Well after a few months of waiting, I finally took posession of my new '08 Prius, package #2, Spectra Blue Mica! I can say it is great with the high gas prices here in Hawaii!
looks good. congrats! You didn't want to wait a little longer for the Hawaii Prius special edition? .
I had this car ordered last March back while I was on the mainland. I just heard about the Hawaii edition this past week and just moved to Hawaii this past week, so I needed a car to get around. Had I had another car here already, I may have gotten the Hawaii version, but this car is just as good IMO.
I can just imagine how expensive it would be for gas in the islands nowadays. I lived in Maui for about 5 years and it is definitely a great place to live. Enjoy your Prius. Regards.
Hey, congratulations on getting a great car. I'd like to ask a question if I may, what is the average annual driving distance for a car in Hawaii? If that's too tough how for do you drive in a year? Oops, another question, what is the price of a gallon of gas there now?
Before buying our Ptius I had a '92 Miata which was my daily driver. I had 193K on it when it gave up the ghost, so that was about 13K a year. Our '94 Camry has about 140K on it now. My wife drove the '94 Camry to work for about seven years and then used it for transportation to get to her volunteer work, shopping, recreation activities, etc so it has averaged about 10K a year. I now drive the Prius three times a week to work and she gets it twice a week as she has the longer commute on Wednesday and Thursday and I drive the Camry. Gas prices here on Oahu now average $4.36 but since gas on the other islands is more expensive the statewide average is $4.56 today.
Man that's a lot of road time. We retiree parents are averaging about 5000 miles per year split between two cars. Most of that is surfing with an occasional trip to town, and our kid is planning to abuse our Prius with a 1.5-mile high-school commute. So our six-month oil changes rarely have more than 3000 miles on them, yet the oil still looks & smells filthy. Probably all the water that hasn't warmed up enough to evaporate.
Yeah, when I was estimating my yearly mileage for my insurance, I was at 8K just with my commute, so I put down 10K as estimated yearly driving here on the island. Just the past few days though, I have already noticed how much more fuel efficient the car is compared to our old '03 Ford Escape.
thank you. I wondered because I thought being on a smallish island would reduce your drive distances. You and you wife do similar miles to the average mileage here. Fuel price isn't as bad as I thought it would be. There is a 30 to 40 cent per litre premium for petrol purchased in remote areas here. That is you pay a little over $6.00 a gallon for petrol in the city and a bit over $7.00 per gallon in remote country. I suspect it's the population density keeping the price down.