George Carlin dead at age 71. Carlin, who had a history of heart problems, died at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica after being admitted earlier in the afternoon for chest pains, spokesman Jeff Abraham told Reuters. - Grammy-Winning Comedian, Counter-Culture Figure George Carlin Dies at 71 - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment So apropos . . . "Caution "R" Rated" [ame=]George Carlin - Life is Worth Losing[/ame] Include a favorite quote in your post if you have one . . . Wildkow p.s. For the Fox News impaired I included the original news source. . .
I loved his comparison of football and baseball--that's one of my favorite bits of his. He was a master of observational humor, and had a keen ear for language. RIP, George. Or maybe "Give 'em hell" would be more appropriate.
I loved when he did the hippie dippy weatherman. "the radar is also picking up a squardon of Russian ICBM's so I wouldn't sweat the thunderstorms" ROFLMAO!
Was it the hippy weatherman, or maybe he was doing a news anchor, when he instroduced his newscast: "Good evening, it's 6:00 in NY, 5:00 in Chicago, 3:00 in LA, and [in a funky sort of voice] in Baltimore it's 4:27." I was in college in Wash., DC & in those days, Baltimore was the butt of every other joke. (absolutely no offense meant for anyone in Balt!)
knew him personally and when he would come into my store in west la, i couldnt stop laughing even if he was being serious, which i dont think he ever was RIP GC
Carlin was the best. By far my favorite, most intelligent, witty, irreverent, life-loving comedian. He will be missed. We've lost far too many great ones in this godforsaken year. 2008 has sucked.
One of the greats! What a year. Why can't this shit happen to Paris Hilton or some other useless celebrity? I guess God loved him too much and needed some comedy up in the sky :lol:
An especially sad day, he was one of the great commentators on life. He called them as he saw them and took no garbage from anyone.
:clap2: :cheer2: :flame: :rapture: He was funny in the 70's and then just became a bitter old man. He believed in nothing and returns to that. The world is a happier and funnier place now that he is gone. Not evil, but even given all the money he made in his life, I would rather be poor than have his attitude.
Geez, Devil, remind us not to die on your watch. We've been reminiscing around the office already. The current favourite is a line from Seven Words You Can't Say on TV: "Tits isn't a bad word. Tits are a snack!"