urban legends about it being illegal to drive barefoot. Likewise with being barefoot and shirtless in grocery stores. In most locations the workres in the store are required to wear shirts and shoes, but not the customers. However, the stores are allowed by policy to ban shirtless and shoeless customers. Tom
Similarly, driving w/ your shoes off will boost MPG's. Just use the big toe on the peddle ... you get a much better sence of how hard you're pushing down. edit: whoops, I see abq sfr already made the same point.
Last trip I made to San Diego, 338 miles, I got the best mileage, 49.8. I didn't wear shoes the entire trip. Of course I did use cruise control and my feet were either tucked under me on the seat or propped on the dash. Must be the shoes.......
Check out Society for Barefoot Living Home Page The only reason I know about that site is that Hobbit was quoting it at Hybridfest last year.
bare foot is true in my case. im 6'4". i drive with my big tow. so ez to control your peddle 48-62mpg (according to the screen,@ pump 50-66)
So I went to push the seat back another notch, and it's already at the furthest point! What do you people over 5'10'' do?. Mileage still holding at 54.4 at a little over 300 miles...
Thanks for that cool site! I go barefoot very often, but unfortunately NM is not a barefoot friendly state, too many goat-heads, red ants, scorpions, and other forms of barefoot-unfriendly life along with 180 degree pavement. My son even stepped on a scorpion in the house, a call to Poison Control indicated its no more serious than a bee sting, no life-threatening ones in NM unless you are way down south. But I still like to take my chances, and slip-on shoes are now my favorite since I got my Prius.
6'2" here... and plenty of legroom for me, unlike in many other cars. I used to think many Japanese models were built for people with smaller frames, some Camry models I can't drive without my knee up against the dash. But my Prius fits me perfectly.
I find that wearing different shoes gives me different MPG... so, barefoot may be a good bet. I've not tried it, though. Some mornings, I have too hard a time getting the shoes on.
I thought it was just me that put the seat way far back. And I have really short legs and I'm only 5'8". But for some reason I find it gives me more control and is more comfortable. I also like the seat as upright as possible.
For some of those who complain about Wifey ruining the MPG, perhaps a little seat re-positioning is in order ;P
K. So finished the tank: 52.2, tank at 433 miles. 3 highway trips, roughly 60 miles each, using A/C intermittently, radio all the time, Ipod sometimes. Not too bad for L.A. driving!