The 2008 navigation on the 2008 Prius is annoying beyond belief. I think because it was engineered to be studied like learning chinese they infused too many safety features to protect them from some kind of liability. Is there a way to disable it and or use the telephone and address book whle I have bluetooth on? What is more dangerous using a cell phone address book when driving or a large screen monitor in the car? My wife and I take trips together and having to stop to use this GS system is a pain in the rear.
There is no sanctioned method of defeating the safety features. However, there are some after market products and several hacks which will give you what you want. Search for "NAV override" and similar phrases. Tom
Hi try this There is a sanctioned method with the car in motion using the built in voice recognition system see the quick navigation guide in your manual set with lots of practice with the windows closed ac fan radio and cd off I have been able to achieve a 90 percent rate of understanding at least inputting numbers see the last page of the guide for a semi complete list and quick tips on speaking about in the middle of the guide The mic is located on the drivers side the mini storage compartment above your head To test it push the talk switch on the steering wheel it will reply by say a command speak clearly in a normal voice head level into the dash speak in a manner like it speaks to you say 72 degrees system will say setting temperature for 72 degrees also if you say help it will display all the commands in catagories use the arrows to view them Hope this helps Bob2780
No bob, That's not what the OP meant. The OP is looking for an over ride. To the OP ~ go to and find the appropriate lockpic device for your model year. Hook it up. Enjoy.
I didn't locate the website costaleteck but I did find: NaviGadget -- GPS Navigation Systems, GPS Tracking Devices, GPS Phones, Receivers, Reviews, and Hacks hey have an adaptor for $99.00 for the 2008 Prius Navigation system. I am a little concerned that it will void out any warranty for this system. Anyone use an adaptor? Also, does costaleteck have a cheaper adaptor?
i do not know what this post means. I think my post is pretty straight forward. It would be helpful if your response was equally understandable. respectfully, Terry
That many states still allow normal cell phone use while driving shows how much more safety conscious Toyota is compared to politicians. Maybe because politicians aren't liable. Toyota should, however, be more up front about their navigation system. The price suggests they are just there to inflate the price of the car. The small portable ones are inexpensive and actually are designed to work when the car is moving.
The reason is that Coastaltech, the company that sells the Lockpick, has a reputation for not answering calls or not shipping for months. If it's in stock, it's generally fast, but you could also be waiting for a while (and you won't be able to find out the reason for the delay). I ordered something and it arrived within a week, but I also had to wait 6 months for something else. And I got that finally because I complained on one of the Yahoo groups. The 2005 NAV override is very easy, but I had to cut a speed sensor wire (and installed a switch) for the phone. There is also a speed sensor wire for the NAV, but it's a bit more wacky.
Hi to all the above on this thread.!!!! The purpose my post above in this thread was to point to a way to a new Prius user. A little known and little used and legal way AND AT NO ADDITONAL COST OR HACKING. How to use the Nav Features while the Prius is in motion. That DEAR SWEET MOTHER TOYOTA LOCKS OUT THE KEYBOARD TO PROTECT US FROM THEMSELVES My personal feeling on the voice recognition feature on the Nav system is it's like broccoli it is not that user friendly AND IS A PAIN… BUT IS LEARNABLE EVEN WITH ITS LIMITATIONS try to use the features built into car WE PAID FOR THEM so learn how to use it. So try it if then it doesn’t WORK for you THEN you can justify the added cost and hack into the cars system by installing a Lockpick or other override device that technically voids the warranty So don’t forget to disconnect the override device before taking the Prius in for service . If your Prius is out of warranty then you can cut the speed detect feedback wire AND Make sure to cut the correct wire an also ADD a switch to re-enable when in normal mode that feedback is necessary to the accuracy of the GPS If it's signal marginal or Non existent. I am in the process of composing a post explaining how to use the voice input on the Prius to it's fullest capability. Till then bob2780
AGREE 100% I paid $2,000 for my inferior factory navigation unit. My wife has a $200 add-on that has more features and the passenger can use her navigation unit when the car is moving. The CoastalTech Lockpick 3 works great; it provides full use of all factory unit phone and navigation features while moving.
You know what would be intelligent? (And therefore unlikely that we will see manufacturers doing it!) Have an override connected to the passenger seat airbag sensor! Then, if there is someone of enough weight in the passenger seat, (implying an older person... or cargo!) the nav system can be used! Derrrr! We use the navsys most when I'm in the car WITH hubby! Otherwise he uses Google Maps on his phone, as he can see traffic on that! .. ................Also, we had the Bluetooth unit replaced TWICE within the first month of owning the car. Other than these 2 things (and the service garage at North Hollywood Toyota stealing things from it!) we ADORE this car!