Well maybe she isn't my Kitty but for alot of us she's the end of an era. Kitty is due to be decommissioned in 2009. Bye, Bye Kitty!
For a very brief time I had a kitty named Pluto. He "found" my mom one day (just came up to her as a kitten, sat down at her feet and said "Meow"). I adopted (and named) him but he really didn't take so well to life as an indoor cat. He went back to my mom's house but slowly started staying out for longer and longer periods of time. Finally one day he just never came home. We think (hope) he ran off with a foxy grey cat who started hanging around the area and hasn't been seen since. Anywho, here are some shots of Pluto when we were at my old apartment:
GrayM, my current cat - a larger picture of my avatar: Trixter, her sister from the same litter (now deceased): Bruno, a cat whom I got to replace Trixter, also now deceased:
Great minds think alike .... Anyhoo, the huge black/white cat is BooBoo and he's 8. I picked him up from a shelter when he was 7 months, was terribly abused as a kitten. The little orange one is Doc, found him last March as a lost/abandoned kitten near Health Sciences Centre while taking my dad to a doctor appointment. The two are pals and get along very well
booboo is giving you that "put that damned flashing thing away or you get hand reconstruction surgery" look. :lol:
Just took my prius and family to Pigeon Forge Tenn. stayed at the National Resort Lodge. Seen the prettiest big momma cat out behind the hotel. Then while watching her we noticed that she had four kittens, we asked at the front desk and they told us that she was a stray and has kittens there each year and we could have them if we wanted. We went to wal-mart and got a pet taxi and brought two of them back to Ky with us in the back of my Prius..Here is the problem they are buck wild we like to never caught them, momma cat about eat us up!!! I have managed to pet them some but they growl and try and bite us any suggestions on how to tame them??Also anyone know what kind of cats they are? The moma cat looked like a tiger in the face had long hair and was a big cat...Sorry I did not get a pic of her left my camera at the house..
Patience, patience, patience. Initially get them used to petting while they are eating the food YOU give them. Once they accept your attentions, things should progress smoothly.:hungry:
Isn't my little kitty cat, fresh from a bath, so cute? Reminds me of someone, just can't think of the name. ZC1
Sigh, boys will be boys, I guess. THOSE kind of pictures are strictly on a "need to know basis." Any fires, near you, Dr. D? ---uh, "knowing you" guess I should rephrase that to "are any of the Watsonville wildfires causing you any undue concern." Gosh, I need to go to bed. Have to be up at 4 am again....