I think it is funny how I react with a new car and even the slightest perceived issue I make out of things. Well I finally got my plates and went to install the front bumper kit. I put it on, taking my time, thinking I had everything so perfectly level using the dimples. I did not have a drill to work with and since there was no directions on how to do it best I simply used the screws that came with it. After installing it I stepped back and noticed the most minor, minor, of angling. One can only notice it if you break out a ruler and compare the distance from the top to the plate mounting kit. Am I the only goof ball who could not mount that thing perfectly level? Am I the only one who gets too upset about such little things that 99.9% of people would never even notice? I just thought it was funny that I worried/got upset over a 2-3 degree difference in height of one side of the plate and was wondering if anyone else had a story like that to share with a new car! That is what I get for not having a level, a drill, and more patience! Sigh. Sometimes new cars are stressful when you try to be a perfectionist. I miss my old rust buckets that I could destroy in an evening and not sweat it one bit.
Oh Lord, you are just like my wife. She can detect the slightest bit off level in anything. I remodeled our kitchen and it almost led to divorce. I found that if she was not around when I was actually doing the work she didn't worry about things so much but if she was watching me do it, she would nitpick over an 8th of an inch drop in a chair railing over a 35 foot span. I finally just didn't do any work while she was home. It took longer that way, but we were able to stay married.
So...using a file or a larger drill bit, enlarge the holes in the plastic bracket, giving you a little extra room to tweak.
good idea and this is the exact reason this place is so useful! why didn't i think of that! thank you.
uhm... if you use a level.. make sure the ground you're on is level first! then make sure any horizontal line on the car you're looking at (in comparison to the plate bracket) is also level.. THEN see if the top of the plate bracket is level
They say if you strike your thumb while hammering, it helps to punch the nearest wall with your other hand, the new pain will equal, and cancel out, the first pain... I'm thinking if you were to remove the license plate only, then reinstall it upside down... Kidding aside, you are not alone, I'm the same way.