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Seriously. Prius drivers what is wrong with you guys?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by ninous26, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. ninous26

    ninous26 New Member

    Jun 23, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Alright. First off I'm not here spamming or making fun of your cars, but I am here asking why a lot of Prius drivers have these weird driving patterns.

    First kind.. The A$$hole drivers.. Speeding and drive recklessly. I've been seeing this a lot lately. Come on people, your in a dam prius and it defeats the purpose of the vehicle... Why do people drive like that? Its a serious road hazzard

    Second. "I'm the only person on the road drivers". Seriously, I can take off faster with my bicycle and probably maintain a faster speed... PLEASE! There are other people on the road that don't care about gas.. Why can't you be courteous and take off normally and cruise at 40? As if 60 MPG is not enough, do you really need that extra 5 MPG? This driving style is a road hazzard too because I've seen people flip out and start honking and yelling while flying past.

    Third. the "I don't know how I even got my license drivers". Self explanitory.

    Last but not least you've got the "normal drivers"... Thank you. Seriously thank you for having the common courtesy to drive normally as every other car would.. We need more people like this.

    The reason I am here typing this is because I only see this sort of "selfish" driving in the Toyota Prius.. I never see it in the hybrid civics, accords, camry's, and other hybrids.

    Please don't take offense to this post. I am not a spammer, I don't mind the prius and I am very happy for you owners trying to go green.. More gas for me:D lol.

    privilege and jamesmadison like this.
  2. hobba

    hobba New Member

    Jun 25, 2006
    Estero, FL
    2005 Prius
    I drive my Prius like any other car I've owned. I'm secure in the knowledge that by doing so, I'm still getting better mileage then virtually any other vehicle on the road.
  3. 9G-man

    9G-man Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2005
    Atlanta, GA
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Actually, it sounds like you're describing every soccer-mom in a minivan, haudy stay-at-home tennis trophy in the suv, good -ole-boy in the f-150, Rollie flashing entraprenuer in his ultimate-driving-machine, homie in the pimped impala, red-neck teenaged mexican in a 5.0L mustang/camero, and blue-hair in a crown-vic. Too fast, too slow, too inconsiderate and too selfish........everyone on the road.

    Point is, prius drivers are just like any others.
    Deep down inside, you want a Prius.
  4. Neicy

    Neicy Member

    Apr 29, 2007
    Wakefield, MA.
    2021 Prius Prime
    Sounds to me like you're just noticing the Priuses that behave in those ways. Around here it runs the whole gammit of car types that drive differently- the key word here.

    If people choose to get upset and honk, it is their choice to react that way. Other people don't have control over our actions. We do.
  5. ninous26

    ninous26 New Member

    Jun 23, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    LOL.. No offense, but the Prius is the last car I would want.. Personal Preference.

    I've just never seen people drive the same car with so many different driving styles.

    It's either animal style driving, or selfish "I'm cheap and I want to squeeze out every mile per gallon the car can make". You don't know what its like getting stuck behind a prius at 35 mph and you really need to be somewhere. Then the next day minding your own business, a crazy nice person guy in a prius cuts you off in the off ramp then takes off from the light and starts to weave in and out of traffic. Its really weird.. I don't understand it. I just really appreciate the courteous prius guys.

    Gas sucks... I don't care if its 16 dollars a gallon, I can afford it and I love my car too much to buy something more fuel efficient.

    Thank you for reading.. I honestly hope that people will read this and wake up.
  6. donee

    donee New Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    2010 Prius
    Hi Ninous26,

    I think the point that most Prius drivers would make is that they have woke up. There is no need to get to a light before its green, and in fact its just as uncourtious to screw up the timing of people behind us. If they are going to be using their brakes, and idling, they are going to be wasting gas. Other drivers who like to red light race do not get this. Myself, well, I have driven like this for many many years in many different cars. It started as a way to get around traffic on a 2 lane road with lots of stop lights actually. Not as a way to save gas. On this road there were right turn lanes, which had no traffic, and in my state there is no law against passing on the right. So, by timing into the light, it was easy to dust of 10 or more cars sitting there. For some reason the right turn lanes continued on through the intersction for 100 yards or so. That was a special circumstance that does not exist anymore. Too much traffic, and that road is 4 lanes now.

    You apparently have some ex Jetta drivers there with Prius cars. Do not see those around here. But if your sitting at a red light, because you were lousy at timing it, well, a good Prius driver might just wiz past you ine in the right lane as the light goes green.

