After only four years, I finally finished a tank at 71.2 MPG!! Pardon me while I get a little emoticon self-gratification: :high5: :clap2: eace: :rockon: :cheer2: :thumb: :heh: :flypig: :hat: :madgrin: :yo: :hail: :usa2: :caked: :shocked: :first: :lock1: :nerd: :whoo: :brushteeth: :roll: I took a picture but it's on another computer. I'll post it tomorrow. For now, you can check the chart in my signature.
Congratulations Tony! I hate you! OK, I don't hate you, I hate myself for not being able to even come close. That must have been some loonnnnnnggggg down hill cruise...
Cheater! I bet you drove up to Canada, hit the "reset" button and coasted all the way downhill into the United States didn't you? That's how that works right, Canada is north so it's uphill?? Hahaha great work Tony!
I'm working on my first one myself. I am way too early in the tank though to say its in the bag, but its holding at 70.7 MPG at 148 miles into the tank. I haven't lost a pip yet either which is also a record for me as I usually lose the first around 80 miles. Things that are different for me, I took all my pipe insulation out of my grill for the body shop to fix the damage my wife caused to my front bumper and have been too lazy to put it back in and on my previous tank I dumped in a bottle of Techron. It also really helps that the wife hasn't had a chance to drive it this week and I have had favorable weather this week upper 50's / low 60's in the mornings and upper 70's / low 80's in the evening. CONGRATS
Tony Pee !!! Welcome to the smuglyness of 70+mpg's ... I'll bet you had to pull over & have a cigarette Did you get over 700 miles range to boot ? you DID whip out your camera phone for the momentous occasion, right?
Nice to get 70 mpg.... I'm envious... I'm just hoping to get 49 mpg lifetime, sometime this year. 50 next year....
Uhm ... I got 75 mpg on my 22 mi commute home from work yesterday (heading north F8L ). If only I didn't have to turn around and come back in this morning at 60 mpg. I have logged one tank over 60 mpg thus far. If it wasn't for all the piddly trips around town and letting my wife drive the car, I'd have a few more. Congrats Tony!
Here's the pic. I took this when I arrived at work, ran in, grabbed the company's digital camera, then went to the gas station. That's why the picture says 697 but the final was just over 700. I was actually hoping for some favorable driving to get it up to 71.3 but it didn't happen.
That is very cool, I hope I can make it like you. My co-workers are sick of me talking about it already, but it puts you in a much better mood and you get even more excited to drive. I finally just dropped my first pip on the way in this morning.
What do I do? First of all, I follow my own advice: Anticipatory driving. Watch traffic in front of you, time stoplights, etc. I brake only when needed (anticipatory driving takes care of this for me). One day it occurred to me that on average I turn right at ~18mph and turn left at ~21mph. If I roll slowing down to that speed I can turn safely without using my brakes. This gives me the glide (or regen) leading up to the turn, the lack of braking, and the momentum coming out of it. Protect the Pack! I used to stealth as much as possible. The problem with that is that it drains the hybrid battery pack. I have found (as others have reported) that when the pack is above 1/2 charge you will get higher mileage when using the ICE whether maintaining 42+mph or when accelerating. So I have changed my mentality from thinking high mileage comes from stealthing to realizing that running the engine charges the pack which gives me better mileage. Stop trying. I have found that when I'm not paying attention, I get surprised with the mileage. On the other hand, near the end of a really good tank, my 5-minute segments will be surprisingly low. No matter what I try I can't get them up. The reason - I believe - is that I'm trying too hard. As John says, "just drive it." Also, I have intentional trade-offs that I realize not everyone would be willing to live with or even tolerate. I fully admit these and claim them as personal choice. There is a very straight, main thoroughfair that could take me from home to work and back (23 miles) in roughly 40 minutes. This route has two lanes in both directions. It also has dozens of stop lights, gets congested, and requires acceleration from 0 - 40 frequently. I have chosen to not travel that route. Instead, I arrive to work about an hour after I leave home. I take the slower route with lower speeds and fewer stoplights. I rarely use my air conditioning. It has to be pretty hot for me to turn it on and even then it's at the highest setting. Of course, the battery needs to be kept cool so I consider that. Mostly, I crack the windows about an inch except when at stops or creeping when I roll them all the way down for total air exchange. My grill is blocked. When temps exceed 70ºF I remove one. At 80º I remove two and at 90º+ three. When temps move between those limits night/day I adjust before getting in the car. This means that in the morning I might be putting one in and removing it in the evening. My tires are overinflated to 52/50 and diligently monitored. Mods? EV switch I know better than to use much. No ScanGauge or external monitoring equipment.
great job Tony! ya, i thought about basking in the glory of a 70 mpg tank but nixed the idea...the thought of all the work to record a 8.3 mile tank was just not worth it...
I'm glad someone like my joke. Don't feel bad. I only have 3 60+mpg tanks and I don't even have a wife!
Congratulations! WOW. I just converted that to UK MPG and it's 86.59 MPG Imperial! *Faints on the floor* Well done, mate!