For those who saw the post, my Prius was destroyed almost 8 weeks ago--caught in a unpredicted high tide. Insurance totaled it, and I went to order a new one from the same dealer where it had been purchased and I was taking it for service. This was May 15. At the time, multiple people said there was a 4-6 week wait for one, but I signed and placed a deposit. I should add that I am now otherwise car-less. After three weeks, I called to keep in touch. I was told that the time frame is still the same--6-8 weeks. "Hold on, you said 4-6." The guy seemed a little flustered, but said it was 6-8 from time of order, meaning (in theory) 3-5 more weeks. Five weeks from date of order, I called back, and was told that a teamster strike would likely add a delay, maybe one or two more weeks, but I was high up on their list because they knew I was without a car. Went back today, seven weeks after the order. Spoke to a sales manager, as my salesman wasn't there. He looked up my info and said two to three more months!!! Yes: September or later. Wth???? I reiterated that I'd been told six-eight weeks (adding that it had initially been 4-6). He said I wouldn't have been told that. I insisted I was (this went back and forth several times). He said there's only a certain allocation per dealer, yada-yada-yada, and he there's nothing he can do. I said the problem was that a particular representation had been made to me--by several people--and that I relied upon that, and ordered from them rather than seek alternate sources. He basically shrugged and asked (and this is a quote): "what do you want me to do, build you one?"
Try, or another online service. Screw the dealer - he's doing that to you. Dealer loyalty ends when you sign your check to them. I was told all kinds of wait times, back in 06, registered on carsdirect, and got the my car the same day. Be flexible on color and options. They are in a model changeover now, and supplies are limited, but you might get lucky.
Just got a call from a dealer in Sylacauga, AL yesterday. He has a super white with leather, not sure of the package coming in a few days. I have already purchased one, but he was nice to keep my name and call. $2000 over MSRP Toyota of Sylacauga - Birmingham Toyota Dealer: New cars, used car dealership, auto finance, service in Birmingham Take a nice flight to Birmingham, AL and pick her up.
Called CD after not finding anything online; they said they aren't currently offering them right now due to the popularity.
man Wth...? i'm sorry to hear that but the dealers just dont care since the prius is just so high in demand.
care to fly to Florida? My dealer had a bunch of cars just today when I passed them on the way to work. david Maus Toyota in Sanford FL
By happenstance (on the way out to commiserate with friends over a beer), I found one at another local dealer--should be here in a week (promises, promises). Going to go back and get my deposit back from dealer #1. Natch, car #2 (white, which I'm not crazy about) is about $2500 over MSRP, whereas #1 was MSRP.
Have you tried an autobroker? They don't charge you a fee, and they can usually get a car for a fair price. EZ Auto Solutions in Los Angeles found a Prius for me for $1900 above MSRP. It just so happened that I had already found a car in the color that I liked better . . .
There is one unspoken for in Searcy Arkansas (Orr Toyota) that is due next week. Black package 5 and they sell for MSRP.
I agree, go somewhere else. Seems to me they are making you wait because they think you will be loyal to them. You have no reason to be loyal to them. The dealership near me where we take our 2005 for servicing was one of the worst offenders as far as charging over MSRP (we are looking for Prius #2). Worse yet, they lied to us to get us in the door. I have no reason to be loyal to them and will be buying the car elsewhere. We'll probably still take both cars there for servicing though because of the convenience. On they have a locator where you can enter in your zip code and get a list of dealerships up to 250 miles from you. Do that and get on the phone! Be sure to tell them that you are out of a car and want to buy right now - you cannot wait.
Do NOT tell the dealer that your without a car. They'll simply use your desperation against you. Get anything and everything in writing. Oh, and I recommend a refresher on any chance is it "Competition Toyota" that is giving you the hard time? I happened to be there yesterday and saw that they'd just taken delivery of ~5 new Prii. The salesman with whom I dealt at Competition is no longer there. When I asked for him the other day, the folks seemed to hem and haw before finally telling me he's "no longer with us." While the folks there have always been very helpful, I just have a gut feeling that they're not always aboveboard. That said, I found them to be more honest than Riverhead Toyota. Bill
Folks, this experience I had many years ago (ironically also with a Toyota purchase) taught me all I need to know about dealerships and the slimeballs that work in them. Back sometime around '87, I bought a nice red Toyota pickup, brand-new. I literally spent about 4 hours with this salesman between test-driving, looking at various models, and then the negotiations, etc. This was on a Tuesday. A friend of mine was impressed with the truck and he had been interested in getting one so I went with him to the dealership on Thursday so he could check things out. As I'm sitting there in the lobby, I see my salesman walking towards me and just to be friendly I told him hello. Before I could say anything else, he looked me right in the eye and said " I don't know you!" and kept on walking. Now, I don't mean to paint with a broad brush. we've run into some very nice salesmen through the years and one or two that seemed sincere, but the bottom line is when you walk into these places, all they see a big sack of money on legs coming thru the door and that's it. BTW, a buddy of mine sent me a great piece that he found on a web site a couple of years ago. It was written by a guy that went undercover and took a job as a saleman in a high-volume dealership in CA. It was a long multi-part article that really give you the dirt on the behind the scenes life of a car salesman. It was an eye-opener, I'll try to see if I can still find it somewhere.
that right there would have been a red light for me. while his statement is paritally valid, my responce would be " i want a car like you committed to me back on this date, i dont want you to be a smarta$$. get on the phone and find me a car to my liking in x days or refund my deposit and i will take all my business else where. also who is your boss and how can i reach them?"
Requested a refund of my deposit from dealer #1; I'm waiting for that to go through. Have a VIN for the car I ordered from dealer #2; should have the vehicle before the week ends. When all that's settled, I'm suing dealing #1 for the additional cost of the car from dealer #2 (original order was for MSRP; the one I'm getting from #2 is $2500 over).
Have you thought of going the eBay route. You can get a 2008 with a couple hundred miles right away. Also, many states don't charge you tax or a reduced amount since the car is used. You might want to look into that. You might also look at the for sale section on priuschat.