I live in the Midwest. My 2006 just turned 30K mi. Most of the time in my town I get about 43 MPG. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. I travel to South Carolina a lot, spending about a month at a time. When I am there (like right now), my mileage improves to at least 50 MPG -- and often MUCH more. In the past three days, I drove over 300 miles on Hwy 17. Air conditioner on, speeding, tromping the pedal hitting 90 on long, desolate straightaways. 53.7 MPG. If I turn off the air conditioning and drive very conservatively, sometimes I can to get 60+ average. Curiously, my driving in the Midwest consists mainly of driving in city traffic and averaging about miles a day. Unlike my driving down south -- which borders on irresponsible -- when I am at home in the Midwest I am very conservative and deliberate in my driving. Can you explain to me what is going on? Thanks!
Outside temp, tire pressure, road condition, wind, et all...can all play a roll in gas mileage. Very unlikely, in my opinion, unless a controlled environment, will be the same on a regular basis.
I suscept that a hilly terrain has a lot to do with it. I live in NH 1260 feet ASl and travel 60 miles to work which is only about 200 feet ASL. I do find that I do a LOT of coasting down hills. You would think that going up hill would even it out but coasting I get >99.9MPH. The ride is not ALL downhill to work and ALL uphill home I do get small hills each way so even going home I do coast quite a bit. That said Im getting about 53MPH. Move to a hill!
Other then the what the OP said, I find that the Prius doesn't necessarily like to be driven too conservatively. It likes to be driven normally without being too aggressive. It also may be that your trips are significantly longer down south then they are at home. The mileage goes way up after the vehicle warms up after about the first 5 to 10 minutes of a drive.
gas in the city is differant then the country. kansas city gas i get 48 avg.....country area's its around 60+ i think its the add's they put in the gas
I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but if you mean you don't drive much, that could also be part of the problem. The Prius is least fuel efficient during the first 5-10 minutes when warming up.
Could it be that you have not only reformulated "city" gas, but also live in an area of the Midwest where E10 is commonly found? (E10 is gasoline consisting of 10% ethanol.) I have these limitations, and I find a noticeable difference (an improvement in MPGs) when I head to areas where ethanol is not a common additive and where reformulation is not required.
I'll second that. Last week I was in a rush to get to a doctor's office before they closed. Forget the MPG, just get there. I reverted back to my old habits. Darned if I didn't get better MPG overall, than when I tried too hard to improve the MPG. Since then I have joined the "Just Drive It" club. Bob
At home: colder weather, reformulated gas, short trips, city driving. Down south: warmer weather, better gas (maybe), long trips on open roads. Everything at home leads to lower mileage, while all the factors down south are more favorable. It's not hard to see why. Tom