NO longer an option, ALL Prius drivers WILL acknowledge my wave when passing in thier Prius. Failure to waive, make eye contact or otherwise acknowledge my sweet tricked out Prius will be severely dealt with. :boink: Rant over....that is all..............
I'd LOVE to! I used to wave at fellow Prius drivers, but no one ever waved back..... I gave up. Here in Indianapolis there aren't a ton of Prii yet (not like Cali), so you can wave at all of them and not get tennis elbow (or, I guess in this case, Prius elbow).
Need some kind of mod, something that would transmit your image waving to the MDF of another Prius. Might be the only way to get noticed.:mod:
Well I used to wave to all Prius drivers but now that it's a rule I'll not do it any more out of defiance.
I was at a nearby Dairy Queen with my son a few days ago. A white Prius with three college-age girls parked next to us and handed me a homemade flyer instructing me to wave at other Prius owners. We had a nice talk about our cars. This was the first time I've encountered anyone who was part of the "wave" mentality. :wave:
I thought I was just overly exuberant about my Prius and I was the only one waving! I've only had it three weeks but there are SO many in Olympia I finally had to fight the urge to wave because my kids were getting embarassed! Maybe the "new rule" will result in more waving in my city!
I think the wave is reserved for Jeep's, Corvettes, etc. Used to get the wave in my Subaru STI....I guess if you are that much of a prius buff, then ok...wave, I look at it more like the VW bug of this century. Just cheap transportation, I think alot of ppl who are attracted to these cars arent really into cars enough to notice other prius's, or is that pria, prii, whats the plural???? Oh well, I suppose if someone waves, I'll join the party
Motorcyclists have a wave (drop their left hand toward the ground with two fingers extended). Maybe someone who knows sign language needs to help us out here. I think Prii owners owners are unique, are people with a defined mission, who drive a completely unique car, and need a unique wave. Let's come up with one! Wha'd'ya'say?
I was going to ask how we would recognize you but then I saw this guy cruising around waving madly at every Prius he passed... whether it was parked and empty or not! Is this you in Richmond, or do all you Washington fans drive around with those helmets on? Hey... I'm a new guy.. hope I didn't break any rules with this!