    The one odd thing from a non-Prius driver I do is cruise at 53 on the metropolitan interstate. It does not slow down the portion of the Interstate travel I do, as during rush hour there are places where traffic comes to a dead stop. And I just come coasting up from behind and catch up with all the traffic. The advantage is the mileage is improved from 55 mpg (at 62 mph) to 65 plus mpg (at 50 to 55 mph). The reasons for this are complicated and more than just the air drag redution. A 20 percent improvement in fuel economy on the everyday travel is really nothing to sneeze at, and its not slowing anybody behind me down any worse than prevailing road conditions. Although allot of people drive around me like it is, at least the first time. Until a few days into it, they realize I still right there with them as I leave the highway, even though my speed max was 55 mph, and theres was 75 mph (on a 55 mph limit road).
    Epiphany2000 likes this.
  7. KandyRedCoi

    KandyRedCoi S is for Super!

    Mar 28, 2008
    2008 Prius
    +1million :rockon:

    and my GF said that she would NEVER drive a prius...since i got mine, she wants to drive it to work ever chance she gets...and she drives a 2007 lexus gs350 ... hahahahahaha
  8. xsmatt81

    xsmatt81 non-AARP Member

    Mar 27, 2008
    2007 Prius
    the only person i know who speeds sometimes in prius is myself, never seen anyone else do it.

    no wonder my mpg has dropped like a rock

    im careful when i do it though, i promise.
  9. Dipena

    Dipena Senior Member

    Apr 22, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Maybe there's a bit of bias going on.

    Yesterday I was on my way home from the Cape and I was driving at the speed limit or just a couple of miles above (which means I'm driving slower than most cars, unfortunately). I conscientiously drive in the right lane when I know I am going slower than most traffic, but for awhile I was in the middle lane. Suddenly I was impeded by someone in a small SUV who was driving about 40 MPH in the middle lane--no s&&t. Well, who got honked at and flipped off by another driver? Me. Some guy came up behind me and assumed that I was the one slowing things down, even though I was in the same boat as him. I imagine he made that assumption because I was driving a Prius.
  10. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Oh how delightful. All day today I was thinking to myself, what a wonderful day I have had today, the sun is shining and the birds in the trees are singing. what a beautiful mid winter's day. I've mowed the lawns and finished cleaning the pool yesterday and now I can sit back with a cold beer and check to see what is happening on Prius Chat this afternoon. You know I really hope we get a troll in today, it is so nice having people over but trolls are so much nicer. I especially like the ones who come in saying I'm not here as a troll I just have a question, they are the best trolls.

    So I log into PC, 1/4 of that icy beer is already in my tummy and I see my one wish has come true, how wonderful. Welcome to Prius Chat Ninous26, is that your real name? It is truly a privilege to have a troll of your calibre come into PriusChat. We don't get many trolls here so when one calls around we generally all gather around the troll to feed it, like a cookie?

    Now I hope you're comfortable, you might be surprised by the people here. Lets see how many of them you can convince to sell their Prius, I would love to place a bet with you, I bet you don't get one person who owns a Prius to sell it and I also bet you don't get one person on a waiting list for a new Prius, you know the lists which are weeks long, I bet you don't encourage even one person to get their deposit back.

    OK, sit back, relax and feel free to feel like an idiot when the PriusChat crew are done with you. However it is likely you will go away thinking you won. I wonder what you will use as a gauge of success.

    You can't have a Prius, they aren't designed for trolls.

    Who forgot to close the screen door?
    lar.smith42 likes this.
  11. SpeedBump

    SpeedBump New Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    Driftwood, Texas
    2008 Prius
    Troll. Early Middle School.
  12. VT

    VT Junior Member

    May 26, 2008
    Waukesha, Wisconsin
    2008 Prius
    You seem to be a very nice person, based on how you write, but you really don't get it. Just because you can afford something (now) doesn't mean you need to have or use it. It is typical of many, although changing IMO, that place themselves first and forget that we're all in this together.
    Because you might be running late suggests your timing is off and you're going to be annoyed with any, not just Prius, cars on the road that are in your way.
    Perhaps some Prius drivers need to be better drivers regarding road rules but so do all other drivers.
    Some people need to be more responsible drivers.
  13. rhanson739

    rhanson739 is loving the new Prihicle

    Jun 8, 2008
    Eastern N.C.
    2008 Prius
    I would concur that the original poster is trolling. However, since he seems to communicate fairly effectively, why not engage? :fencing:

    Our thoughts go where our awareness goes. Ninous26 has clearly been focusing his awareness on Prii, lately. The result is that Ninous26 sees - as could be expected - a bell curve of driving habits: some Prius owners drive well; some drive slower than most; some drive faster than most; some are polite; others are aggressive. Wow! What a shocker - people are all different!

