General Motors Corp. has told federal regulators they should not count on any fuel economy gains from the upcoming Chevrolet Volt or plug-in hybrids when setting new efficiency standards, saying such vehicles would be built in low numbers through 2015... ... "For the purposes of the NHTSA rulemaking, GM's game-changing EREV technology should be treated as a low-volume application during the time period under consideration," the automaker said in a filing. "We strongly discourage NHTSA from applying either PHEV or EREV technology in any significant volume in its ... model during the 2011-2015 timeframe." GM spokesman Greg Martin said the automaker was trying to set reasonable perspectives with regulators. GM lowers expectations for hybrid fuel savings | | Detroit Free Press
Toyota is building new factories for battery production, and is gearing up to produce more hybrids. A new Prius is set to be unveiled. Tundra production is being replaced with Highlander Hybrid production. GM announced no substantial Volt production until 2015. ---------- The ENTIRE board of directors and executives of GM should be fired and replaced ! If I was a GM stockholder, I would be PISSED!!!!!! (but fortunately, I own zero shares of GM)
No surprises here. Just another Detroit shell game. Meanwhile, Toyota makes the smart decision and decides that they will make Prii in the US instead of the suddenly and decidedly un-vogue SUV.
Pretty sad. Sounds like they are setting up for the 'available next year', delivery cycle. It is always true, as once January comes around, they have 365 more days until 'next year'. IF they managed to build it as described (70 miles EV, 50 MPG after) and with quality for a reasonable price - they would be looking at a line 100s of thousands long. There wouldn't be any 'no significant volume' for 6 years issue other than that caused by GM's inability to execute. Toyota will eat GM's lunch AGAIN with whatever Plug-in hybrid they put out for sale even if it is only 7 or 8 miles on EV and 50 MPG for the next 600 miles. I suspect the Toyota Mississippi plant to open in 2011 will be producing plug-in Prii using U.S. labor while GM is still trying to sell smaller cars made in other countries that get worse mileage.
History repeating itself: "saying such vehicles would be built in low numbers through 2015..." GM scared Toyota into building the Prius. GM is scaring Toyota into building PHEVs. Don't they ever learn? Boasting openly about your plans puts you BEHIND not ahead in development cause your competitors will know what you're doing.
Nah, they are simply going to have low production numbers because nobody REALLY wants cars like that. Just as there really was no demand for the EV1s
I can't even begin to say how shocked I am BTW last I heard it was 40 miles and $40,000+. Like any phev, there is the theoretical possibility of using no gas depending on driving style. Driving beyond the 40 mile EV range I believe its supposed to get ~50mpg. Doesn't sound like a winning combination to me, particularly in a two-seater. In my mind that doesn't even really beat the current conversion option for the Prius, and even that is questionable from a financial standpoint. $22k for a new Prius, $10k for a Hymotion L5, so $32k gets you a mid-sized 5 door hatchback with a 15-20 mile EV range. And you can have it today. Rob
I'm just looking for the next generation Prius ( I wish I needed a new car now and could easily afford one, and that they were somewhat available ... cause the Prius is so cool, minus the fact it doesn't have a simple mechanical driver seat height adjuster) GM had the nerve to post some video of the Volt scampering at a whopping 5 mph down the road. Anyone see that one?
Probably a lot of the same type people that currently drive a Prius or any other gasoline/diesel powered car. While a ~200 mile is fine for most folks as a commuter or second car there are a lot of people who like myself that would be unwilling to be limited to a 100 mile radius of travel from your home/starting point. My Prius is my only car and as such needs to be versatile. As far as I'm concerned a pure electric vehicle would not work for me but a vehicle such as the Volt, Plun-in Prius or any PHEV would be ideal. It would allow me to commute my 24 mile round trip to work every day on only cheap electricity but would allow me the freedom of virtually unlimited range for day trips to cross country vacations.
So the Government should not count on the Volt for fuel savings soon? That strikes me as GM's problem, not the Government. GM will just have to meet the fuel standards in other ways. That means some of their dinosaurs might be retired to pasture.
Correct ! Put up or shut up fits too. What a bunch of whingers (and Aussies thought we were whinging poms..). I think GM is now really in the last chance saloon and as an earlier poster commented on firing the board, I would also like to see them publicly flogged before they are hung, drawn and quartered. How totally, totally irresponsible is GM ?
You mean the one where it was so noisy, it was difficult to carry on a conversation? ... where they had to push it out of the driveway? Well fortunately that one wasn't 'real' ... as the drag coefficency was akin to a parachute. But maybe they can still pull it off. Who knows.