I was looking around online and stumbled onto this website. They have a list of stuff that white people (supposedly) like. Number 60 on the list is a familiar one... #60 Toyota Prius Stuff White People Like What do you all think?
I've seen that site before, and this is my impression of it: It's written by a suburban white guy who thinks it's funny to make racial stereotypes but can't really get away with making a site called "stuffblackpeoplelike dot com." I find it shallow and mildly offensive on a conceptual level, not to mention just plain inaccurate and unfunny. The part that bugs me the most about it though is not the concept or execution of the author's content, but the fact that it seems to invite and encourage guests to strengthen and display their own racial stereotypes. Also, I think the site would be more aptly named: Stuff Upper Middle Class People Like.
Right on, Ichabod :rockon:-- It's mildly funny in a 'sophomoric' sort of way. (Boy, did I ever resent that term when I was a soph.) Most of the whites I encounter utterly resent my Prius (lacking bumper stickers), my bicycle, NPR, microbreweries, any gay fiends, never heard of David Sedaris ... and would surely hate him, if they did know of him. Indeed, '80's night' is about the only thing I'd imagine these crackers enjoying -- and I surely would not. So, this book seems to be some kind of topsy-turvy inversion of reality. Whis is this author anyway :blah: ?
I tried finding a site on stuff that black people like and found something equally tasteless Stuff Educated Black People Like —. And this: Cobb: Stuff Black People Like , even if it seems a discussion (celebration) of what makes them different. I also looked for a stuff that gay people like website and found this Stuff Gay People Like | The Fortune Cookie Chronicles No lawyers were harmed in the creating of the websites, I hope. Let's see what shade of red (Barcelona red metallic, perhaps) Francis turns after seeing this...
"And bam! Free ride!" Al Sharpton would be all over it if a white guy made a site "stuff black people like", He'd call it an abomination! (yes I realize a white guy made this site)
" The safest and most accepted choice for a sticker is always one that supports a Democratic Presidential candidate (Ralph Nader is an acceptable substitute). As of February 2008, white law requires an Obama 08 bumper sticker to be placed on the back of every Prius. Though these stickers reach peak effectiveness during an election year, it is acceptable to leave this sticker on the car until the next election regardless of whether or not the candidate actually won. If it’s a disputed election like in 2000, the sticker can be left on for the life of the car. If a white person does not feel like supporting a candidate, they will likely select a bumper sticker that tells other people what to do. Some popular ones include telling people to Coexist and to stop eating meat." "f you have decided that you want to improve your status with white people by applying a bumper sticker to your car do not make the assumption that you can just use anything! Stickers that support right wing politics, guns, patriotism, war, or hunting are all unacceptable. It is also unacceptable to use a sticker with a clever slogan that does not support a left wing political cause. Any of these stickers will likely end any chance you had of befriending a white person."
The name's Francis Sawyer, but everybody calls me Psycho. Any of you guys call me Francis, and I'll kill you. ... But seriously, I think the site has a pretty low "insight" level (basically nothing more insightful than "duh"), but aside from being boring, it seems to encourage intolerance in every possible way. This comment from the "New Balance Shoes" post seems fairly typical: ... Thanks for providing a quote in support of my "Stuff Upper Middle Class People Like" theory. I think it's fair to say that bumper stickers in support of those items are more exclusively used by white people than "Obama" bumper stickers.
ound:ound:ound: Number 75 has been so well documented here on PriusChat. #75 Threatening to Move to Canada Stuff White People Like . . . yet, here they still are.
I think the last two notes are pretty funny: " Note: Canadian white people threaten to move to Europe. Note: Europeans are unable to threaten to move anywhere."