Hello All, Well our nice weather in the 80s a couple weeks ago turned into 33 degrees and snowing hard. The high today was 45 but that must have been really early in the morning since it was in the 30s when I went to work. I was amazed at how much my mileage dropped. Down to 45mpg from 52mpg. I found that if I slowed to 50mph from 60 mph the mileage came back but I guess I will need to get the block heater and grill block installed next fall. Supposed to be back up to 75 for the weekend!! G
Ummm...I'm not liking you right now I'll trade you some low dew points and relative humidity for some heat from here that will increase your effeciency...whaddaya say?
LOL. You guys are funny. I am up by Glacier park. Northwest part of Montana. Tideland we are at about 3000 feet. I know I will miss it this summer when we are 95 but we are kind of tired of the cold wet weather at this point. I wish we could trade G
And I thought it was cold here. Have you ever noticed how the same people who say "It's too cold" all winter are the same ones complaining of the heat all summer?
Exactly! Anyone living in a cold climate they knows that the cold days make the warm ones seem so much better. G
My winter wardrobe had been put away for the season. Sorry to hear that you are still getting snow this time of the year. I hope you warm up in your region soon. Drive safe.
Well that cold core low that gave you the record low maximums is the one that's in Montana right now and will continue to move into the Dakotas later this week. ahh ok that sounds about right. We were looking at a 1,000m snow level.
Hi graybar ~ yes we left Kalispell just a couple days prior to the snow hitting. Bad thing is that the Flathead river is getting up there near flood stage. A lot of homes have been built in the flood plain since the last 50 year flood (mid 60's i believe). Hope & pray that we don't get a couple inches of rain in an hour, or all that snow will be washing down.