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fuel system uses only water and air

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by RobertG, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    I realize I shouldn't help continue this, but:

    You don't need to melt the steel structure to weaken it. At 727°C, the martensite to austenite phase transition takes place. The crystal structure of the steel changes from BCT (body centered tetragonal) to FCC (face centered cubic). As a result, dislocations can move more freely within the steel and the steel loses tensile (and compressive) strength.

    The building falls down as a result of the weakened structure and the weight of the floors above.
  2. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    you just admitted that what you were saying was a total crap?
    so, why should i waste my time on someone who has admited that he is saying total crap?
  3. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    ok, i must be wrong because new laws of physics apply for objects that were involved/hit/destroyed/discovered/modified on September 11, 2001, and only that day, and only
    for WTC1, WTC2, WTC7 and Pentagon.

    on that ‘special’ day the physical laws have changed for those locations, and only for those locations.
    never before such thing has occurred, nor it will ever occur, except maybe in year 2010 (maybe).

    yes, the kind of steel used in WTC that always melts at 2800 degrees has decides to melt at say 727 degrees or 875 degrees or whatever number below 1000 degrees on that above-stated day.

    but, miraculously a PAPER passport that was "found" in a WTC inferno has survived the kerosene fire, together with 5 Arab hijackers that were found a few days later in Arab countries live and well.
    So, yes, on that special day transmutation of matter occurred, for sure. How otherwise would you explain that those hijackers ended up live and well in their middle eastern homes!

    but wait, that is not all; those explosions that were herd right before the WTC buildings have fallen down were probably figment of imagination of those multiple eyewitnesses who were in the basement, outside the building or just a delusion of those firemen that were on one of the floors, collected and cool, as the kerosene fire was almost completely gone, that is under control.

    Because, hey, western media and western government are always right, just and honest, and Americans as a nation are always good.

    yes, therefore we should just forget the reason and logic and physical laws, and we should all join Her Bush and his fundamental Christian camp, so that we can bomb those Moslems with depleted uranium, torture them without chance for a fair trial, use the most inhumane techniques like "waterboarding" and sleep depravation, burn their holly books, stick their heads in the toilets, defecate and urinate on them then pose for photos, raze their cities, use microwave weaponry on them so that “we can feel good about our selves and our freedom loving government and the greatest country on earth”.

    then on top of that avoid talking about the real issues, instead argue about
    some technical detail that no normal person with a functioning brain would ever argue about because it should be obvious when media and government is lying to you.

    like that at 727 degrees "martensite to austenite phase transition takes place"

    Guess what? There is a bit of difference between 2000 degrees when steel begins weakening and 727 degrees! You can apply 727 degrees of heat for yers and still you won’t be able to weaken or melt the structure, because of incredible hit sink that metal structure in large building becomes.
    You have to apply 2800 degrees on a spot to cur the steel or 2000 degrees to weaken it.

    Yes, I find it suspicious that the Patriot Act framework was written way before 9/11.
    do not believe me? Read PNAC in which they are hoping for a "New Perl Harbor event" and little later, just like hitting a jackpot such event ‘miraculously’ appears.

    I got even more suspicion if that same PA is pushed into effect so that
    is intruding on your and my freedom, that they can openly spy on you and me, that I can be thrown in the jail for no good reason except a suspicion that I am a terrorist. And, if you really loved the freedom you would feel the same. Right?

    But, we know that reality is that
    A: Americans are very FEARFUL of their government and a new dose of latest scare is always on airways.

    B: Just like Germans, Americans are going to support the insane policies that are addressed against them, until the day when it is too late to change anything.

    C: in a sense, Americans will ‘get what they deserve’, because "a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent." At least that is how those who are pulling the strings see it.

    but, this is not surprising to me. what is surprising to me is how well those in power know the
    people with mathematical precision, and they know with same precision how people will react.

    those few people who are still able to think for themselves and courageous to see the true picture of our world are in disbelief as how can our ‘masters’ know the masses so well, and masses are directed without a protest to their own prison cells. And of course that is why those in power have used behavioral science against us for many decades now, but lately the techniques are perfected.

    think as why 'they' are continuously corrupting, dehumanizing and conditioning us to accept a police state and phony "terrorism" using methods of Hegelian dialectic.

    In a 1961 lecture, Aldous Huxley described this police state as "the final revolution": a "dictatorship without tears" where people "love their servitude."

    and, you better read the "silent weapons for quiet wars" before it is too late... which already seem to be the case.

    BTW, unless someone wants to discuss real issues -- i am not going to waste my time telling you what most of you already know subconsciously, but what you have problem accepting consciously. Yes, it takes lots of couragge to admit that we have been lied to from day we were born.
    And this forum is definitely not a place for me to waste time with those who are repeating the official story, without doing any of their own research, without wish to learn the truth.
  4. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    You can believe whatever you want to, but I was just giving you the explanation of why the steel weakened below the melting point. It wasn't something that I invented; its a phenomenon well known to anyone who has taken a basic course in Materials Engineering. It is also known to anyone who is heat treating or hot working steel; the transformation temp from martensite to austenite is used to anneal (soften) the steel for hot working.

