Well, I said yes. Should be in in about 3 weeks! at least it's not that orange they have on some other cars.
I was put on this list May 3rd and they are saying end of July beginning of august so pretty much (if it actually does come ) 3 months exactly! not so much the 1- 5weeks they were saying haha I read that others were checking on the website to be sure no one was selling their car out from under them but on the Beck Toyota website when you search their new inventory(same with pre-owned) Prius is not even an option (I know it used to be way back when I was shopping end of April ) so unless I drove by it everyday (not going to happen live over 35 min away) I do not know what they are getting it !!!!!!!!!
I just got "the call." It's being unloaded at the dealership now, and we can pick it up on Saturday morning! Now, assuming no surprises, we can scratch another one off the waiting list.
Becky that's what I was saying before. If you check their website it will show inventory before it even arrives at Beck. You dont need to go there. The cars will show up for a day or two at most then be gone. At least then you know they are getting Prius' in stock. Royal does the same thing, if you look at the inventory Prius and Yaris dont even show up, but when they're expecting deliveries they WILL show up for a day or two. I'm thinking Royal gets about 6 Prius' a month. Wedge
Our dealer just emailed us: "Our Allocation log came through yesterday and your Prius is in A status. That means your Prius is on its way to teh states. It is loaded on a ship and headed to its port. Then it will get put on a transporter and go from A status to F status. I will let you know when that happens. We are probably looking at 2-3 weeks. You should have your new Prius by the end of this month!" I guess we will see if they are right!!!!
Anybody have a decoder for these status codes? I got a call today that mine was in "G status" which meant that the car was due to pull in "any day now." When I called back an hour later the car was on the lot D). So I guess F is "on the truck" and G is "clear a space in the lot"? EDOT: Foound this on a Sienna Forum: In summary, then: A = Allocation F = Freight G= on the Ground
My understanding is, the reason Toyota can't crank out Prii to meet demand is that the electric battery is produced by another company and there is a backlog. We played a waiting game when my husband ordered a Mazda MX-5 last April. It's not a car that's produced in great numbers to begin with, and he ordered a PRHT (retractable hard top), a part in short supply due to a shortage of the motor that retracts the top. He finally got it in October. Having read similar posts on the MX-5 forum, this is all sounding pretty familiar.
OH got it ...wonderful now there is something else I can obsessively check everyday I was starting to think I was getting too much work done anyway haha grad school is really getting in the way of this waiting for my prius thing !
that rather parallels what my dealer - in Kokomo - told me over the phone a few evenings ago; they're simply NOT getting any Pkg 3s of late ... they've only received ONE of those since i "officially" placed our order on the 28th of May! Pkg 2s, on the other hand; well ... they're expecting about six of those in the coming two weeks! still ... i was ALSO told - during that phone conversation - that we ARE currently #1 on their "Waiting for a Pkg 3" list. we're going to do our best and wait it out, but if it ends up being the second half of August and STILL no car - rather than the first half of July as we were originally told! - we MAY end up "compromising" ....
Well - Its been 1 month since i got on the list. I got a call from my dealer this week. She wanted to give me an update (Very Nice of her btw - i was thinking of calling anyways on the 1 month date.). Good News: I moved up a couple of dozen spots because of all the cars they got in the last month - I started in the mid 100's. Bad News: Im Roughly around #100 in line still - and she still dosent know exactly when i would get to the top of the list. Still thinking it would be an 09 for me and not an 08... Could be several more months. The Wait continues...
The waits are only getting worse. My dealer told me they have since STOPPED taking deposits for positions on the waitlist because it was wayyy tooo long.
I was able to order the Hawaii 50th Anniversary Limited edition prius couple days ago for delivery at the end of july. it's only been a few days but the wait is killing me.
travelbliss - where are you from? what location? ru checking different dealers? i feel your wait is too long.
All went well - no surprises on the trade or financing front, so an '08 Mag Grey package 2 is now in my driveway!
I actually was emailed by a dealer in Atlanta saying they had some Prius on the lot! My deposit is with another dealer who seems to be getting only the most expensive (loaded) cars and only 1 or 2 at a time. I am contemplating switching dealers (after confirming the prices). I can't imagine why I am feeling guilty about that though I do need to see if I won't lose my deposit. Sandy Springs Toyota in Atlanta seems to have some cars if you are nearby and want to check.
Still waiting in central NC for my prius. I havent heard back from the dealer on allotment so I am guessing I am not in the list :-(
Well, it looks like after four arduous days of waiting, I have been allocated a Prius. Knowing how long other folks have waited for, I am a little skeptical... but we got a phone call yesterday wishing us "Happy Fourth of July" and "Oh by the way, we got next week's allocation and the one you want is on our allocation so I'm putting you're name on it". He said it had "pretty much everything" we wanted, so I'm guessing it is one of my second through sixth choice colors, but shoot, who cares???? If it isn't the right package or interior color, I'll be passing on it though. But he's off until Monday so I can't find out details until then. We put our name on the list now hoping to have a Prius by my birthday in September since we'd heard about the waiting list issues, but if this really is ours and everything works out, it sure beats waiting. I'm still waiting for a call saying "just kidding, it'll be six months" though... The funny thing is, they had closed their waiting list the day that we got there because it was too long, but we had called the day before and so drove about two hours to come and put our names on the list (after my skeptical experience with the dealer here in Ridgecrest). They took pity on us and took our deposit and let the salesman try to find us a car. We'll see if it really works out and what the details are now... hmmm...
On a side note, for those of you waiting for just the right color, my husband checked into a local car painting company (they do those tricked out street racing cars), and they said that if we can't get the right color they can do a regular color coat for like $500 or a sparkly metalic for under $1000, or a fancy-schmancy paint job for like $1500, and that it won't void the warranty on the corrosion or anything and comes with it's own 8 year warranty. Basically his point was that it is cheaper to take a different color than put down another deposit trying to get the Seaside Pearl I want. So if someone is really desperate for a hard to get color, it might not be a bad option. I'm thinking about purple glitter now... ;-)