Hello Prius Folks, As the proud owner of a 2006 Barcelona Red Prius, I'm just wondering is it just me or are there very few Priuses out there that have the "Touring" package ?? I have yet to spot one! Is there any visible emblem anywhere?? I know the wheel are not the same ,but did Toyota play the "stealth game" and only put a dash emblem in them?? Seems odd--- why not advertise that it's a special version by adding some eye catching graphic or emblem?? The Avalons have them on the trunk lid....so what's the story?? Anybody ??? Thanks, stevefsh
Steve, There's no Touring badge. On the stock Touring model, the most noticeable difference are the nice looking, 16 inch, 7 spoke wheels. The Touring's spoiler is also bigger. But most people would never notice that. The Touring is pretty rare. I hear that it's about 5% of the Priuses sold here.
I've got a 2008 Pkg 6 Touring Edition in Spectra Blue, and I've only seen one other Touring Edition in the past 6 months. And yeah, from it's outward appearance, the differences are pretty subtle.
I just picked up my magnetic grey touring package #6 today. Literally today. The dealership said they rarely get them. So much so that my salesman mixed it up with a regular prius and gave me the wrong VIN. Imagine I thought they dragged me down to the dealership only for me to find out they did not properly order the car I wanted. The differences are very subtle. Look for the wider tired and slightly longer spoiler as others mentioned. Only god/allah/whatever knows why they give you these plastic covers for the rim (aerodynamics ;-) ) that are just plain ugly. I told the dealership not to put them on and the car looks great! So yes, i went all out with this car and i am hoping the touring model results in a more enjoyable experience, better handling, and whatever other benefits they might come from it.
Not even available in PA, from what I can gather. toyota.com never gives me the option to price one after I give it my zip code.
You know, I was wondering about the Touring thing... I have an 06 and I'm guessing that Touring wasn't an option then. I have package 6.
Now I"m even more confused as I looked under the rear of the car and the shocks have the strips on them.. but the wheels are definately 15".. any help folks?
The Prius Touring model has fog lights, the non-Touring model does not. Here in Charleston, SC it's about a 50/50 split difference in the Prius models I see being driven around.
. When I got my Touring (#6 Spectra Blue), the dealer said, "I've never seen one of these..." This was at KY's largest Toyota lot. But then again, guys here drive HUGE dual axle trucks with those bull balls hanging from the hitch, so were about 5 years behind the rest of the world. :mullet: Maybe that's why. *grin .
No, they come standard with HID headlights, packages 4 and above. As far as I can tell they are just decorative--my HID lights are very strong and overpower the fog lights. Worthless.
Well the Touring definitely didn't come out until the 2007 model year. But I don't know what to say about your red and white strips/labels on the rear shocks. It was thought that the red and white strips/lables was how Toyota distinguished the Touring rear shocks. Maybe you got what amounts to the Touring rear shocks. You got me curious. I'm going to check out my own Standard Prius rear shocks tomorrow.
Here in TX there also seems to be about a 50/50 split between Touring and Standard models, but my dealership said the standard model was the most popular. As far as how to tell the difference, I've seen a Prius with a Touring badge. I know someone mentioned Tourings not having anything like that so I don't know if it was some aftermarket thing for some reason or if it's just a new thing for the 08s or what. But since I seriously started looking at the Prius and have since ordered my own I've been trying to spot the physical differences between the two versions. And unless it's got the badge I really can't tell when comparing the two (with the exception of the different rims)
I agree with you, the HID are very bight. I haven't been able to test the fog lights in actual fog yet, but I would like to replace the fog lights with some silverstars, I would like the blue headlights to match the fog lights. Has anyone changed the fog lights?
Correction: The Touring Prius' rear strut stripes are PINK & RED. The Standard Prius' rear strut stripes are [LIGHT] BLUE & RED. Here's a photo of my Standard Prius' rear strut with the light blue & red stripes: [IMGLINK]http://priuschat.com/forums/attachments/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/9570d1212274702-consumer-reports-drives-touring-edition-084.jpg[/IMGLINK]