I've got a screen display that's going crazy. Several people have started threads/discussions about what the problems are and they've been very helpful. My Prius has the standard 3 year/3K miles warranty, and I am under the mileage, but over 3 years (as of March). I'll have to pay for the replacement out of pocket. Has anyone had this done? More importantly, has anyone out of warranty had it done, and how much did it cost them? Heeeelp!
An '04 under 36k...wow. I've had it done, but was under warranty. Others have had it done out of warranty. You have a couple options to work through. Call Toyota, plea your case that you're under 36k miles and that this is not a wear item and it's known to be a faulty part and that you're aware of many other cases from your reading here on Priuschat and elsewhere. Some folks have been successful in getting Toyota to pay the entire cost of a refurb replacement. Others had them cover the part but not the labor. Others failed to get them to pay anything. I think it depends upon how you approach it and how persistant you are. Otherwise you can pay for a refurb replacement...it'll run you around $450. Do not let them jack you around for the 'new' replacement at $3k. Check the stickies for info on the refurbs.
Yeah, and we bought it used! What are the odds? Refurbished definitely sounds the way to go! Wow, thanks for the speedy reply! Couple of questions then: 1. Will the refurb part have any warranty (even 1 year) on it? 2. What do you mean by "check the stickies"? Just make sure it's actually refurbished and not just "used"? Thanks for any and all help! I freakin' LOVE this website!
these things are now showing up in wreckers and most offer a warranty. These guy's know what the new ones cost so tell them 450 will get you a guaranteed refurb'd unit and offer $350 for their used one. Just make sure you get one from a 2k5 for an earlier one and 2k6 and above for the non analog MFD's. They are super easy to change out anymore than an hour labour is way out of line.
Toyota has a TSB on 04 Prius and Land Cruisers for this issue. Beg and plead with the service manager for assistance and if needed ask for the factory rep. Quite often they will step up and at least pay for the part if you ask politely. BTW ANY part bought (or replaced by warranty) from Toyota has a 1 year unlimited miles warranty. (Or the remainder of your factory warranty whichever is longer) And if the dealer does the work, Labor is also covered so save your receipts!!
If you wind up having to buy another one outside the refurb plan you should be able to keep the failed one -- please do if you can, I'd love to have a look at it. December will be here before you know it. But try for the refurb anyways to save the bux.. . _H*
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(The Bransons @ Aug 6 2007, 11:14 AM) [snapback]491280[/snapback]</div> I have had this replaced 2 times, ( same symptoms as the TSB warnings ) :huh: one replacement was bad and the second one is working good, Replaced out of warrantee and the cost was 550 + 100 installation. If you can find one it is very easy to install not worth $100. It takes about 15min. I also installed a dice ipod integration devise at the same time and recomend it if you like music ( way better than the cassette adapter).java script:emoticon(':huh:',%20'smid_8')
Hey Hobbit.... Every so often I slap a new MFD in for just this reason.... Next one I get, I will sneak out the backdoor for you.... B)
That would be beaucoups appreciated, but don't get yourself in trouble for it! PM if/when it happens, though.. . _H*
Hobbit diagnosed the multifunction display problem and repaired one: http://techno-fandom.org/~hobbit/cars/mfd/ Bob Wilson
A while back my touch control on display went out. Local dealer replaced it with a refurbished unit for about $525. Bud
I have an '04 Prius, Package 9- took possession Feb '04; only c 8900 miles on it - and the whole screen system just went out..had to have it replaced,, past the three year warranty, but luckily the repair place went to bat for me and only charged labor. where can I read about this TSB? Is this common? I am also having an issue with my headlights being too high? or too bright? (people blink at me while approaching at night) and they wanted $600 for a new sensor..is this the only way to repair it? I am averaging 34 MPG (yes, I do use the heat, the a/c and the radio and I drive in the city of Chicago, where it is impossible to go more than 2 blocks w/o stopping) so I am not very happy right now....
For your display issue, here is an extensive discussion of MFD failures on the 2004s and early 2005s. It is in the midst of that thread that Hobbit reports the fix that Bob Wilson mentions above. For your headlight issue, I occasionally have folks flash their highbeams at me too. Proper alignment has been verified as part of the annual state safety inspection, so I'm not worried about it. I just briefly flash back. I don't see how they could be too bright, and I have no idea what kind of sensor you're referring to. I suggest you create a new thread to specifically ask your headlight question. Those with the interest and ability to answer may not see your question sandwiched between other unrelated questions in a thread about the display. For fuel economy, there are countless threads that address the issue. Here's a good starting point. From there, the forum's search function will give you plenty to study. Good luck, and welcome to PriusChat!