so i was driving on 77 S in West Virginia the other day and ran into a 66 year old woman with the weirdest looking thing behind her Prius - I had to ask her about it and she said it was a 'teardrop trailer'... Wth is that? was my first thought, but it turns out it is a small, light weight, camper trailer. she showed me the inside - pretty cool thinks me. now, i am dead set on getting something like it. i started my hunt and came across Little Guy - they make modern and classic teardrops so I think the modern will allow me to almost get a custom match to my car... don't worry - i'll be back to post pics...i just need to hammer down where to get one and how to get the best deal. i was watching ebay, but didn't come across any 'perfect fits' so i think i'll call them not know. that's first post and it more about a trailer than a car, sorry. but i think i'll have a deadly combination of cool on my hands VERY SOON!!! :target:
That trailer looks familiar. Wasn't it Godiva who was looking into something similar? There must be another thread or two here about it.
Holy Cow, it's a bed on wheels! Sorry, I couldn't resist. Growing up, my folks had a 35 foot travel trailer, not sure I could adapt to this. But hey, I'm not a tenter either, and loads of people enjoy tenting. It sure seems like a good match to the Prius!
I was looking for one, maybe will get one eventually. You should check out Teardrop72, hand made by an awesome guy, these are the lighest ones I've found (so better for you to pull, easier on you and the Prius), and they are beautiful. Check 'em out! :: TEARDROP TRAILERS :: emergency preparedness solutions This is one,
Yep. I have tons of bookmarks. But the weight is still an issue. I mean, the Prius isn't supposed to tow anything. So I haven't really followed up. I was looking at the little guy because it was lightest. The Little Guy Lite Rascal has a weight of 460 lbs and a tongue weight of 40 lbs. I figure that's the lightest I'm going to find for a car that's not supposed to tow anything. I don't think it will end up heavier than some of the other stuff I've seen people towing with a Curt Hitch. They also had a really nice add-on tent. Add a portapotty and you're set. I can even see setting up an outdoor shower with it own little cabaña. The only thing I've done is buy a tent as an add on with the hatch open. Very light weight and useless in the rain or wind. BTW the picture in fcc's post is a Cozy Cruiser, I believe. Weighs in at about 2,000 lbs.
I believe that's a Cozy Cruiser deluxe. And it weighs in at about 2,000 lbs. I don't think the Prius should tow something that heavy. And it costs about $14,000. But it is THE deluxe teardrop. All of the comforts of home. And yes....a teardrop is literally a bed on wheels. Usually a queensize. With a small, outdoor kitchen in the flip up back hatch. You're camping what more do you want? (I want a toilet and a shower.) There are numerous sites with numerous plans (some free and some for $) for building your own. If you can find a trailer bed, buy a trailer bed or know enough about welding to build your own trailer bed. Parts are available for purchase; vents windows, electrical, etc. But building your own usually mean more weight. The Little Guys run a bit over $5,000 for the basic stripped shell. Too rich for me right now. But....I think that's the direction to go; a trailer light enough to be towed by a motorcycle.
yeah thats too heavy...but I want one that can be painted to match my barcelona red, light, roomy and has a kitchen.
At a recent motorcycle show, we saw something even smaller and lighter... a cute little cube you tow behind a motorcycle, which flips open into a bed-in-a-tent. Really lightweight, too. Darn, wish I could remember the brand name...