I am going to be showing the Zhang Heng Prius-class shuttlecraft this weekend at an Eastern Pennsylvania car show. I sort of lucked out on my first attempt and won a 3rd place trophy. I am not counting on the same amount of luck this time, so major effort is going into presentation. I will get the car as clean and shiny inside an out as I can. I have lots of products, so I should be in good shape there. I also have various gimmicks, like Mylar panels to put underneath to reflect the undercar lights, the wee Prius Zhang Sui, and an easel with information. So, those of you with experience showing your low riders and Vettes and what not from the days of your extended adolescence, Do you have any suggestions for things that judges look for, little details that can make or break an entry or give one the teeny edge in competition. For example, my tires are relatively new. They will be shined up. But I notice the little mold injection fingers of rubber sticking out. Should I trim them off? I will of course be writing up my experience on my return.
Congrats.. I've placed before in my 65 Rambler.. wasn't even trying to! It's a lot of fun. 1965 AMC Rambler Classic 770 Cross Country - Indianapolis, Indiana
Great job. It's a lot of work and you deserve the reward. Now, if you can hover the car a few feet above the ground I'm sure that would assure you of getting first place.....
Just returned from yet another car show. I was a bit miffed that I came in second in my category to a frakkin' POLICE CAR ('74 New York State patrol car, with huge gumball lights on top), but suprised to receive a second trophy for Best Display. I am proud of that one, 'cause its something I have been working hard at.
Great job Doc. I still think you might need to install the hovering device to gaurantee a first place. Will you be going to HF this year?
The hovering device is best viewed at night during the rain. Turn on the anti-grav generators, and since it is dark you cannot see the wheels and it looks like the car is floating. Unfortunately illegal in some jurisdictions. Definitely going to HybridFest.
Like someone already said, "Car shows are fun". Here is a picture of one of our cars that we have been showing for a little over 30 years.
You talkin' to me or the Okie? In my case, so far (1 year) I have not used anything except carsoap (Simple Green), claybar (Mother's) once, and Mothers or Meguiar's Quick Detailer for spots. I will do a polish and protector as soon as I get time, probably using PreSonus/PerfectShine stuff.
congrats!!! ive won plenty of awards in several of my cars in different car shows all over the west coast...didnt see this post til today but if you have any questions about anything feel free to ask great job!!!