I really wanted to have SIRIUS in my auto and thought it would be nice to have Bluetooth tech in my vehicle so thought that the package 3 was the way to go. I have been waiting on a list for a while and am getting anxious! Can I make additions to a package 2 at a later time or do I need to have factory installed stuff that only comes in a package 3 or higher? Any input would be appreciated as I have to get back to the dealership with a decision ASAP. Thanks!
I'm not that tech savvy but am fairly certain you can have all of that added after-market (I think you can do *anything* after-market if you're so inclined, actually). I don't know enough about the Bluetooth option to know how it would function differently if added later (if it's different at all) - but I've seen some posts on this forum about folks who've added nav systems later that included Bluetooth capability. If those are the only two things from pkg #3 you want, and you like everything else about the car you're being offered, I'd take it. (In fact, I bet it will be cheaper to add these two things yourself than to have them factory-installed anyway...)
Parrot Bluetooth add on for my Package 2 $200, I think you can aftermarket add Sat radio for $200-$300.
. You can make your additions aftermarket, and depending on the installer it's usually cheaper than the dealership. Just carefully research both ways to find your best benefit(including your warranty concerns with non Toyota installs/mods). Don't be timid with aftermarket. It's so common now a days. I do all mine DIY - the cheapest way! . GL .
. You may want to consider too, with the difference between OEM and aftermarket, some features may use different style. The Prii package w/ bluetooth uses buttons on your steering wheel where as aftermarket bluetooth won't integrate w/ your steering wheel (afaik). .
Somebody already mentioned, you can save money on after-market add-ons, but ask yourself, will they connect and be compatible with buttons on the steering wheel. OEM costs more but might bring more when you come to trade-in
I wonder if the #2 package is worth it also. I have not heard the stock audio, which #2 pack has.I rented an 08 with JBL audio, and once turned up high cruising down the road, I thought the audio was sounding pretty darn good.Question, for the stock audio, can you get it to sound fairly clear and 'present' when cruising the highway, or does it pretty much distort and die out/ fade into the inherent road noise at highway speeds?
Cycledrum, Stock radio sucks nice person. I am hopeful though that for the most part people have good luck updating their speakers. I think there are some cheap kenwoods 1361S that fit the prius without needing any mods so I might go that route. I hate to replace the deck because I would lose some of the steering wheel controls without having more mods replace them.
we were going to get a package 2 at first and things just worked out that we took a 3 and truthfully am glad we did. we wont use the NAV system, but the bluetooth and the JBL sound system kicks butt.
just picked up my 2008 prisus...i love it and i knew i would.. the dealers said they are now going to start asking aboue sticker price, others areas are doing it and they are now going to follow...we ordered a package 4 but there was a mistake and a 2 came it..we took it anyway since the wait now it 8 nmonths for one. (thats what he said) cant wait to go out and drive today and leave my expediton home..
Thanks for the heads up both of you. I'll wait for the package #4. I'd regret missing out on JBL / bluetooth. Looks like we don't get #3 here in CA. I could do without the #5, NAV, like to use $800 for something else.