You download them from Toyota's web site. You have to pay a fee for the service, so many people get the one day pass on Friday, which lets them download all weekend. Tom
They're free to download from Toyota Owners Online | Official Toyota Owners Website I think that as long as you have a valid VIN, you can register as a toyota owner there.
I couldn't find the owners manual on pdf there. They tell you to order from your local dealer. The owners manual is $15.95. I have the 2004 manual on pdf, PM me with your email addy if you are interested.
Does anyone have an '08 that I could peak at? It would be nice to be able to do an electronic search of the manual. ThanX! ... Brad
I registered and they do have an online searchable owner's manual. I couldn't see a place to download the whole thing, but if you do a search it will return several PDF files as results. I tried to search using a wildcard to get the whole thing, but it won't accept anything less than 3 characters.