$250 at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas, in a quarters slot machine. I was good, I walked away, and it paid for several nice dinners out the rest of the trip! It was very exciting - it was too much money for the machine to dole out so the lights went on (very exciting) and they gave me cash at the cashier's counter. Very exciting. I love Vegas.
$450 Spirit Mountain Casino, Oregon. My Problem is that I play like a sausage.....(Stay to long, then they get it back)
I don't do much gambling. I think I won $5.00 on a slot machine once. Also $5.00 on a lottery ticket. However, I won a $250.00 gift certificate to Anthony's Fish Grotto restaurant in a contest. That's not gambling, but it's the most I've ever won.
$8,900 OTB on the trifecta on the Derby about 15 or so years ago. don't think I have been to OTB since
I don't find gambling fun, but just as I was opening up this thread I got a phone call from a client who just last night won $125,000 at a casino in Palm Springs. He is in a high tax bracket and will pay near half to taxes. Sufferin would say 'what a waste', I say lucky him, he just increased the family fortune by about $80000. The glass is either half empty of half full.
the day i turned 18 i bought one lotto ticket and won $50. haven't played lotto since. the weekend after I turned 21, I went to a casino in Shreveport and, at the first table i sat at (poker), won $120 before cashing out. went to a casino one time since then (bachelor trip) and lost a lot of my friends' money.... haven't been back since.
The most I ever won was $58 at a Casino boat somewhere. That was the very first time I ever went to a Casino and probably the last time, I was not impressed... I played the nickel slot machines and won $58 bucks and then got myself out of there before I lost $58 bucks. The place was a smelly smokey mess and I felt like I smoked 50 packs of cigs, and I don't smoke, so this really bothered me. That is why I stayed away from places like this, bars, casinos, etc,, they all suck and smell
New Year's Eve a couple of years ago in Vegas, I won $140 on the penny slots!!!!! The machine rang and clanged as the numbers counted up and I thought they'd never stop. Of course, 14,000 pennies didn't come tumbling out, but it was pretty neat to see that much money printed on the ticket that was printed. It paid for a nice dinner and then some!
$57,427.60! That was my best one-day "normal guy/high risk" gain in the stock market, back in March of '00. Then people realized Bush was president, and by two days later I lost $57,381.33 (heh-heh). So I made $46.27. In CASINO gambling, I won $3,500 or so in one drunken night of increasing bets. I managed to keep that...
I bet $25,000 that the Prius was the best car on the used car market I could get for $25,000. Every few weeks I win. I win the amount I now spend on petrol every time I fill up because I have halved my consumption therefore I have halved my petrol spend. Then I think, how much is my car worth? About what I paid, which car does that? Who ever heard of a 4 year old car that doesn't depreciate? I'm going to keep winning too, for the next few years the price of petrol will just go up and up and my savings will get bigger and bigger. What a win!! But then again, when has buying a Toyota ever been a gamble?
$250 in Vegas. Slot machine. Took my winnings and cashed out. That's the last time I stepped foot inside a casino to gamble (so far).
$800 on quarter slots at Foxwoods. Black Jack is my game though. I've never lost when I was on the east coast playing at foxwoods and AC. Since, I've moved back, I've never won in L.V and west coast indian casinos.