Dream/Nightmare Interpretation help plz. I have flying dreams a lot! lane: I love flying and after a visit from airportkid a couple days ago the flying juices and dreams got going again. I gave it up about 7 years ago due to health related problems. I have had this dream/nightmare for quite some time . . . I am flying along in an aircraft and it could be anything from an ultralight to a FA-18 combat aircraft as well as my Prius or just in my body. No Helicopters because there are just too many moving parts flying around in those things! Everything is fine and I actually feel a sense of peace, joy, power and freedom. The dreams are usually very vivid, I feel stick and rudder pressures, wind if I’m outside, vibrations and sound and sometimes I actually feel as if I have conscious control of the dream. No smells though is that odd? Anyway to make a long story short power lines start appearing weird because it’s extremely hard to spot power lines from an aircraft. At first it’s just one or two and I simply fly over them, never under because that would just be stupid. But the moment I clear them more start to show up until a entire forest of them appears. I climb, turn and dodge them to the best of my ability but every time I get to them I seem to pass through to the other side but then more appear. Eventually my anxiety gets so high that I wake up! My wife says I make sounds when that happens, ok, ok she said I scream like a little girl but that was just once, I swear. But geeeez it is quite frightening! In any case a good dream is usually ruined and I wake up in a cold sweat and this happens at least once every two or so months. Any Insights? Don’t want the flying dreams to stop just the power lines if possible. LOL! Wildkow
cool dream.. the whole "no smell" thing is normal.. for me at least. I used to have flying dreams... i kinda felt it's me enjoying being me while obsticles and other things are life "getting in my way"... maybe it's all normal.. a healthy happy human flies.. otherwise screams like a little girl i have this weird dream where it's not a dream at all... when i'm about to fall asleep.. sometimes i feel like i leave my body.. only to wake up to a falling/pounding sensation where i tend to almost hit my bed from a few inches away... scares the hell out of me every time... and exes too... shakes things around... very confusing...
Maybe the dream about flying is just because you enjoy it. The power lines may be happening because you are go angry you cannot plug your Prius in. Subconsciously you feel America should have weaned itself from foreign oil years ago via electric cars so the power lines are there to remind you of that. Just kidding of course, I have no idea.
Now that's fascinating because I've had similar dreams, right down to the powerlines, and the damn things feel so real I wake up terrified. Usually I'm a passenger aboard an airliner (with the ability to see things out the windscreen, but not its pilot) and the flight begins normally but quickly gets into trouble - powerlines, trees, inability to arrest descent, whatever, and the dream ends a split second before the fatal impact as I wake up petrified. I dream these about 1 or 2 a year and unlike virtually all the rest of my dreams, which I can't remember even just waking up, these stick in the mind like thistles. I don't see them as prescient about any real disaster, however, I think they're just a manifestation of increasing age making mortality feel more certain. I recall as a teenager believing death only happened to the other guy, and that's just normal youthful optimism - we're healthy, full of life and haven't seen much of death in our face yet. But by age 50 notions of immortality or invulnerability have been trampled by the death of friends and family, encroaching health problems, etc. Dreams are where our anxieties can take the stage uninhibited, so as we get closer to that last exit I think terrifying dreams about dying become more common. That's my take on it anyway. I'm just relieved that, so far, I wake up!!!
Maybe you can modify/influence your dreams. I can't vouch for anything, but it is an interesting concept.http://www.amazon.com/dp/product/0738708879?tag=priuschatcom-20
To me the power lines represent something tangible that's holding you back from enjoying your life. At first it seems as though you have a handle on the situation by flying over them and then they become too big to ignore. This may sound rather simplistic, but are there any obstacles in your life that you are struggling with?
By any chance, do these dreams coincide with your wife forgetting to release you from the leather restraints before you fall asleep? Just make sure she unties you next time you two are finished with your role play. I bet your nightmares will cease.
I do that as I'm going to asleep. My wife calls it 'falling off my bicycle.' I have lucid dreams, too, but not all the time. As I'm being chased by the bad guys and reach the edge of the cliff, I think "Hey, this is a dream. I can do whatever I want." Suddenly I'm wearing rocket boots and making my escape. No, I'm not asking you to read too much in to this.
Democrats? The Muffin Deficit! :mmph: No PHEV! No EV! Life is an obstacle. Shall I continue? Leather is for wimps!:whip:
No insights, but two things to think about: 1) Try and remember ALL your dreams when you awake. You may get insights from those other dreams. If you work at it, you will find quite a lot goes on inside every night. Curiosity will soon be the focus of your dreams. 2) Record what you experience. There are variations in each dream, but a consistent plot. Figure out the variations.
I think that we sometimes have dreams about our biggest fears. I know I do that and maybe that is one of your biggest fears; flying into a sea of telephone lines.
I have this weird recurring dream/nightmare too where I'm on my way to the church to get married but something always detours/delays me and when I finally arrive at the church, the groom's gone and I've missed the party and never do I get to see the grooms face. Used to have the flying dream when I was a child, only I wasn't in an airplane. According to my Dream Dictionary, airplanes represent risktaking, braving a new work area or relationship. A crashed or threatened plane can mean anxiety bringing down our ambition or adventurousness, a loss of self confidence or mental equilibrium. Hope that helps!
Fascinating topic. Sorry I can't help you on interpretation, but share some similar dreams. I'm a pilot too (ASEL, AMEL, Commercial, Instrument) and have occassional flying dreams. Mine start on Earth and sometimes leave and proceed at warp speed to nearby galaxies to check out other planets. The whole time I dream in color, but don't recall any other sensation than sight. Then I return to Earth (what a view!) before awakening. I don't feel fearful, more like wonderous and look forward to the next similar dream. Years ago I took a seminar in using dreams as a problem solving tool. It involves several steps over a period of months to develop the "skill", but it works to this day. If I have a pressing unsolved problem, I "suggest" the question before going to sleep. I keep a notepad and pilots pen (a red light on the end to illuminate the paper) and during the night awaken and write whatever was revealed. The next morning I look at the pad and read the notes. For some reason, the writing is nothing like mine, but clearly legible. Often, the solution is contained in one of the many notes, but sometimes it's gibberish so I'll try the following night. It might take a few nights, but almost always a lateral thinking solution presents itself. How it works is beyond me, but I've used this method to solve complex problems in a way I couldn't fathom in a waking state.