Now that I'm finally getting around to reading last week's Georgia Strait (a local news and entertainment paper) I discovered this little gem. Among descriptions of what people can do while publicly nude and the varying reactions to it, there's a sidebar of upcoming events: "...International Nude Recreation Week kicks off with a mass mooning of the Amtrak passenger train at 10:30am in..." Sorry, I had to share that. The concept is just too funny to uh...keep under wraps.
Bad timing. I thought this was another of the recent pornography trolls that needed to be reported. Turns out it was just Hyo Silver...
My parents travel on Amtrak often. My dad would probably kill himself running through the train to get his camera if he saw such an event!
We are born nude. I would rather see someone nude, then see someone with a gun pointed at me, while I was nude. 'Cause when I peed myself, everyone would see it right away. How embarrassing!
I'm thinking he's hurt and jealous because you have diluted that friendship with 14 other "Friends" . . . whereas, it looks like he valued your friendship more by limiting himself to only having eight other friends. Aren't "friends" wonderful.
If that other nude person were THAT ugly, 'then' I could see you wanting to be shot to put yourself out of misery.
Last year a large group of folks rode the DC Metro in their underwear. The Metro police were told to do nothing but keep a sharp eye on them because riding in your underwear is not illegal. The event was advertised locally but I think most Metro passengers just thought they hadn't drank enough coffee that morning. At this point in time I guess I would rather see someone in their underwear than in their birthday suite on the Metro.
Would you like to sit on a train seat nude? Not me, no way. ewww! and especially if someone else was sitting on it nude before hand EEeewwwwww!!!!!
You know one thing that sucks when your nude? Cooking! especially when using grease or butter in a frying pan. Just thought you guys would like to know. LOL
I can't deal with the idea of nudist restaurants. There are so many potential hazards there. But I have heard of a place in NYC that has a nude night every week or month. What if someone near you had a really gross body? That would spoil your appetite. As it is, I can't stand it if I am in a restaurant and a man is wearing a tank top and I can see his armpit hair while I am eating. (Sorry, I just had to express that.) OK, back to work.