    If you want to believe it was some type of government conspiracy, go right ahead, but you don't have to melt steel to weaken it; that is the point I'm trying to get across to you.
  5. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Oh my god, never heard of sarcasm?

    You got me, I'm a believer. I don't know how I missed it in the past. You're right and all the much better educated people are wrong.

    Just like the lunar landing, a conspiracy where hundreds of people were involved and not one of those people in all these years, in the case of the Apollo 11 hoax, 39 years now and not one person, not a sound man or a sweeper have come out and said, "yeah I worked on that movie set, it was all a massive hoax." not 1 but I believe the nut bags over everyone else.

    Did you hear that the Statue of Liberty is a hoax too? It's an early hologram projection over an ugly steel tower.

    Hey, I just bought the Golden Gate Bridge, I don't really want it so I can sell it to you half price if you want. How about $50 million? Interested? I think it needs painting though. My son said "it's a renovators dream."

    Yep, you had a win, I believe in perpetual motion and water for fuel.

    Please don't.
  6. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    I think there is one thing to keep in mind regarding those who believe in perpetual motion, "free" energy, and conspiracy theories involving terrorist attacks, moon landings, etc: they are trying to rationalize or at least simplify what are very complex human events

    Nobody wants to admit or face that human beings are the most dangerous, unpredictable, greedy, selfish animals on the planet. The source of most of our problems can be found just by looking into a mirror. Our ignorance, selfishness, and paranoia all conspire against us

    We tend to go through very elaborate Machiavellian maneuvers, downright backstabbing, just for fun. We tend to engage ourselves in outlandish rituals and fantasy play over what should be solemn, serious, and tragic events

    As far as water for fuel: apparently anybody can download plans from the Internet, or order them from the back of National Enquirer, Popular Science, Mechanix Illustrated, etc. Must be a lot of folks driving around right now with nothing more than a few glass pickle jars and water in their trunk. More power to them

    Unless “they†have sophisticated detectors to home in on the resonant frequency of the cold fusion and hydrogen generators. Then “they†would swoop down on you and “disappear†you

    Conspiracy theories regarding the terrorist attacks: let’s face it, you can’t compare the impact of a B-25 into the Empire State Building with the impact of a fully fueled Boeing 767 into WTC 1 & 2. Much higher velocities, therefore much higher kinetic energy to deal with.

    Empire State is a very sturdy, “traditionally†constructed steel girder building. Spans are much shorter, everything is riveted and bolted together. WTC used pioneering construction, such as substituting drywall for reinforced concrete for the central core walls. Spans are much longer, the trusses were lightly connected, etc

    Of course, “they†could have rounded up all those passengers, subjected them to Extraordinary Rendition, had them killed in Kazakhstan, and had sophisticated remote guidance fly the jets to their intended targets. “They†will also round up anybody typing about this …. Who’s knocking at my door?

    Our entire defense posture – including the *trillions* spent on thermonuclear weapons deployment – is an obsolete relic. The “need†for such a system was actually based on paranoia and lies, eg “missile gap.†The Corona spy satellite proved the USSR was no threat. It was pretty easy to get the public to willingly go along with the lie. Thanks to paranoia and not asking the right questions, eg “show us the proof.â€

    A defense posture that counted on ICBM’s, SLBM’s, M.A.D., and detecting waves of bombers and inbound ballistic missiles, was pretty useless against a handful of determined fanatics. The Europeans, especially the UK, have a long history of dealing with terrorism. They place far more emphasis on Intelligence, not on obsolete missile systems.

    What I don’t understand is that we know the exact country of origin for all of the terrorists who carried out their attacks back in 2001. Seems to me, we bombed and invaded the wrong country

    Of course, for a Texas oilman, a sudden crisis in the Mid East was just the ticket to massive oil company profits. Most of us never get the one-in-a-million chance to have events fall into place like that, it’s quite literally like watching somebody fill out a lottery ticket, change their mind, throw away the paper, and you pick it up and run the numbers.

    And win.
  7. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I haven't read rants quite this random since the Time Cube.
  8. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    I scrolled through that whole thing just to see how long it was and bust out laughing when I saw the "Next Page" link at the bottom. :D
  9. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    The Sydney University are in on the scam too.
    World Trade Center - Some Engineering Aspects - Civil Engineering - The University of Sydney
    Controlled implosions always fall to one side.
    There are more links at the bottom of the linked document of co-conspirators, the first another Australian institution. How many thousands of educated people are in on this? I feel violated that my tax dollars are being used to edgacate these lires.
  10. Mormegil

    Mormegil Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    2014 Chevy Volt
    Just for the benefit of people here who care about accuracy:

    WTC North Tower was hit at 8:46am, and collapsed at 10:28am, 1 hour and 42 minutes later.

    WTC South Tower was hit at 9:03am, and collasped at 9:59am, close to an hour later.

    Not 20 minutes as Zeeman stated. I remember watching it live, and it was way longer than 20 minutes.

    BTW: Zeeman, nobody is suggesting the fuel fire melted the steel (as you keep refuting). We believe you, the steel didn't melt, it was merely weakened. The melted metal was likely aircraft aluminium (melts at less than 700 degrees C).

    Except it IS POSSIBLE.

    Kerosene burns at over 900 degrees C, and steel weekens at under 800 degrees C.
  11. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    oh my, i got times that buildings burned before the collapse wrong.
    as if it matters if a building burned 57 minutes or 30.2 minutes, compare to a bulding in Spain that burns for days.

    see, you made 30 vs 57 minutes a central issue, because that is the only thing that you can really argue about -- duration of burning before crashing down. you will not touch any other issues that defy laws of physics.

    and of course none of you answered the real important issues and why did the laws of physics change on that one day???

    And, you will not talk about PNAC and who benefits form draconian laws that were enacted immediately after 911, nor will you talk about crimes
    against humanity that are being perpetrated by your Army against people of the world.

    anyways, back to alternative energy issue;
    those of you who may wish to learn about what was already known for decades but what is not in school textbooks may want to check out Tom Bearden and John Hutchison know about alternative energy.
    Maybe, just maybe your paradigm of what planet you live on and what is possible will change, if you are not afraid to do some honest investigation.
    If you really want to understand what is alternative energy all about you should download "energy from vacuum" by Bearden.
    There are short Bearden video clips on youtube as well.

    at age 17 Bearden achieved second highest score in U.S.A., in the West Point entrance exam. He is one of the leading physicists today and his work in scalar electromagnetics and alternative energy (going to advanced energy field) is actually continuation of Tesla's work. As some of you may know they called Tesla "Man out of his time" because he was
    about century ahead of anyone else in the field of electrical engineering and advances sciences as scalar electromagnetics. Even today many of the scientists do not understand Tesla fully, but there is more and more of those who do understand what he was working with.

    Canadian John Hutchison has demonstrated many of the Tesla's principles, or should i say Tesla's inventions, especialy those pertaining to high frequency, high voltage currents and electromagnetism. Bearden is taking it to yet another level, making it easier to understand for even non technically oriented people.

    and those who are just talking without knowing what they are talking about would benefit from doing their own investigation into the matter.

    Bearden talks about energy, conventional and alternative forms and implications that current hold of energy has on world.

    even though i basically give up on trying to make you prius chat people interested into looking under the hood of global vehicle of energy, maybe someone who is open minded still will investigate this a bit, and by doing so discover how we have been lied to for many, many decades now, and in process learn what is very near future going to be like, as far as the energy goes, if it does not end up in hands of globalists.
  12. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Oh that brings tears to my eyes, tears of joy. Please oh PLEASE feel free give up.

    If I want a wacky conspiracy theorist chat I'll got to a conspiracy theory web chat site.

    Surely you are missed over there?
  13. priusenvy

    priusenvy Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Silicon Valley, CA
    2005 Prius
    "I believe in an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out." --Arthur Hays Sulzberger
  14. Wildkow

    Wildkow New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    2006 Prius
  15. Kablooie

    Kablooie Member

    Feb 21, 2004
    La Canada
    2016 Prius
    This car is a terrible idea.

    Haven't they heard that water is scarce and air is being used up at an alarming rate.

    We'll all be dead and gone if this car becomes popular.
  16. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Oh gawd, have you ever lurked at one of them? Side-splitting funny, and a bit scary that kookie people actually believe that s***

    Apparently: cell phone towers use "beams" to control our minds, but crystals can defeat them; aliens are actually running our various governments with futuristic technology and "beams," but crystals - naturally :tinfoil3:- can defeat them; with nothing more than a glass pickle jar, some scraps of wire, a crystal - naturally! - and the Top Secret Plans, you can run your entire house, car, etc on Cold Fusion technology

    I mean ... OI!


    It's best to just

  17. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    Did you realize that if you could intercept the energy from the mind control beams, you could use that energy to split water into HHO?

    If the government wasn't suppressing the technology, you could. :mod:
  18. Mormegil

    Mormegil Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    2014 Chevy Volt
    Then bring it up in the off-topic discussion (House of Pancakes). This sub-forum is on Hybrid news.

    Personally, I talk about that stuff all the time, just not here.

    BTW: Nobody believes the laws of physics or chemistry were changed on that day. We're STILL saying the steel weakened, not melted. I don't get where you think we're suggesting the steel melted.
  19. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Difference between weakened and melted
    Take icecream out the freezer: - s*** that's hard, bent the spoon
    5 minutes later have another go: - That's better, the spoon glides through that, perfectly weakened.
    10 minutes later still: - That icecream was nice, ate it all before it melted but it was getting too soft toward the end of the bowl but NOT MELTED.
    Left the icecream out all night: - That's melted, throw it out.

    Can you see the difference?
    Icecream soft enough to serve in 5 minutes.
    Icecream still soft but not melted after 15 minutes.
    Icecream is a melted watery mess overnight.

    Big difference between melted and weakened.
  20. Presto

    Presto Has his homepage set to PC

    Mar 27, 2005
    Vancouver, BC
    2005 Prius
    Right now, Costco has $3.50 off a 3-pack of Aluminum Foil. Let me know if I can make a hat for you, as well.