Dishwasher versus cabinet storage?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Godiva, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    I have a really old house. I have the vintage kitchen remodel from 1949. Original cabinets, tile, sink , etc. I've done a little updating but pretty much kept it vintage. I did put a Dishmaster faucet in for washing dishes.

    Now I'm considering putting in a compact dishwasher. I don't have space for a 24" but I do have one cabinet between the sink an stove for a compact 18" dishwasher.

    But I have to I want to give up that drawer and the two shelves in the cabinet for a dishwasher. Storage is already tight. I'd have to find another place to store my pots and pans and they'd be farther away from the stove. And I'd have to knock out the back of the cabinet down to the studs and the dishwasher would still stick out a bit, requiring some creative framing to hide the gap. My cabinets are only 18" deep withe another 1" of plaster behind before you hit studs. Most of the dishwashers are about 22" deep. Not a danger in that the stove also sticks out right next to it, but there would be a gap to disguise.

    But my main concern is:

    What is worth more in a kitchen? A dishwasher or storage? I know storage is always at a premium. Is that storage drawer and cabinet worth more or less than having a compact dishwasher in the kitchen?

    I've been hand washing for 20 years. But I'm thinking of something that would be a small expense but make my house more valuable. I don't want to put in a dishwasher and end up lowering the value of my house because I did away with kitchen storage.

    So.....thoughts anyone?

    Here's a pic of the cabinet. It's between the sink on the left and the stove on the right. BTW that stove is history. I have a vintage white enameled O'Keefe and Merritt now.

  2. MarinJohn

    MarinJohn Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    Dishwasher definitely. Have you considered an apartment-sized counter top model?
  3. pewd

    pewd Clarinet Dude

    Jan 28, 2007
    Dallas, Texas
    2007 Prius
    the older i get the more i want cabinets up higher, and less storage down low.
    i hate rooting around on the floor looking for a pot or pan way in the back of a cabinet down low.

    i love the vintage look btw.
    if it was me i'd rip out the cabinet next to the stove, put in a dishwasher, (small one - apartment sized) and hang another cabinet with ventilation fan above the stove, where the shelf is.
  4. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    The apartment sized counter top models won't fit on my counters.

    All of the counters are about 18" deep. Very shallow compared to modern. The space between the counter and the upper cabinets is also low, about 12". No counter top dishwasher would fit. There's also no space in the kitchen for a portable. The upper cabinets are shallower than the lower, maybe 12". Actually really nice not to have deep cabinets where I can't reach anything.

    The space above the stove now had a cabinet with a microwave/hood combo. The small cabinet to the left is very shallow (sized for spice tins) and contains all of my spices. If I completed gutted that kitchen and remodeled the entire thing....*that* cabinet would still stay.

    Whatever I do, I have to do with the current counter in place. I can gut underneath, but won't be removing and building a new cabinet. I'm not looking for a complete kitchen remodel here, just installing or not installing a dishwasher. I rip out the drawer and cabinet underneath with a reciprocating saw and install the 18" dishwasher? Or do I keep the vintage cabinets and continue to wash by hand? What makes my house worth more?
  5. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    We had a similar dilemma in our 1939 kitchen, with the old tile and skinny counters. We wanted to keep the vintage look, but with a family of four, there was no question we needed a dishwasher, a fridge that could hold a week's groceries, and an even-temperatured stove. For awhile, we used a portable that hooked up to the sink and rolled out of the way when not in use. Then, we got busy with the renovations, taking out a lower cabinet, part of an upper cabinet, an ancient woodburning stove, and a too-small fridge. Along one wall, we put in a new stove (with an oven that works!), an over the range microwave, and a built in dishwasher. In the space where the old stove was, we put in a big all-fridge. It all works quite well, and we got to keep the neat heritage features while updating the function.

    If you're happy with doing your own dishes by hand, you could just leave it for the next people to worry about. Would you have room for a rolling portable dishwasher? What are the chances you'll be moving to your parent's homestead?
  6. perryma

    perryma New Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    2005 Prius
    Dishwasher, dishwasher, dishwasher...don't even hesitate just go ahead and do it and you will love yourself for it.
  7. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    I don't plan to sell.

    No telling if at some point I may have to move in with them but not any time soon.

    No room for a portable.

    It's just me, so size is not a problem. Although it would take me less time to fill a little 18" than a full size, even if I *had* room for a full size, which I don't.

    I'm just thinking about what would enhance the value of my home. I know now seems a stupid time to think of improvements, but I've gotten 100-200% value back on every improvement I've made. So if I spent $500.00 to put in a dishwasher, I'm mostly concerned about if I've increased it's value by adding a modern appliance, or decreased it because the kitchen now has less cabinet stace.
  8. perryma

    perryma New Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    2005 Prius
    You will increase it because everyone wants a dishwasher. One less cabinet will not be a big deal. If you lack cabinet space you lack it. One more or less won't make that big of a difference. You could always add a cabinet above the stove.
  9. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    Well, if you're planning on not selling, why are you worried about enhancing the resale value? What matters is what your home is worth to you, and how happy you are in it. While most people wouldn't think of doing piles of dishes by hand every day, it sounds like you're perfectly content without a dishwasher.
  10. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
  11. Freedom

    Freedom Active Member

    Jun 22, 2008
    Northeastern MA
    2008 Prius
    I've never seen a dishwasher and range side by side. Doesn't mean it can't be done, but I think you should check before you start:
    - electric code
    - heat transfer issues
    - plumbing code

    If I am interpreting your photo correctly, the dishwasher will be against the kitty-corner drawer and cabinet? But the dishwasher will stick out. I wonder if you will even be able to open that drawer, AND CABINET, with the dishwasher in place. the cabinet may be resolved by switching the hinge side. But the drawer . . . .

    You checked and know that the depth is different, vintage to today.
    Have you checked height? Are you going to have a counter top problem as well? (Ugh!)

    I can't tell if there is room for a roll around storage cabinet so someone could solve this concern in future if they wanted to.

    Sorry, I couldn't follow this enough to understand what you mean. The gap is where? Between the dishwasher and . . . the stove? No, those are going to be side by side. The dishwasher and the existing cabinet? That's not a gap, just a front side of the dishwasher exposed.

    Interesting challenge!
  12. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    No. I would be using the cabinet with the existing between the sink and stove. So that door and drawer would be removed and the insides gutted using a reciprocating saw.

    So I would gain a dishwasher but lose a drawer and two shelves of cabinet space.

    That cabinet opening is 18". Just large enough for the dishwasher.

    Height is fine. My counters are actually a little taller than normal as the previous owner's wife was 6 feet and had them built taller for her comfort. The depth is a problem but I have a work around. I'll be removing the plaster behind the cabinet. That will gain me another inch. And I have the stud space for running electrical and plumbing.

    If there is a bit of a gap between the face of the cabinet and the door of the dishwasher, I think I can get a little creative with some molding and frame it so it doesn't look too stupid.

    There is plumbing and electrical under the sink. I have a garbage disposal and there is a box I can tie electrical in to. It was done with the possibility of a future dish washer.

    No problem with the hardware aspects. I just want to make sure if I refinance in the future, I'll increase my home's worth with a dishwasher instead of decreasing it by using cabinet space to do it.

    But I think the comment previously was valid. There's never enough storage. If you're already short, losing a little more isn't going to be that much more of an impact.
  13. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    Have you thought about a drawer dishwasher? I think they're available as a single unit, and are designed for smaller kitchens.
  14. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    Yeah, I looked at the drawers. They're 24 " wide and 24" deep. I have the same depth problem as with the compact. I do have a place where I have a column of drawers and could lose a couple drawers for a dishwasher. But it will still stick out. I think solving the depth problem for the slimline in the cabinet next to the stove is easier than for the drawer area.

    My Mom and I are going to go to a few kitchen places and see if there's any european design that is shallower than standard. If not, I may go to Home Depot and take some measurements of a GE Spacemaker. It's energy star rated.

