My car is toast but I'm alive. More pics attached I was in an accident last week. On the way home from work an oncoming car decided to turn directly into the front corner of my car. The giant marshmallow and seat belt did their job wonderfully. I'm not sure how my left leg survived with out being broken but it did. The person who hit me received a concussion. I received one broken rib and a broken sternum. As long as I don't laugh, cough, sneeze, move or breath it doesn't hurt. Good news: I'm alive and so is the other person. Bad news: My '05 Prius is dead. Good news: I was thinking about getting a new Prius. Bad news: The dreaded wait list. Good news: The wait list brings me to the time when the next generation is due out. Bad news: I need a car now. Good news: According to the doctor, "now" is a few more weeks away. Should I get on the wait list and see how that goes? Should I buy another vehicle and wait for the next generation to come out? Your input would be appreciated.
Jesus, you walked away from that??? Bloody hell!! Glad nether of you are knocked about any worse. That is a shocker!! Put your name down and let us know how long the wait will be. I know there is nothing lucky about a car crash but you should go get a lottery ticket.
ouch, glad all are almost ok..u can always replace a car but a head is not so easy to photo...if it were me i'd likely get a corolla or civic and keep my eyes open for a prius that got away..also ebay has some
Not quite a walk away, more like a roll away. I got to see the jaws-of-live in action. They started to take the roof off then they finally got the door open and cut off.
Very happy to hear that you're okay!! Your photo looks like the one of my poor 03 Corolla that led to me now having a Pri. I'd look at any and all ads, dealers, ebay etc and definitely get another Pri. In the meantime, try to find something to get you around until you can have the car you really want. Do you have any relatives that can loan you a car or share a ride with you?
what was the other car? you are awfully forgiving of the other driver. i would be a bit more annoyed and disappointed that the other driver didn't suffer a worse injury, such as decapitation!
I know this may sound silly but maybe you should write a letter to Toyota USA headquarters with pictures and complement them and thank them for making the Prius safe. Then you might want to add that you desire to replace your totaled Prius with another and would like to know if Toyota has any procedures in place where you can replace your totaled Prius without waiting on the dreaded dealer lists.
Wow. Your attitude amazes me. Very positive after a bad situation! You are now a role model for my children as I just shared your story with them. Thanks for sharing. The best of luck to you and yours.
That is a great idea. If I don't ask then the answer is definitely no. I'll let you know how it goes.
Why trade down to a Corolla. The accident wasn't your fault. Get the Prius. Since it was the other driver's fault, they can pay whatever until you get your new car.
Why trade down to a Corolla. The accident wasn't your fault. Get the Prius. Since it was the other driver's fault, they can pay whatever until you get your new car. Hope you heal fast and well. This post is spot on. Have your insurance company rent you a Prius until one can be found. They will collect from the at fault drivers insurance.
WOW! I'm glad that you, and the other driver are both okay. You can and will replace the auto .... you're health on the other hand can never be replaced. Rest, and heal now. ... Brad
OMG! WOW - that picture is amazing. I would get another Prius now, get on another waiting list now and you should have it by the time you are ready to drive again. I bet even if you showed that picture to your dealer they will be forgiving and get you one soon, considering the circumstances. Wowee.
It is really good to know how well the car is made and what a person can survive in, good idea, about the waiting list, it is so logical and compassionate that Toyota may oblige you. Good Luck.
damn. that's amazing that you didn't even break your leg. sorry for your other injuries, but wow that's just stunning. the good news is that your insurance payout should be nice with used values being so high lately. best of luck.
an italian web forum picked up your photo what pat said - buy a lottery ticket. wow, what a photo - glad you're alive and on the mend ask your insurance company if they can help you locate a replacement prius.