Animalcontrol, don't get me wrong, I hate seeing anyone suffer. And I do realize there are some people that can't avoid the bad situation they are in. The thing is, some pain now is FAR better than going along as normal with cheap oil until it is gone and then having a crash. It is those that were told oil is a limited resource and wasted it anyways that I have no sympathy for. The people you should target with your angst is the ones that refused to do anything BEFORE it came to this. Those are the ones causing the suffering.
I don't want to see American families suffer, but I think we need to recognize oil for the security issue that it is. A few weeks ago we were treated to the spectacle of our president going begging to the Saudis. These are the same people who provided 15 of the 9/11 hijackers. But of course they're our "friends" so it doesn't count so much. Yep, it's painful. But the sooner we stop sending money to nations who want to kill us, the better off we'll be, and the planet, too. This day was a long time coming. Prius owners were laughed at for most of the past decade. Who's laughing now?
it only takes one person in a society with negative or malacious intents to damage progress and prosperity for everyone and generations. someone who wishes economic hardship on a fellow countrymen is a menance to their society, and needs to be deported. call me a weenie? maybe ive just seen it before, young one.
We call that 1 person George W. Bush. Your viewpoint doesn't work in this circumstance simply because the actual intent of the person wishing for fuel prices to rise is that our people will make needed changes that in the long run will help everyone. A small suffering now instead of a large suffering if we fail to act.
you have far more than your president to blame for problems, and not all domestic. he is merly a figure head. US policy protects itself from dictators. irrelevant that point is, however. one must consider anyone suffering in a society as unacceptable.
Yep, we consider the seppos arrogant, and not just across the pond, what about north and south of you? So how do you think we feel about the krauts? We Skipps are salt of the earth. $6 gas, hmmmm yes the price reduction would be nice. We pay about $6.16 now per gallon.
Pat, I honestly enjoy your ability to logically tackle topics on this forum. But, I'm a little disappointed in your use of racial slurs (seppos and krauts) and yes, generally Aussies are the "salt of the earth".
The price of oil hasn't changed much when compared to gold. GoldMoney - GoldMoney Alert - 2 January 2008 It is all too easy for government to inflate a fiat currency. I think it will get worse before it starts getting better. People in government are talking a strong dollar, but they are bailing out the big banks and keeping the interest rate low.
Maybe your countrys head is merely a figurehead. or is that dictator by another name? Thanks to the US you have a united Germany and thanks to the US you have a Germany at all. It is unacceptable that anyone should have to suffer yes, IF they are innocent in thier circumstances. I dont feel sorry for the gambler who loses the house payment at the track and I dont feel sorry for the drug addict who is offered help many times but goes back to the streets after getting clean. Their will always be suffering- it is the way of the world we live in. No Utopias exist anymore.
Sorry you misunderstand, it is common to refer to your mates buy these "racial" nicknames here. I apologise if I caused anyone offence by using these words, I thought we were all friends and the light hearted use of these words would be accepted for what it was, just banter between friends. If it causes offence I'll edit the words out of my post. You might also note I refer to Aussies as "skips" which is a term coined by the Australian Lebanese community to describe Aussies in a derogatory light. No one takes offence to it because that is the Australian way. Ever hear of the Rats of Tobruk? You can read about the Rats Of Tobruk here. Actually I did use the wrong term for Germans, the friendlier term is "box head" or "square head".
5-6$ gas will happen, get over it...adjust your's not that big of a deal.. hopefully wages will go up across the board soon, so it wont be that hard of a pinch on common americans Some people need a car, but most dont. Most people work within 4 miles of their job in this country, this is a fact. The people who are 30+ yes they need some form of automobile, walking or riding a bicycle wont kill you..nor your kids..
Only in the same sense that lung cancer cures smoking. Problem is it's kind of rough on the patient. Some interesting "thoughts" in this thread.
That's dead right, in much the same way that when you see all the smokers around you with smoking related diseases while those who don't smoke are in the main perfectly fit you take steps, if you were stupid enough to start smoking in the first place you take steps to quit. High petrol prices work this way too, you feel you, and the people around you suffering failing financial health and rather than spiral counter-clockwise down the drain you take steps to climb out of the bowl. If the most obvious recent change that appears to have caused the spiral is rising petrol prices you might take steps to reduce your risk by reducing your consumption of petroleum, then again you might keep driving like a loony in a V8 toy truck you had to buy to tow the boat you can't afford on your daily commute with one occupant weaving through traffic at 5 to 10mph over the speed limit and go without the non essentials like food and shelter. Or you might choose to moderate your driving, downsize your vehicle, use public transport, ride a bike, walk, car pool, move closer to work, eliminate unnecessary travel or find another job closer to home. For wealthier people who can afford new tech solutions you might move to an electric vehicle, blue diesel or hybrid. For people to make these moves there needs to be a reason, rising prices provide a reason. 100 years ago people got by and were happy without cars and toy trucks.
"typical white person" Both of you need to GOI. There was nothing our friend from Australia said that was out of line. Instead we have a few oversensitive folks who want to "feel our pain". I suppose the term Limey, Cracker, and Indian-giver are also hurtful. Btw "Indian giver" pertains to the white guy who gives beads and such to the Indian (native american) for his land then takes the land and the beads. (or the land promised by treaty)
I call him Dick Cheney. GW can't tie his shoes without his handlers. He's been a figure head at best. ... Brad
A lot of gas stations do not have room on their signs for an additional digit. That's what will limit the price to under $9.99/gal. (Stop laughing)