I was going to opt for a Camry Hybrid, however after going to the dealers here in Connecticut not one of them were willing to talk pricing. All were either MSRP or MSRP plus $3,000.00. One dealer in Springfield, MA even hung up on me after telling me that he had 100 people lined up and didn"t need my business. Now, to buy a hybrid and spend 5-6K more then if you could have talked about price doesn't sound like the thing to do, beside, with the 15mpg difference from some standard cars, that buys a ton of gas. So, I'm looking at a honda Accord. I did look at the honda Civic Hybrid, but too small for me. Believe it or not, not one of the Honda dealers even talked about MSRP or above it. Jay Connecticut
I agree, it is difficult to get a Prius these days. Everywhere you go, Toyota dealerships will have an extensive list of people waiting for their turn to take delivery. Honda's are great cars and have fun shopping for your new Accord. Regards.
Waiting for one is not even the issue.... It's buying something that will take an additional 5 years or so to get a return on. Jay
Just for fun, see how much your Honda dealers are willing to talk pricing on the Honda Fit. Supply and demand is the name of the game.:car:
Hey J, is the (08) Civic hybrid below MSRP in your area, do you know ? I've unofficially been shopping for a Honda Fit & haven't found anyone who will go below full list price.
I know, but there has to be a ton of people who feel like I do and with the milages so close on some hybrids, it's hard to make the jump......
RFruth, Send me an email and I'll give you the name and number of the dealer and the guy I was dealing with. Jay
x2. It's the nature of business, my friend. Don't take it personally. Enjoy your Accord. They are fine cars.
I thought everyone supported a free market system with the accompanying rules of supply and demand? There is a short supply of a high demand item. Why would a dealer negotiate a discount below sticker on an item that he has a waiting list for? When there are people will to pay OVER MSRP you're not going to find any dealers that will sell BELOW MSRP. If you can find anyone selling for sticker....you should count your lucky stars and buy it. I'd say.....short sighted. If you needed a car, you should have started shopping months ago. If you wanted a hybrid...you should have started shopping months ago. If you *really* want a Prius and don't *need* a car immediately, then wait until there is a low demand and a higher supply. It's not like we didn't know $5.00 a gallon of gas wasn't on the horizon. You'll get no sympathy from me because you dragged your feet and now can't get the "discount" you think you're entitled to. I bought in April of 2005 and paid MSRP. I wasn't on a wait list....I drove it off the lot right after I test drove it. I even got the color I wanted (black) but not the interior (wanted gray, got ivory.) I also got the package I wanted: #1, when they were in shorter supply than Silver #6. When I buy a new Prius, I'll negotiate for the exact interior and exterior color and package I want along with a price. And if I have to wait, I'll wait as long as I need to. After all...I still have my current 2005 Prius. I started my "shopping" in November of 2004.
You don't buy a new car to get a "return". Be sure to check how long it will take to get a "return" on your Honda. And don't come back here and complain that the Honda isn't a Prius.
Are you OK? You sound a little ruffled. 3 deep breaths. Let them go, they know not what they do. Who would want the car with the highest owner satisfaction of all time anyway?
Godiva, I think your a bit off the deep end here..... I'm glad you have no issure with spending 3-6K over just to have one and like myself, you educated yourself before you drove one off the lot. The difference is that they saw you coming and I'm not a fool to spend the extra money just to drive one. I don't know about the rest of you, but when I can save 3-6K, still drive a "PZEV" car and get 10-15mpg less I believe that is the way to go! Did I forget to say it comes with a power moon roof? lol Jay
Somebody's off the deep end, but it ain't Godiva. I bought mine from Balise in Springfield in December '06. I held off until then because it was slower than six months prior and I actually did get an OK deal out of them. (Bluebook on my trade, about $1500 off MSRP on the car.) If you don't need a car right this second, wait until winter and until they have some stock on the lot. If you do need one right now, you will have to pay the price that the market will bear. Welcome to capitalism. I'm sure you will get used to it eventually.
Not really. It's day 2 (or 3?) of record breaking heat in So. Cal. I'm sitting here just sweating and looking at everything I wanted to do but have no energy because I'm just so hot and sweaty.
I paid sticker. About the same I paid for my Saturn SC2 coupe in 1996 but a lot higher quality car with more amenities. No one has gotten $3,000-$6,000 UNDER sticker on a Prius. Although plenty have paid OVER sticker. But not me. At a time when there were waiting lists and people were paying $4,000 over sticker....I got my car for MSRP and didn't wait. Plus the salesman threw in a cargo tote. I don't care for holes in my roof for the sun OR the moon. In a few years...they're for the rain. That extra 15 mpg I get will add up as gas hits $5.00 a gallon...and then $6.00..... You could save even MORE than $6,000 if you bought a GM.
You have to factor in the resale cost, as well, when getting a sense of value for your money. When I use autotrader.com to look for used Prius within 300 miles of my zip, the average price of a 2006 is $24,400, which is about what I'm paying for a new one. The average price of a 2005 is 23,000. The price starts to decline after 3 years. If this type of market holds up, you could buy a new one in 3 years with very little money out of pocket. Just a thought.
I would not buy any new car in the future except a hybrid or electrical.. But I wouldn't buy right now, because there is too much of a premium on them, and new technology is just around the corner. I sense that conventional ICE cars are already passe--at least shopping for new ones.
Can I come over and rub some ice over your forhead, maybe let the ice melt and the cold water cool your spine? maybe this doesn't belong on the open forum? :kiss: Just trying to think of ways to help. :focus: