The rules are such: A person posts a photo of some item on the Prius, usually a not noticed item. He/She gets to ask "Where is the item? and "What is its' purpose". The poster can say anything they want with the post, true or untrue. It's up to the readers on this forum to make a CHUMP out of the poster. You (the reader) must figure out BOTH questions within a time limit of 72 hours from the date/timestamp of the original post. Entries beyond 72 hours do not count. If the poster stumps the guessers, the poster then proves that all the guessers are CHUMPS! If a guesser posts both the "Where" and "What" answers in ONE post, then the poster is certainly the CHUMP! First one to figure both questions out and post his/her single answer gets to post his/her own photo. If the photo is not posted within 24 hours of his/her answer, it defaults that anyone can post the next photo with a guess time of 72 hours. Please only have one photo going at a time. With a bit of patience this game is a hairpuller. I'll start the game off: "Where is this item" and "What is its purpose"? A hint: It's some type of thumb lever. Remember only have one photo going at a time. ZC1
Where: Passenger-side hood support arm It's purpose: In the event of an accident, this hook (as well as its twin on the driver's side) will prevent the rear edge of the hood from slicing into the passenger compartment
Woo hoo!! I ask that Bob Wilson, Doug Schaefer, Jason Smith, Jeff Denenberg, Hobbit, and any other Yahoo PTS members refrain from responding to this one. In the attached photo, my question is what is the location and purpose of the two studs and nuts whose tops you can see. Hint #1: This can be found in the rear half of the Prius. Hint #2: This photo was taken of my 2001; however 2G has a similar set-up. Hint #3: The tightening torque of the nuts is 59 ft.-lb for 2G; probably the same for Classic. Hint #4: The handling and road "feel" of Prius partially depends upon this. Hint #5: The photo is a birdseye view; in other words the camera is looking down at the two large studs and nuts. Hint #6: Did you ever play the children's game Hide and Go Seek? If you are sitting on the left seat in the back row, I would say you are very warm.
are those the headlight adjuster screws? (and if that's the right answer, no, DH is not here. he's stuck on the side of the road thanks to our non-toyota POS. and that's another story.)
Edited post #8, there are now six truthful hints. I can't think of any more hints without just telling you what this is. ZC1: You started this mess, what is your guess??
Dang! If I'd checked this an hour earlier I could have beaten patsparks to the answer! I would have said rear McPherson strut upper mount, but it's the same thing. Just aft of the rear seatback, looking down through the convenient holes left in the traction battery brackets so you can undo the strut nuts with a socket and extension and not have to move the battery. -Chap
Congratulations, we have a winner! However, I am not sure whether Pat in Australia or Chap in Indiana won. Referring to ZC1's rules: I do not know whether the above means that each respondent can only post one answer per photo. Pat previously posted a guess about the steering column, which was an incorrect answer. I'll leave it to ZC1 to decide whether Pat or Chap won this round... In any event, I am looking forward to seeing the next photo!!