That's is very true. And the video makes that point in an excellent way. It's also the main reason why I would never even consider a Macbook Air for professional usage. Heck, you even need a specific external connector/convertor piece to hook it to a projector! And with the single USB port, you need a hub very often. And it has to be a powered one, because otherways the Superdrive external DVD wont work (tried it). In no time, you end up with a complete mess of cables, convertors, etc... Yes, but never underestimate the power of the wow factor. I have to admit, this was the main reason why I purchased it: it's something different. And, of course, for the applications it was bought for, we don't need all the extensibility at all. But I really think that the whole Macbook Air is a style excersice to prospect the way computers may evolve. The idea of the Air is that all the connectivity will ultimately be wireless. Why does every laptop need to have its own DVD player? These things could become shared resources in the network, if you need one. Apple actually has a little tool that allows you to use a DVD player from another computer in the network (Apple or PC) on your Air. So, it's a bit like an early, unfinished incarnation of a possible future mobile computer model. But it looks great, feels good, is very well built, and ideal for surfing, mailing and document editing.
That sounds right. A 'stripped down' computer on a network, with access to all the extras, makes perfect sense. You get the portability AND the peripherals. We're not quite at the stage where only the data is local and the software is rented by the hour, but that's getting closer.
Apple is getting closer. They're now touting something called to replace I think they're looking more at both applications and data being on the web and the computer is only for access. The MacAir is very good at what it was designed to do. It wasn't designed to be a heavy hitting, business computer. It is not designed to be the primary or only computer.
I hear ya. I think it may be ahead of its time, though. I think you guys are right that the DVD drive is seldom used, but for me, it's still used and I would hate being without it at this point in time in technology's evolution. At least it has a Bluetooth radio. Bluetooth devices are more expensive, but I actually prefer them to avoid having to take up a USB port and add clutter. You mean I saw on the keynote that it's replacing .mac, but from the sound of it, it's just a push system for contacts/calendar items and such that doesn't require an Exchange server. Are they doing more with it, too? I actually think it's a pretty compelling sounding service for individuals. I looked into signing up, but $80 a year is a bit pricy I think.
I think it could become more. They're just starting with the iLife stuff; mail, calendars, addresses, the sync stuff. I read through some just to make sure my address would still be and not something else. It will. But I'll also have a address. I already have a dot mac account and apparently I will be migrated to this automatically. $80 a year is pretty cheap. It also includes webspace and storage. I think the mobileme is more like the new idisk.
Talking about .mac accounts: why the #@&% does OSX so often come up with the question whether or not I already have a .mac account? It is so pushy. If M$ would be so aggressive in promoting their own online services in Windows, everybody would complain. Saas (software as a service) is not a new idea, and a lot of companies are thinking and working on this. The major problem seems to be how to make a commercially working business model out of it. Google seems to be the only company so far that had major success with it.
What are you trying to do that gives you that message? I'm running Tiger and Leopard on two Mac's, and I can count the number of times the OS has asked me that on exactly zero fingers. Besides that, I'm glad you like it. Did you get the one with the solid-state drive?
I don't remember all the times, but here are a few: It asked it for the first time when the OS was being configured (after booting the first time). It asked it when I first started Safari (that may have to do with setting a home page). It asked it when I first opened iPhoto (I think it wanted to create an online gallery). It asked it when I made a photo book in iPhoto (I don't remember why, I was simply playing around anyway). No. They did not have it in stock, and I really think that the difference in price is not justifiable.
Is it the way they may evolve, or the way they have evolved? There is simply no similar offering from another company. And regarding Windows applications. Just go ahead and pop in your XP disc. It will install and let you boot to Windows natively. No need for parallels unless you need OS X and Windows concurrently.
Let me know when the wireless cerebral cortex interface is ready. This cord out my back end is a real pain in the...
Just like the Prius, I had Macs before they were so popular. However, in each case I am thrilled because I want people to experience the same joy these things have given me. I currently use the Macbook Pro, which I bought after I sold an iMac. I love the things! I got rid of all my ipods recently and purchased an iPhone, which is already sold as I am replacing it on July 11th when they release the new 3g iPhone!!! The products may not be right for every application but are perfect for what I need. If they weren't so expensive I would definitely get a macbook air. If you need to burn, they automatically mount a drive of a shared computer on your network.
I guess that depends on what you call similar. There are certainly notebooks out there that are even more portable than the Air, and with more connectivity. No thanks. I have plenty of Windows machines hanging around for doing my serious work.
Can you name some laptops that are as thin as the air with multi-touch trackpads? Sure. Work is more serious if it is not done in a Mac!
Don't let your brand zeal blind you too much. The Air may indeed be the thinnest laptop, but that doesn't make it the most portable one. The main attraction of that lies more in the wow factor. And a multi-touch trackpad is really nothing more than a gimmick. It's cool, but it doesn't boost productivity. No, it's different: I simply don't do work on a Mac!
Yes it does indeed, especially at some "hot spots" underneath. It looks like the case itself is used for partially passive cooling. Once the fan starts, it also can get very noisy.
Same with the macbook pro. It seems to use the case as a bit of a heat-sync. I wouldn't mind as I use a cooling pad most of the time, but it gets loud if you use the GPU at all.