I am a happy new owner of a Prius, and have noted a few interesting reactions from a certain group of people. Verbal and even physical eek abuse seems to be a daily occurrence. Often times, this type of abuse is done by rednecks in GIGANTIC, WASTEFUL, HATEFUL, WORLD-KILLING trucks . Many of these people try to run me off the road, endangering myself and others. Am I the only one here to think at times, that it would be in our best interest to simply exterminate this type of person? I think that the quality of life for those of us that are for the Earth would be much better, and that our goal of saving the Earth would be more easily achieved. What do you feel about this?
My mom told me a story the other day of two guys at Costco that got into fist fights. Why? One guy decided to fill up 4 5 gallon gas cans after he filled his truck. During the time the cans were being filled, the price at the pump was increased 3 cents. The guy waiting next got so pissed at the guy filling the cans that he started an argument which turned into a full blown fist fight. There are a lot of really angry people out there right now because of what they're paying for gas, food, and many other life necessities. They can't afford a new Prius. But they know every time they see one that the owner is paying for a lot less gas. It boils down to pure jealousy and rage.
Sorka, that is more a comment on the type of fool who commutes in a truck. Prius owner hatred, completely justified
I feel for you brother.. I get the same feeling when I've waited 20 minutes in line at Post Office only to have everyone go on break when I'm next to be served. :fear:
I am not driving a Prius to save the earth lmao. it is to save 320 bucks a month in gas. But hey even I had some guy flip me off today. I was going super slow....
Perhaps your strong feelings come across to the people around you? *SOME* Prius owners are some of the rudest hate mongers I've ever met. Many feel like they're better than everyone on the road. This is part of the reason why we continually see threads about how "I waved at a Prius owner and he didn't return the wave". Not saying you're one of them, but just throwing out the thought. Also, even if you were this isn't an excuse for someone to fly off the handle so I won't make an excuse for someone else. I'm sometimes ashamed to be a Prius owner myself.
HomeandRanch; going super slow as in well under the speed limit? If driving WELL under the speed limit then U R impeding traffic and I can understand the flip off. Driving the speed limit and getting a flip off is definitely uncalled for. Some hypermilers go beyond the norm and do tend to piss others off. I drive the speed limit and stick to the right lane of the highway and have never had issues.
Absolutely we have rednecks in Portland. It really is unfortunate, I actually originally moved to Portland from Eastern Oregon seeking refuge from them. There ARE fewer, but the Prius seems to draw them out to me! Also, GatorJZ, I resent that you say that about me. For that, I put a non-violent jihad on you :hand:.