If they can get a nuke, why have they not yet done so? If, may the gods forbid, they do explode one, isotopic analysis will tell us who made it. And the makers will suffer. And all potential makers, which are all governments, know this and strive to prevent it. (There is essentially zero chance that any entity smaller than a government could build a nuclear weapon, as opposed to buying or stealing one.) Still, prevention is much better than punishment. We should be working feverishly to dismantle all nuclear weapons and use their fuel in power reactors, thereby destroying it, and to set up a regime of the world's democracies (I mean of course real, secular democracies) to control the manufacture and distribution of enriched uranium and plutonium with strict military enforcement as needed. It terms of US political history it would be ironic if fanatical pursuit of the War On Terror (TM) is the thing that finally compels creation of a functioning world government.
Ha. The way things are going right now, the Iranians just have to sit back and watch us destroy ourselves. I don't have to elaborate.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Its almost as absurd as an obscure arab troublemaker organizing suicidal followers to fly 4 commercial jets into 4 of the most important political and economic buildings in the US!
Yes, but afaik aluminum foil is commonly available at the grocery store, and the plans are free on the website too. Actually, the Federal Government blocks their employees from going to the Anti-Mind control website. I WONDER WHY THAT IS???? They can buy all the wadded up paper they want.
It's not that which I was disagreeing with; it was the part about "Government" agencies NOT trying to control your mind.
Just to get back on topic... do you really think things will be that bad if an EMP goes off over the US? Sure, car's won't work anymore, so the price of oil around the globe will plummet. Likewise, we won't have electricity or other utilities for a short time - I say short because that will most likely be the governments first priority. Within two week's you'll see some stuff working again - electricity to central aid shelters, water will be turned back on, etc. By the end of a year thing will be back to normal, with a few small changes: The infrastructure will have been redesigned and hardened as it was rebuilt, ensuring this wouldn't happen again. The concept of rush hour traffic would be a thing of the past, as there still won't be enough working cars to create a traffic jam if you tried. And finally, California would finally fall into the sea, as the increased physical demands and decrease in availability of fatty and sugary foods causes you're average american to lose 50-100 lbs, decreasing the pressure on the continental plates by billion's of lbs and causing a huge continental shift. Oh, and there would be a radioactive hole the size of Texas somewhere on the opposite side of the world.
The scenario proposed assumes the following things: 1) Someone would chose to use a customized EMP nuclear weapon for an blast rather than a much more common everyday nuclear weapon, yet would not have any other nuclear weapons to use. 2) They would go to the effort to position it for maximum US coverage in a very difficult delivery system. (i.e. It would have to be launched by some air vehicle) 3) It is VERY large in yield. 4) All the bad EMP damage mechanisms work to the extremes postulated. Yep, If ALL these things work to perfection, we have to worry about EMP. This is more funny than worrysome. Now a low yield, primitive nuke, detonated in large city....... That is more worrysome than funny.
Why would IRAN do anything as stupid as dropping a nuclear weapon over a densely populated area? As far as I am aware only one country ever in history has done something as regrettable as that. Twice. It was not IRAN. Have a nice day and please think before you speak.