Ou six-day-old newborn seems to quit down better in our Prius than our other car. She especially likes 43 and 70 MPH for some reason. I think it is her dual nature -- one side likes to conserve fuel and the other side just likes the speed!
Thw whole family rode in the Prius anytime we could. I can actually fit the car seat and two booster seats in the back but the baby seat blocks the portable DVD player hung between the headrests -- I might have to get a roof-mounted screen or invest in headrest screens. 70 MPH is common for us on I-95. 43 MPH was an experiment because she would get quiter as I accelerated and I started looking to find the speed she seemed to like (because we weren't in a hurry to get anywhere).
Thanks, ZenMachine. I'll have to check if the screen clears the baby seat, but it looks like it just might do that.
Congrats on your new member! Wouldn't it be nice if she grew up saying, "You mean some cars only had gasoline?" the way my kids said, "Your TV didn't have any colors when you were a kid?"
Congratulations! I found out last night that the hatchback rear deck area is great for changing diapers. Perfectly flat and just the right height. In the last car, we had to change diapers on the unflat car seat. Enjoy your baby.
I like that mount. I didn't see that when I bought mine 2 weeks ago. I ended up buying one of these online, fits great in the Prius but I like how yours mounts to both headrests:
Congrats! We just had our second a month ago. We were really surprised how much better the car seats and other baby paraphernalia fits into our Prius than our Subaru Imprezza Wagon. We're seriously thinking about a second Prius, but looks like that will have to wait for a while. Rob
Thanks, everyone! I had seen at least one thread where the poster fit two boosters and a carseat in the back. I tried it and it is tight, but it definitely works. My wife and I were both pleasantly surprised when all of our baby gear fit in the back (stroller, extra booster seat, bags, entertainment stuff for kids, etc.). What a great car!
Congrats on the baby and I'm glad she likes the Prius. My friends' new baby doesn't like mine at all, especially at traffic lights....no rattling!