    (Never mind that one's observing of driving habits is a fairly subjective assessment, relative to one's own driving behavior.)

    If Ninous26 had been focusing his awareness on VW drivers, he'd be in a different auto forum complaining about the same thing. Same for Smart vehicles, EV1s, and certain Dodge models.

    Ninous - perhaps you need a stress-management class? I've been behind slow Cadillacs (particularly in Florida), slow Mustangs, slow Jaguars, and here in NC, slow farm tractors. Take a deep breath and wait to pass. I've also been smothered by speeders in sports cars, SUVs, and 18-wheelers. My revenge is waving kindly as I pass them and the nice policeman who stopped them. I've seen hammerhead moves by young and old, rich and poor, bicycles and autos, Good Humor trucks and hazmat haulers.

    Frankly, I think Ninous has a performative contradiction going on here: He clearly submits that 'Prius owners drive oddly,' but then goes on to suggest that some drive fast, some drive slow, some are good, some are bad... and yet every day we see those behaviors regardless of the type or size of vehicle.

    Yup. Troll.
  14. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I tend to agree with 9-Gman and Neicy. It sounds as though you see what you look for. In my case, I'm mostly annoyed by the extra-loud bass thumping in the car 50 feet away that's so loud I have to turn my radio up just to listen to it. You know the one.

    There are truly diffierent types of drivers and we all share the road. Most of us will welcome your differing opinion, one of the characteristics of PriusChat. Most of us will try to keep it clean as long as you do.

    Welcome to PriusChat.

    Speedbump and rhanson,
    When you have more than a couple-dozen posts, you can start throwing the "T" word around.
    <== Check the post count.
  15. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid

    I'm not going to talk about driving patterns because everyone drives differently and the type of car you own is no real indicator of how you will drive.

    I will, however, ask you to explore the impact of poor fuel economy on our national security, the health effects of burning fossil fuels, and the overall impact to our economy and the environment in which we really 100%. Just because you can afford to sport a vehicle with poor fuel milage doesn't mean you should. In fact, to those of us who do understand the negative impact poor fuel economy has, people who choose to drive such vehicles look either completely ignorant or VERY selfish and dare I call them America Haters? LOL

    So let me ask you this. You think it is discourteous for me to drive at the speed limit or to come to a stop slowly right? Then how should I feel about you contributing a disproportionate amount of smog into the lower atmosphere and contributing to my little girls asthma problem or lung lesions in my mother? So before you start labeling people because their actions do not fit your ideal of courtesy please try and look at the bigger picture and the less noticable details of why they may be driving for that extra 5mpg. It is certainly why I am because fuel prices are not a large factor in my driving changes.

    From the NRDC
    More info available at the EPA site.
    Britprius likes this.
  16. rsforkner

    rsforkner Member

    Apr 11, 2008
    Boynton Beach, FL, USA
    2014 Prius v wagon
    You really shouldn't be driving with your eyes closed. It's dangerous. :D

  17. orracle

    orracle Whaddaya mean "senior" member?

    May 24, 2007
    Gurnee, IL
    2013 Prius
    WHY does anyone who doesn't own one, doesn't want one, and says they don't like them come on a Priuc chat board? Other than to stir things up under the guise of "discussion"?

    If it looks like a troll, talks like a troll...
  18. NYPrius1

    NYPrius1 Active Member

    Jul 7, 2007
    Middletown, NY
    2007 Prius
    Before I had my Prius I always did the speed limit. I was always harassed etc.
    Since I have my Prius, I do the speed limit, Still get harassed.
    What about my right to drive and obey the law??
  19. morpheusx

    morpheusx Professor Chaos

    Mar 6, 2007
    Akron, OH
    2011 Prius
    Around my parts the Prius is the new Buick, Lincoln, or Cadilac for old people. My conclusion is that the person inside would be slow regardless of the vehicle they were driving.
  20. McShemp

    McShemp New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    SA, TX
    2006 Prius
    Yes ... a well spoken (written) troll.