Someone cheer me up. I've been waiting for my Black #2 since late April, and now I'm hearing possibly.... August. I thought I'd start a thread for other depressed Prius owner wannabees who are waiting in perpetuity for their cars....
Cheer up...don't be blue I have been waiting and they tell me next week. You should probably be geting an 09? Try another dealer...that seems a bit long.
I'm about to begin my waiting list journey this coming week... I'm just settling with which dealer I'd like to deal with... <sigh> I'll probably be with ya for a while
A support group for those of us waiting, what great idea. We've only been on the list for 3 weeks and my dealer told us last week that we're in the top 10 now. We are also on the list with one other dealer.
This is a great idea! It is hard waiting. I gaze longingly at at every Prius I see. I've been waiting since May 20th for a Barcelona red #6. Is stalking a Prius a crime?
ok, now this might make some of you feel better. On May 17th we put $500 down on a pkg. 2 and gave them 2 choices of colors. The salesman told me 10 to 12 weeks. I got a call last wed. from him saying that it will be here in 2 weeks if we accept the 2nd color choice. I get a call today saying it will be here tomorrow (it's on the truck from L.A.). So, that's only @4 weeks. Hold tight, and I don't think it would hurt to call them up once in awhile (maybe once/week?) just to "check in".
You might drive down to Olympia, and check out Olympia Toyota...the last time we went by there, they had about 40 Prii in their lot.
I've been on the list for 2.5 weeks, and the salesman said when I ordered it might be 6 months. I hope he overestimated so I'll be thrilled if it comes earlier. I actually hadn't planned to get a car until fall (when my Jeep turns 12) but realized I'd better get on the list now. I almost drool every time I see a Prius on the road.
Not pulled the trigger here yet, waiting for the 2010's, can you imagine - honky-tonk sounds good bout now, I need liquor
I'm not quite ready for therapy yet since my wait will be just a tad over 2 weeks. A week ago I lucked up into my dealer having a Prius pkg 6 scheduled to arrive on 6/23 that nobody had reserved yet. I think the color, Silver Pine Mica, wasn't anyone's first or second choice because it looks pretty crappy on the website. So it had been passed over and I was able to make a deal on the spot. Now I just have to hold on til the 23rd!
From what I've been told the car's that are sitting on the dealers lots have all been spoken for. We're getting ours from the Puyallup dealer and the way our he is talking we should know more next week when they get their allocation sheets. We're in the top 10 now and with the dealers increased allotment we should have ours by the end of the month. That will mean we will have only waited one month. Bob Bridge in Renton just told me last week their wait is 5-6 months.
Good idea for post! I am waiting impatiently myself. I ordered my white touring pkg 3 on May 20th. I have already bought my carpet, bumper protector and mud flaps on line at least I have part of my new baby now! I keep telling myself that all future becomes the present then the past.
I got on the list May 15th and was told last week that my black #2 will be here June 18th-24th. When I got on the "list", I was only #2! Now the dealer says it is up to 25 people! What a difference a couple of weeks makes!
my mom and i just put down her deposit today. i'm waiting with bated breath. we weren't given an actual timeframe, just "that they're coming in sooner than expected for most people."
I'm on the list with two dealers. I'm looking at a 3-4 months wait either way. I spent my time on a recent road trip counting Prii - got up to 29 over a total of about 8 hours travel time.
I was told I would have to wait 45-60 days when I ordered on May 20th. They told me to call June 19th when they get the next allocation. All fingers and toes are crossed that it comes earlier!n Not only do I want it but I average 22mpg right now in my Volvo 940 turbo and use 36 gallons of required premium gas per week.
Hang in there people... It is worth the waitop2: I got on the list May 22nd and was told there was a 7 to 8 week wait. But I got lucky!! Someone who ordered the exact Prius I wanted could not get her co-signer for her loan, so I got the car. I LOVE IT!
[Pulls up chair to support group circle] I've officially been on a list for a week today and I fully expect to be on the list for many weeks to come. Planning to call my salesman today to just check in and see if he's heard anything about their next allocation. It'll be worth the wait - I'm sure. Congrats to those that are getting their cars this month - and here's hoping that the rest of us don't have to wait much longer.:thumb:
Add us to the list... We've been talking to several dealers here in the southeast. Like other parts of the country, the wait is long and variable. We're on wait lists at two dealerships; at one we're dealing with a longtime acquaintance, the other is a top District salesman who sold us our {gasp} Tundra a few years ago. While we're flexible in our color choices and option packages, I don't think that will help to reduce the wait time much. But only yesterday, we plunked down $200 deposit on a Blue #5 - which, now that I think of it - is our real preference. At that dealer, we can expect a VIN by first week of August with delivery in late August. That, for me, is a looonnnnnggg time to wait. :bored: I wish I had gotten started sooner.