    If not, I have a work around if I really want to go that route. I'd have to knock out the plaster behind the cabinet (all the time working inside the cabinet, fun stuff) and then I might have to take out a stud, putting in a crosspiece and two sister studs on the side; like framing a window. I'm not looking forward to this. I believe the plaster in the kitchen is on metal mesh, not wood lathe. So it will be a real b¡tch. But it will gain me 5 inches. That gives me 23". And running everything through the wall is easier than cutting through cabinets and such. Cleaner too.

    I need to consider this seriously. Once I start cutting into the cabinet there's no going back.
  15. Jack66

    Jack66 Kinda Jovial Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Stafford, Virginia
    2008 Prius
    Godiva, I would suggest the dishwasher since todays buyers expect it. I know you aren't selling, but if you did you wouldn't want their first reaction to be disappointment. Buyers also expect storage but you have a good start and you have so much unused vertical space to work with. Also, there are nice tricks to using unexpected spaces like the toe-kick areas at the very bottom of your existing cabinets.

    From the description your cabinets are probably stick and frame (handmade on site) and easy to modify. You have water, drainage, and electrical near the dishwasher location so everything you need is there and you won't have to touch the countertops or backsplash.
  16. MarinJohn

    MarinJohn Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    A girl with a reciprocating saw and hammer, and she knows how to use them. How dreamy!
  17. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    (My Dad owns the reciprocating saw but I can borrow it any time I want.)

    Yeah, if I ask for girlie stuff from Santa the most I can expect is maybe a sweater. But if I ask Santa for power tools, they're under the tree.

    Last Christmas I got a Craftsman three-fer, cordless drill, saw and flashlight. I've got drill bits up the whazoo; wood, masonry, chisel. I've got socket wrenches, sanders, jigsaw. I have a dual action polisher for detailing my car.

    Right now I'm coveting a compound miter saw but I'm not sure how much use I'd get from it. If the Porter Cable compressor with three tools goes on sale at Home Depot, I'll probably ask for that instead.

    I also know how to sweat copper pipe and do PVC. I did all of the sprinklers for my yard. I can reseat a toilet and hang a ceiling fan. I've hung a slab door using a hand plane and chisel for beveling and mortising. I just finished building a replacment gate for my fence to the alley. 8 ft tall with a deadbolt lock. (this is so SDG&E can access my meter because of PV) You can check out my bathroom remodel HERE.

    I'll be doing the dishwasher install myself but I've read the PDFs and it doesn't look too complicated. The only labor intensive thing is going to be knocking out the back wall inside the cabinet. (The plaster is on mesh instead of lathe, damn.) Yes. The cabinets were stick and frame built on site. The back wall inside is the exposed plaster. But they have some nice little details I don't want to give up. The countertops are NOT level intentionally. They slant towards the sink. Spills automatically move that way and clean up is so much easier. There is also a lip so it doesn't spill onto the floor. I prefer to do work myself if I feel I can handle it because I am a lot more careful and fussy than some installers, contractors, workmen. After all it's MY house so I care more about what it's going to look like and how it's going to work in the space with daily living.

    My Mom and I are going to a kitchen store today to look at options, although it looks like all dishwashers are pretty much a standard 22-24" deep. I'll probably have to take out a stud and sister in a header.

    I'd love a Miele or Bosch but will probably end up with a GE, Frigidaire or Kenmore. Yes, it is for me and I don't plan to sell. But it doesn't pay to put in real high end in my neighborhood. If my home was appraised, I wouldn't get any extra value from a Miele over a Kenmore.

    And I'm single. Interested parties may send resumé, copies of your last three years tax returns and high quality jpeg of power tools.
  18. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    And you're not interested in a personal photo? You're taking your chances there. To borrow a phrase, if they don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy. :)
  19. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    Hey! I asked for tax returns!

    Got back from Kitchen store. Consensus is I'll put an exploratory hole in the back of the cabinet to see what's back there and how deep I can get it before I decide.
  20. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    Sorry, if you're not interested in me for my mind, I don't think there's much of a future for us. Besides, I'm looking for womanly attributes other than a desire to spend my money. :D