I'm not pro bush nor am I liberal but most people typecast me as liberal because I drive a prius. here is a funny example: Me and the wife were loading our groceries into the rear hatch at the local Kroger and we were approached by a guy running for council in our district he just assumed we were Democrats and started in with his spiel and bush/conservative bashing and after he was done we too were done with the loading and I closed the hatch to expose my Fred Thompson '08 sticker and his face went as red as my Barcelona.
cool! yes I happens to me too. I have a Priuschat decal on the back but also need something good like "Democrats are the devil" or the like!
I think that just because you try to be more green then the average person you should not be stereotyped into being a liberal. i call it simply being smart and caring about your surroundings. For example, recycling, low emission vehicle, using less resources when possible, etc.. It seems like such a no brainer for all people to be able to agree on this topic even though tastes my dictate a larger vehicle for example.
Now that is a good and honest post. Vettes are beautiful automobiles and trucks/SUVs are the only things that get certain jobs done right -- most people won't dispute that (not even on a Prius forum). The only way a Prius beats a Vette is when the Vette driver assumes that the Prius is a turtle off the starting block. The electric assist to the combustion engine is nothing to laugh at. Vettes and Prii are awesome cars in their own unique ways. Welcome to PC and check out the electric Vette modified by an outfit in CA about a year or so back -- I think they race it...
Honestly though. On paper an electric motor will shred a ICE off the line if it has the chance. 100% torque is available at zero RPM. Instant power. The Prius' computer doesn't allow this. The Prius isn't what I'd call a slouch off the line, but it's not fast either. There's no comparison here... the Prius is a tutrle compared to a vette off the line.
i don't like to fit molds, personally. i some ways i'm a liberal but i think the true conservatives (not so much the neocons) have some good ideas. no one party has it all right. the only way a prius beats a vette is in mpg. if people could see through the tint, i'd give vette drivers a thumbs up.
Yeah, my Prius ownership has nothing to do with my political views. I bought the car because it was perfect for me. HOV exemption, great mileage, cool gadgets. I used to autocross and race, and go pretty fast on the roads. Now I keep it under 108.
Yea I had alot of reasons mpg, reliability, all the gadgets Etc. but politics never came into mind when I was buying. we had a yaris for few months till we drove the prius as a loaner one day and traded up. the yaris only had 1500 miles on it and we got the full amount applied to the Prius.
+1 on most of this, I hate molds and stereotypes and have spent too much of my life trying to get out of them.... About the Vettes...well, they're pretty cars, every automobile museum should have one. There's part of me that hopes that we figure out the technology to allow something similar for the future, but there's also a part of me that wonders at the need for that....
Okay, you non-liberal Prius owners have been duly noted. We are sending someone around to repossess your Prius. Tom
By the same token, we shouldn't stereotype everyone who drives a Prius as being "green". I have CF bulbs throughout the house ebcause they last longer and I don't have to change them much. I detest (but understand) the term "green" as applied by and to those who emphasize enviromentalism. We bought a Prius for two reasons: well, 2.5 reasons -- our Taurus was going to need serious work (.5 reason); we wanted to combat our higher and higher fuel bills; and I am interested in soalr energy as the cheapest way to get machines to work for me. If someone wants to think I'm "green", that's their position, but they are making a mistake by thinking so. (And, FCC, not taking potshots at you for your post; just was convenient to quote you.)
So erm... I'm a Liberal, Obama supporting, Late drinking, Prius Driving, Closet Environmentalist, Music teaching, guitar playing, gen X, geeky, Mac Owning Lesbian. (And proud of all of the above!) My partner is a all of the above without the music and the late... Does she count too? Does that make me a stereotype? Am I the person causing all the problem for those of you out there who just like the Prius and want to save some cash? Sorry I'll try to be less stereotypical.... I promise... Seriously though. I think we're past the point where driving a Prius gets you instant membership to the al gore appreication society. (Tounge firmly in cheeck, of course!) Of everyone I know who drives a Prius or another type of hybrid I have to say that 90% AREN'T the stereotypical image as portrayed by the media (Thank goodness!) Like some of the others posting here I hate stereotyping and putting people into boxes. Here's hoping eventually people forget the liberal stereotype. Nikki.
Stereotyping is a dangerous thing. In an office full of BMW driving type-A commercial real estate brokers, I've always been typecast as the "old hippie" (at 49). Funny thing, when its time to roll to lunch, everybody wants to ride in Marc's Prius. The reaction from my clients has been overwhelmingly positive and I've won a substantial piece of business recently due to "a committment to stand apart" from others in my industry. last September 3,500 of us gathered in Toronto to hear Al Gore talk about the state of the environment. Many scoffed, a few of us paid attention and buying the Prius is the best decision I've made since I chose my wife 27 years ago. While I don't think I'll ever get these guys to vote Democtratic or wear Birkenstocks on the weekend, more than a few are seriously looking at hybrids as an alternative to their current transportation. ...And Nikki, if you haven't heard Todd Snyder's Conservative Christian, you really owe it to yourself to give it a listen. You go, girl!