Does anyone know how to turn off the seatbelt alarm in the 2008 model? Ive seen the notes about other years but I dont know if its the same for the 2008. Anyone know?
I have a 2008. I tried the seatbelt disable for the two front seats per the directions from this forum. My wife and I confirmed that it was disabled. That is, we started the car again and heard no beeps with seatbelts off with only the seatbelt idiot light on as we drove a couple blocks. However, a few days later (I think it was the next time I drove the car) the seatbelt beeps were back. I don't get it. I disabled the reverse beep and it hasn't returned. What's with the seatbelt disable?
Just took delivery on a 2008 Prius Monday, and I successfully used the procedure to kill the driver's side seatbelt beep last night. I'll keep an eye on it, and report back in a few days on whether the fix persists.
The beep "fix" never worked for models outside of North America. But we've found if you're patient, the beep stops on its own after several minutes. (Useful when I'm buzzing around the farm on little domestic chores.)
Ok, just checked, and my beep is also back. US 2008 Prius. Applied the beep off hack and confirmed the beep had been suppressed yesterday. It's back today.
Wow, that is amazing. Toyota engineers must have had nothing better to work on. Like, auto door lock or something silly like that...
There are two seatbelt beep alarm features. One you can turn off and one you can't. Every time you start the car (ready mode) a beeping alarm sounds for several seconds unless your belt is fastened. It is stopped by fastening your belt or the expiration of the several seconds. You cannot turn this alarm off; most cars I am familar with have this type alarm. The second alarm which CAN be turned off sounds continously anytime the seat belt is not buckled. The only way to not have an alarm at all is to put your belt on before going to ready.
Yes I have found that in quite a few cars I have driven with seatbelt warning alarms this works every time.
I disabled mine. Then like others have mentioned, it came back. But not in the way I remembered it. Now it beeps intermittently, not constantly. Haven't tried to disable it again though. Too lazy.
I have worn a seatbelt ever since reading a story years ago (I think it was in Reader's Digest) quoting a state trooper who worked highway accidents...he said in all his years of working traffic accidents he had never unbuckled a dead driver or passenger. (Besides, it's the law where I live.)
Oh come on people, buckle up! It is second nature to me to buckle up, and I imagine it would feel very awkward if I didn't have a seatbelt on. That being said, when it is on I don't notice it there. I have noticed that I have to wait through the beeps when I put my backpack/purse/other heavy item in the passenger seat next to me, and it thinks there is an unbuckled person there. But again, it's 15 seconds or something, nothing to kill yourself over.
I prefer not to buckle up to move the car across the street to observe New York City's alternate side of the street parking rules. But other than that or similar situations, I buckle up all the time. For me, the beep doesn't make me buckle up. It just annoys me a little.
No, of course you don't HAVE to. This is how survival of the fittest works. (Not sure what that means? Oh well.)
I am so fanatical about seat-belts I have fitted seat-belts to my 1968 Toyota Crown in all seating positions, even put inertia reel belts in the front. There is no requirement to have seat-belts in a car this old in Australia. This is the one and only modification done to the car. The roll seat-belts play in keeping intelligent drivers alive when they have a collision with an idiot who can't drive should not be under estimated. Lots of truck drivers I deal with each day thought they didn't have to wear a seatbelt but after they get a $220 fine and lose 3 of their 12 points on their licence they know they must. I call this fees based education.
WELL PUT!!! You took the words right out of my mouth. Don't wear a seatbelt; who cares. Just avoid denting my car once you've made your way thru the windshield.:brick: